• Stylish

    Dear Bloggers

    Dearest Bloggers,

    This is going to sound ranty, and in some ways it is. I never thought I would ever do a post that was focused on bloggers and what they do, or in this case often don’t do. This has been festering for me now for at least two years, so it was today that the final straw was snapped so to speak. Now I know some of you may not agree with what I say about this, and that is ok, because if you do not agree then chances are it doesn’t apply to you.

    The problem I have been noticing over the past two years, is that often I will see bloggers say such things as ‘ I am not going to do it because others have” or ” I didn’t get early access so I am not going ” or worse ” I didn’t get in early so I am not covering it ” and much worse ” I didn’t get sent anything so I will not blog about it “.

    The examples are in regards to events that are run in Second Life, and though there are many blogs that do their utmost to make sure as many events as possible are covered, it is really off putting to see bloggers going out of their way to NOT do so. I do not know why  you blog, I am not privy to that info unless it is information that you readily share, either through an about page, or possibly in a past post you have written. If your blog is a photography blog only, or if you don’t support the type of thing that the event is about – i.e Charