• Stylish

    La La La La Latex





    I was all over the place yesterday. First off on a completely different side note, Daniel Voyager has started a NEW Group to help New Residents when they join Second Life. The Group is called Resident Greeters, so if you have interest in helping in this way, then please contact him to be added to the group. I have often gone to Help Islands over the years and tried to help out, but it is definitely exciting to be part of a group of like minded Residents that want to help New Residents adapt to Second Life and help them understand that what they have joined is something amazing.

    Then after I got all that sorted out after logging in and finding the group invite way down the bottom of my popup things – has anyone else noticed that group invites are never at the top they seem to randomly slot in there, so if you do think you didn’t get it, and yet have 47 notices archived, check all of them, you may find it is there just hiding. Whimsy and did some more work on our latest collaboration build, we are excited to be part of the upcoming Crush on You Juicy event at the Malt Sim from the 10th of Feb to the 18th…it is shaping up to be so adorable which may or may not be biased, but I love it.

    Wow aren’t I tangenting today, ok focus. So Whimsy and I took a break – well I kidnapped her really – and went over to the Sn@tch sim. First stop was Somnia and laughed as Whimsy rode around on a washing machine in the store. After running through there and buying lots, we went exploring the other stores and of course ended with lots of Sn@tch. One of my standout purchases was of course the new PVC suits, I love good latex, and unfortunately often I get disappointed by the quality or reflection work…but Ivey doesn’t disappoint at all. These suits are fantastic, not just stunningly sexy, but the black portions are part of, so it is a really lovely finished look.

    My legs are tucked into the NEW Latex Prestige boots by Bax Coen, these too are beautifully textured, and having been a fan of the ankle boots that were done in latex too, these are definitely hot and worth grabbing. The boots come with other colour alternatives also, so you do not just get one colour per boot.

    Mesh fans will rejoice as Elikatira has stepped up to the platform with her latest hair release Locked being a stunning rock a billy inspired look – well that is my opinion anyway – the style is ultra feminine with that extra bit of ‘I am woman hear me roar’ on top. The hair fits me like a dream, I may consider adding a hair base, but really like it without. Another fine reason to upgrade to a MESH Viewer if you haven’t already.

    Yesterday I got a bug that took my eyes away, and when I just had two holes in my head I said to Mel that it would be cool to have glass eyes with exploding atomic particles in them. So while I was cuddling with him he was making me eyes that may look white on screen, but are actually bursts of particles that he scripted to not leave the eyes…I love them, he is so awesome.

    A big thanks to Second Life Stock Images Group on Flickr yet again for the background images that I used for this post…both are actually by Cajsa Lilliehook and were just perfect for these two pics, so thank you very much.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location

    shoots- VR

    Foundry Mainstore, VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Custom by Mel Vanbeeck


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Lea Smoke – Ploom (Coming Soon)


    Locked – Elikatira MESH 


    Spell on you PVC – Sn@tch 


    Prestige Boots LATEX – Bax Coen 


    My cold black heart Jewelry – Sn@tch


  • Stylish



    It is actually incredibly humid at the moment down under, and even though I have the fan blasting at me, I do wish for cooler weather. This hair was perfect for me, to pretend it was windier than it is, and maybe forget for a bit that it is hot hot hot.

    Also in keeping with the cold theme, the skin I am wearing is in the Cold tone, and has such a great look when worn with subtle colours such as the ones I am wearing. It brings up the green in my eyes, and the red in my hair, and the soft colour of this sexy tight mini dress I just had to grab last week when out and about. I especially love the side panels, and the keyhole cutout accentuating the chest area, and am really impressed that it has an additional collar prim to give off a more finished look that the neck area often needs.

    I was actually playing around with PS a lot today. This pic was at first just a play around, but it ended up coming out better than I expected, so had to follow it up with a post. I watched about 5 different tutorials today, none of which were anything really relevant to this, but I do like to keep learning, and there are so many great little tutorial videos done by photoshop artists and technical know how instructors, it is very cool to watch something that can then lead to you going a little further with your work. There are also so many amazing tutorials from our very own residents as well, you should definitely check those out on YouTube, search Second Life and Tutorials and away you go.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location

    shoots- VR

    Foundry Mainstore, VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    R A W ~ coldSKIN – RedMint 


    WINDBLOWN III*/darkred – EMO-tions


    Illusions Dress – The Sugar Garden 


  • Stylish

    Pin me Up


    I love vintage hairdo’s and things that inspire you to think back to the fun of the 50’s and 60’s. So this NEW hair and sexy slip dress were just calling me for attention.

    The hair is the New creation from PLOOM, the style is just glorious and works so well as a Pin UP look with the sheer glamour of an updo thrown in. I especially love the victory curls which place the streaks option perfectly. The pose used is also new from Ploom and is part of the latest Mvment set, so cute, and the creator looks so wickedly cool in the pics.

    The dress is actually one option in the Desiree set from Icing, this is the mini slip dress option, there are also stockings and a longer version of the dress, but this was just enough to get that sexy across, and so pretty…I do wish that it was available in more colours, but you will have to be happy with black and sexy. The Glitter Peeptoe pumps from SLink were also perfect to finish off the look, with contrast bows options, but I went with keeping it all black, and the light skin option for the feet matched the Vanilla skin tone of Plooms Maia skin perfectly.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location

    shoots- VR

    Foundry Mainstore, VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Maia Vanilla Glam Rocker – PLOOM


    Lilyan – PLOOM


    Desiree – Icing 


    Glitter Peeptoe Pumps – SLink 


    Medalion Set Earrings and Bracelet – Essentia 

    Nails – Mandala 

  • Stylish

    I’ll have the fish


    Entente 1

    Entente 2

    Entente 3


    Oh my goodness, I spent all night trying to sleep, and then ended up sleeping the day away…logged in to I don’t even know what that was, and then ended up realising I was late for an opening I had been invited to. So luckily they had extended the time and off I ran, taking snapshots along the way, and being really impressed with the overall layout and build structure. It is really well spaced out and nice to wander through, they may need to move things about once they add more items though, but all in all such a great first collection, and the prices are really reasonable. Men will be even happier, that for the most part this is a Male focused store so far, so make sure and encourage that to continue with your purchases.

    Entente is a NEW collaboration, and there has been much speculation as to who the creators behind the brand are. Me I don’t care as long as they are honest, hardworking and customer service focused it is all that matters, and so far my small interactions with them have been nothing but pleasant. On landing you are immersed in a very regal like build, the outside fountain is lovely, and the large lions guarding the entrance are very English, but the overall theme of Entente is French.

    The layout as mentioned is very easy to navigate, you can choose to go left, right or straight ahead, left and right is accessories and clothing, and straight ahead is the skins and hair. Now if you are in the market for a new skin or hair, I advise you to check out the FULL AVATARS, there are  a few of those in their own little section and they include Skin, Shape, Hair, Clothes and shoes, all for 2500L, for a completely set up, very handsome avatar this is a really great deal in my opinion.

    Also speaking of the hair, there are hairbases that you can buy, in three different styles, and I bought them all. The fatpacks are only 300L and the packs of four I think it is are only 100L. I bought the fatpack in the main style and one each of the other two. The one I love the most is the one that has hair all over and really just looks like a gorgeous pixie cut style. The second one is shaved on one side, and the third is shaved on both sides, so is perfect for mohawk looks, or even if you usually wear a hawke and want to go hawkeless and allude to having it combed down for the day.

    I am wearing the main Hairbase style in my main pic, and wearing a shirt that is also from Entente, it comes in short and long sleeves and is the femme option, so there is female clothing, and as you can see they do show men and women in some of their ads, such as the Thriller Jacket that made me giggle.

    I am wearing the new skirt and cinch from Elymode, I will do more on that new set later, but if you are addicted to the part mesh part regular prim micro mini like I am, then you best get on over there and buy buy buy. Using both in the same colour is kind of like building your own highwaist skirt, very cool.

    The NEW Poses from aDORKable are fabulous for bag lovers. They have so many poses to choose from especially designed to show off bags, and of course as usual you also get the mirror/reversed option so more bang for your buck. I especially like this one as I was able to show off the new ring and earrings from Eclectica that is a really great style, and the pieces also come with the option to texture change random beads to 9 other colours, but I kept with the all white, as it is very silvery and looked fab.

    Entente is now open so make sure you check it out.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.


    Poses by : aDORKable Poses

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location

    shoots- VR

    Foundry Mainstore, VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Lea Smoke – Ploom (promo pack)


    Hairbase – Entente 


    Ava Skirt , Ava Cinch – Elymode 

    Saile Tee – Entente 


    Zoe Pumps – Celoe 


    Clusters Jewelry Set daytime Glow – Eclectica 

    Leather Satchel Bag – Maitreya (MESH)


  • Stylish

    Second Life should use your imagination

    So the other day I was reading a post at New World Notes, that was about a recurring annoyance with Linden Lab and their website images. It was an add on to an article earlier written by Iris Ophelia about the same topic, and some pointers on how they may have gone about it differently. This got me to thinking, and I contacted Iris to ask if she thought it would be ok to tag onto this article, which she said yes to.

    It is not that many if not all Second Life residents don’t balk at the Second Life websites mainpage, we do. I remember when it used to be all about Your Life Your Imagination, and it was great, showing pictures of people flying, and people just doing things that they could in SL. Then there were the links to movies  of things such as Robbie Dingo building the guitar that Suzanne Vega would be using in a Second Life appearance as an avatar. I remember watching that video after already being a resident, and being so proud of Second Life and all it can be, and how it did showcase such incredible talents such as Robbies. His store is where I actually bought a Didgeridoo, which I still have, and went to his store because of the video, in September of 06.

    It was things like that that inspired people to be part of something magical. Showing creations made by residents that joined Second Life because of the possibilities, not because things were already laid out for them like a theme park. So back to the topic at hand…again thinking this over, I thought about the other viewers, and remembered that it is often the third party ones that have their own images they use on their log in screens. One viewer used to actually share the info of the location, so that you could visit it, this of course encouraged people to explore Second Life further, a bit like the destination guide in search, but for some reason those thumbnail pics just don’t seem to inspire as much or as often.

    Then I remembered my Flickr Group. Second Life Stock Images, and I thought about Flickr and its hundreds if not thousands of Second Life themed groups. In the Second Life Stock Images group, the people that submit images for others to use, are encouraged to submit freely, and in doing so are giving others the rights to use them for art work, vendor pics and other background uses – they cannot sell them as images though. If you go through the group, you will come across people adding in comments that they have used the group, and sometimes even include the image that they created with. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 . I love using the images to enhance my own pics, and often go to the group to use them for Pile Ups, as it can mean everything is from Second Life that way.

    So why doesn’t Linden Lab make a Flickr Group too, I know there are Second Life groups, not sure how official they are, but what if one was made and a rule was that images submitted were given with the express permission of the creator/submitter to be used with full authority on the Second Life website. Then anyone that wants to share pics of their avatars in theme, single or group shots, location or created images, can do so. Then next time the Lindens are in need of some inspiring work, they just need to go to the flickr group and pick out something appropriate. This would also be an entertaining glimpse at the mindset of other residents, and what they think would make a great home page attraction.

    There are moderation settings, as well as an area to be very explicit about the rules of submitting an image into any group, so the Lindens could really make sure that all their i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.

    I hope they consider doing something like this soon, I woke up today to an offline that suggests to me they are thinking forwards now, so maybe just maybe, things will be more inviting on the homepage soon, and I for one would love to be proud again of the website and what Second Life still has to offer everyone.

    Sasy xoxo


  • Stylish

    Beautiful Ploomage

    Sasypants PLOOM

    Sasypants PLOOM 2


    Just a quicky so that you don’t miss out on a great deal that is only on offer today for another 15 hours or so.

    Ploom has released two new makeup skins with all tones in blonde and dark brows for only 150L each. The skins come in 5 beautiful tones, and the smoke shown at the top is available only on Marketplace – the demos are there as well as in the Mainstore – and the Violetta is at the Mainstore and The Deck location. So if you happen to be at The Deck grabbing the New aDORKable poses – you can see them HERE – you can grab the skin at the same time…handy that lol. Do not hesitate because these skins are GORGEOUS!


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Smoke & Violetta PROMO SKINS Today Only – PLOOM  – Mainstore   & The Deck  locations


    Torti & Kenni – PLOOM


    Fur Neck Cardigan – Fishy Strawberry

    Amor Fati Dress – Tres Blah 


  • Stylish

    She had blue hair



    Relax 2



    Natalie 3

    Natalie 4

    Ashia Tomsen is a dork, that is going to be the theme of today’s post. It is truly romantical though, she has met a Man, and she is making us giggle on Skype as she gets all girly and silly, and does things like dyes her face blue in preparation of her first date…yes you heard correctly BLUE!, and they aren’t even seeing Avatar *snickers*. With all this crazy the girl definitely needs to RELAX, and that brings us back to the fashion for today.

    The Relax boots are the new creation in MESH from SLink, released today, and truly marvelous in style and the colour palette is all sorts of fabulous. The boots are MESH but not rigged, as they sit on the leg just under the knee, so don’t need to bend with the body, this means that yes they are resizable with the handy HUD that comes with. The zipper backs and leather work is really well orchestrated, you will have to check them out, as DEMOS are available as usual, and definitely worth adding these beauties to your boot collection.

    The clothing items are all from La Viere, I am really late on posting these, but now I am thinking it was just me waiting for the boots to go with, as the colours of the items were so well matched to the colours made in the boots. The prints are really nice, with tribal influence, and yes you can see I actually CHOSE to wear the purple accented version of this great dress, because it really did just pop as a great colour combo. The dress also comes in solids or some fabulous animal prints.

    The ruffle skirt has two options one is single tiered the other triple, and oh so cute. The shirt I have worn before, and I just love them, especially in this great apple green colour, it goes with my apple ring from Addict and the Olive version of these boots. The jumpsuit also has solid options as colour choices, but the print is really nice, and somewhat somber, but with enough going on to be very attention grabbing at the same time.

    I am also holding onto the new clutch purses from Sticky Fingers, these are so fun, and inspired by McQueen, and have some great solids as well as prints as options. These are also MESH, but again not rigged, so you can move them to where you need them to sit on your hand. They also have an underarm wear option.

    The skins I am wearing are the more recent Adam n Eve skinline called Natalie. These skins have all the usual options that Adam n Eve go all out on giving in each pack. You get breast enhanced options – this is on the skin itself, so with or without – Hair Bases and Brows in Red, Blonde, Black. Freckles and Manicure and Pedicure layers, on tattoo and socks and gloves for the nails. Great looking skins, you will definitely need to DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : aDORKable 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natalie – Adam n Eve 


    Saar – Maitreya 


    Melanie V-neck Dress - La Viere


    Relax Boots MESH – Slink 


    :FANATIK: My bad girl purse  – Sticky Fingers

    Montana Feather Earrings & Necklace – Essentia 


    2nd  Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natalie – Adam n Eve 


    Voluminous Scarf Hair #3  & Scarf – Maitreya 


    JumpSuit  Printed – La Viere 


    Relax Boots MESH – Slink 


    :FANATIK: My bad girl purse – Sticky Fingers


    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natalie – Adam n Eve 


    Jordyn – Maitreya 


    Chinese Fushion Shirt Apple Green, Ruffle Mini Skirt Yellow – La Viere 


    Relax Boots MESH – SLink 


    Apple Ring – Addict


  • Stylish

    Let’s not Deviate





    Lots of goodies, and today it is all about boots, pants, skirts and hair. Even more exciting is that some of the pieces are MESH, and I am so loving MESH, it is  really one of the most exciting things to experience as far as growth on the grid over the last few years. As evolved as sculpts were and still are in terms of what they brought to the grid,they never completely took over from prims. Where as MESH does in fact have that ability and is something I am enjoying watching.

    The pants I am wearing in this first picture are all from Slink, they are a gorgeous pair of dress pants, that come in many wonderful colours, only some shown here. The fit is great, even though I seem to have dropped a size from my regular Standard Sizing sizes, but that is always going to depend on the overall style of a garment. The colour and fabric choice is super, and I love the length and turned up cuff. The adorable lace or leo shrug I am wearing is from Cynful, one of their latest releases, so adorable, and a great must have for over any kind of look…these also come in solids.

    I am pretty sure I have worn it in a post before, but even so, the tux cropped shirt from Sn@tch is yummy, and speaking of Yummy the necklace I am wearing is their latest ‘Pieces of the Past” necklace. This necklace is truly beautiful, and very incredibly created, using pieces of items that you would feel incredibly nostalgic about.

    All of the hair I am wearing in this post is from Exile, and these two styles are their latest, Meg and Misha, such gorgeous long and wavy styles that are drop dead sexy. I love the exaggerated wavy of Misha, but it is definitely the windblown Meg that is my favourite of the two.

    The Westbury Mini skirts are Mesh inserted skirts by Mon tissu. As explained before this type of skirt is made using the pants layer of a regular clothing layer, and then using a mesh piece filling the space between the legs, rather than wrapping the mesh around the whole body. These are more like power skirt minis, if you were old enough during Heather Locklears reign at Melrose, you will know what I am talking about. The colours they come in are great, and I had a ball mixing and matching with them.

    Another of the more recent items from Mon Tissu is the Sequined Cardigan, this cardi is so pretty and fun, and again so 80’s in feel as there was so much of that back then.

    You will notice also that in the pics I am showing teeth, well this is not Natasha make up, but actually lipsticks with teeth by Acid & Mala, and if you haven’t got any of them, you really need to grab as many as you can. The lipsticks come in different transparencies as well, so the strength on the lipstick shade varies according to your mood, I really love how the look with the Natasha skin by LeLutka, which is always my go to skin.

    Most of the accessories are from LaGyo, that store always amazes me with it’s incredible fashionable pieces, I do wish they would make more shield rings though I love them so much.

    The boots are the latest release from Maitreya, and are MESH and rigged. They are glorious ankle boots, which have stunning colours – though not sure why she stopped at eleven and I want to see 12,13, and 14 because I know Onyx enough to know there were others lol. The suede leather look is superb, and I just love how they have a real cobbler made look to them of a custom boot. These are a merging of older fashioned influences with a modern take, and that has come out just perfect. Another great reason to get your bums onto a MESH viewer and fast.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Iced Purple – 10% – Teeth – Acid & Mala


    Meg – Exile 


    Lala’s Shrug ~ Lace – Cynful 

    RB Tank – Maitreya 

    Dress Pants MESH – Slink 


    Devi Boots MESH – Maitreya 


    Nails - Mandala 

    Bozena sunglasses – LaGyo


    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Rose – 30% – Teeth – Acid & Mala 


    Meg – Exile 


    Cropped Tux Top – Sn@tch 

    Dress Pants MESH – Slink 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Nails - Mandala 

    Natasha Bag – Orta 


    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Pink – 10% – Teeth - Acid & Mala 


    Misha - Exile


    Lala’s Shrug Leo – Cynful 

    RB Tank - Maitreya 

    Dress Pants MESH - Slink 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Nails - Mandala 

    Shield Rings, Lora Purse - LaGyo


    4th Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Warm Red – 10% – Teeth – Acid & Mala 


    Misha – Exile 


    Crochet Tank Top, Cropped Cardigan – Sn@tch 

    Dress Pants MESH – SLink 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Pieces of the past necklace – Yummy




    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Pink – 10% – Teeth - Acid & Mala 


    Glory – Exile


    Westbury Mini ~ MESH – Mon Tissu 

    Ava Jacket MESH – Maitreya 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Day Tripper Bag – Addict 

    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Pink – 10% – Teeth - Acid & Mala 


    Esme – Exile


    Westbury Mini ~ MESH - Mon Tissu 

    Sequin Cardigan – Mon Tissu 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Ginger Belt – Day n Night 

    Pieces of the past necklace - Yummy



    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Pink – 10% – Teeth - Acid & Mala 


    Nia – Exile 


    Westbury Mini ~ MESH - Mon Tissu 

    Short Trench, Tartan Tights Yellow  – Maitreya 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 



    4th Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Natasha – LeLutka 

    Nature Lips – Pink – 10% – Teeth - Acid & Mala 


    Minx – Exile


    Bodysuit – Maitreya 


    Devi Boots MESH - Maitreya 


    Mira shoulder-bag – LaGyo


  • Stylish

    Hamming it up

    So the other day I was checking out a new store for What’s New SL, and got really very excited. You see, in Second Life there has always been a desire to have food items, and of course these are always fun to discover, especially when they are really well done. Well this store takes well done to a whole new level. You see while I was there I clicked on a demo model of the smoothie maker, the drop down appeared and it asked me to choose a flavour, I chose strawberry and kiwi. Then appearing in the blender were in fact, strawberries and kiwi pieces, and with a whirring sound it started up, and the fruit spun around and then milk appeared and BAM it all smoothed out and appeared in a glass, garnished with Kiwi and Strawberry.

    I picked it up, and not only do you do a drinking animation, but your mouth puckers up and you hear a sound of slurping through a straw as you drink, and that was it, I knew that I had to take Whimsy there, she would love it. So a few days later we returned, and were lucky to have the owner there as well. We had a chat, and it was then that we were asked to try the demo models that I hadn’t seen the days before. You see this is not just food on a tray you take from, oh no, this is full on food creation, scripted pots and pans, and serving trays with place-mats and plates that the food appears on once cooked. It was honestly too hard to show you in pics only what this involves, this is genius scripting, and texture work done to create such beautiful meals, as well as text in chat – not shown – that really adds to the atmosphere of presenting to friends and family a beautifully orchestrated meal.

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esq8AVnLUuc]

    This isn’t just food that is there and then moves, this stuff goes from raw to baked, or sometimes items are added while cooking to add extra flavour, it really truly is a delight, and all you need is the space of any stove or oven to rez the pans on or in, and the table for the tray and place-mats. There are also fondue sets, and sushi platters, as well as full movie snack sets. You really need to check it all out for yourself. But I do hope that the movie gives you a quick peek at the concept, and you can take it from there. Also be sure to join the in world group, as there are discounts when purchasing, and credit value is accrued for your avatar the more you spend, so definitely do that first when entering the store, there should be an invite sent to you by menu.

    Whimsy, Mel and I dressed up to share the Ham Dinner, and if you go and visit her blog you will find the Pancake Breakfast, that we also shot in our fabulous Bunnie Avatars from Beetlebones.

    In the movie we are also in a house by DEER, the Casa Bramasole which I will show in greater detail soon.


    Ham Dinner Kit by Le Bistro 

    Sasy is wearing: 

    Awe Dress – Celoe (MESH)

    Cairo Boots – Celoe (MESH)

    Clean Gloss Bird Skin – Fashionably Dead 

    Yippie Hair – LeLutka 


    Mel is wearing:

    Vermont Sweater – Vanguard

    The Dark Deal Jeans – WMD 

    The Law Hair –  Armidi 

    Ewan Skin  – Belleza 


    Whimsy is wearing :

    Angel Hair – Slink 

    Heather Skin – Jesylilo

    Sunkissed Lips – Tuli 

    Cue Earrings – Miel 

    Nails – Mandala 

    Georgette Lace Cocktail Dress – Connors 

    Saffron Pumps – LeLutka 

  • Stylish

    Latex Girl living in a laced up world

    Latex Girl






    Awhile ago Mel and I were at Mesmerize doing some updating to my ballet boots, and the store was packed to the rafters. The amazing thing though, was that nearly every single girl there –  and I am not even exaggerating – was wearing the same dress.

    I looked closer, and not exactly the same as in all wearing the same options, but as the dress has so many different ones, they were all wearing different variations, some of course had on the same parts, but mostly in different colour combinations. What was even more amazing was it was MESH, and yet I didn’t know about it, and as this was actually when there was only a few MESH items released, and we certainly were able to keep track. But this one, nope, never seen it before. I IM’d one of the women there, and she was kind enough to give me the details, three letters and I was off, because it was a store I have other items from including ballet boots.

    What also amazed me, and this is truly something that more MESH creators have to look at doing, is that the pieces are seamless. They join together so well, that you would actually think this was one piece, but it is most definitely a skirt and a top piece worn together. I even had Whimsy come down and tell me where it joined together, and she couldn’t because even with default light settings, you cannot see it. I would love to see more designers do this kind of work, where you can mix and match within an outfit, it would be incredible, and imagine high-waisted mesh pants, that can also be worn as regular pants, or long legged and 3/4, it would be heaven.

    KAS is the name of the store, and the MESH Corset Dress in Latex is amazing. Not only do you get three different styled skirts, the long pencil – laced up or not – the flared out mini, which so reminds me of Wonder Woman, and the short more fitted mini – not as tight as it could be, but with this being latex and scripted a full body wrapping skirt is a must. The tops too have many options, my favourite of all of them is the option called free, as in your breasts would be if you don’t wear a top like I did, and that is actually why it is my favourite, because you can be a little more unique with what you put on with it.

    This version would also be incredibly popular with the sculpted breast wearers in Second Life, because you would keep to the illusion of it being created to be free of confinement.

    Not only do you get all the versions, you also get the HUD that allows you to texture change all the parts, the base, the contrast piping, laces and so on. You can either choose from the presets – of which there are many – or there is a full tint spectrum rainbow to choose from and do it that way, which is amazing. It also allows you to add the different levels of shiny, and glow, if that is your thing. There is a full DEMO at KAS, so be sure to try this dress, honestly it is gorgeous to wear but there is only one size, so you will have to be sure it really works for you. The waist is of course small and tight, because it is after all a corset dress, so don’t be shocked by that, it is meant to be that way.

    I am wearing a full piece sheer leather bodysuit from Ison, this is so hot, and so inexpensive, I recently shot Ashia in the full leather one for her store Idiosyncrasy, and I had to get them for myself too. Definitely MUST HAVES!, and available on Marketplace too for a quick drive by shopping.

    The Ambition jewelry I am wearing is from MOOD, this set is just lovely, I have earrings like this in brass in RL, and I just love all the dangly pieces, and the fact that you can texture change all those tiny delicate balls. Great set, and available now for Stumblebum at the MOOD Mainstore.

    The hair I am wearing is the latest Ploom style, and this hair is so totally Helyanwe  and her Deviant Kitties mojo stirring. The style is wicked cool, and I just love that the tails are knotted midway down, which alludes to them being very controlled. LOVE IT!

    The skin I have on and am featuring is the latest Redgrave skin called Bella, inspired by Bella Swan of Twillight, this skin is really strong in facial features, and I especially like the nose for some reason. The mouth is a little smaller on my shape than I am used to, but I love it with the teeth options, of which there are two, both alpha and prim, or tattoo layer. The last pic shows both options, the tattoo layer being the one on the right. I preffered the alpha prim combo, but for those that are limited in alpha layers, you will want the tattoo I expect…I really do not know how you can dress yourselves with the limitations of that type of viewer, but I expect if you have never had the alternative, it would be like it always was.

    The skin has many different treats – listed in the credits – but I must point out that the breast minimiser layer – on undershirt – is really lovely, and takes off all that pushed up effect that Redgrave is famous for, I didn’t use it for this post because of the style of clothing, but it really is nice to have the option.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Bella – Redgrave 

    Teeth Attachments (prim and tattoo)

    Brows (not worn)

    6 x Tattoo Lipsticks (not worn)

    Hair Base COVER Tattoo ( the skin by default has a hairbase, so the cover is to remove that )

    Shape (not worn)

    Breast Minimiser (not worn)

    Eyelashes (not worn)

    System Eyelash Remover ALPHA (not worn)

    4 x Eyes (not worn)

    Ring Silver & Gold (not worn)

    Armlet Silver & Gold (not worn)


    Torti w/ streaks  – Ploom 


    Sheer Leather Bustier – Ison 

    Latex Corset Dress MESH KAS 


    Echo – SLink


    Ambition JewelryMOOD 

    Nails – Sensations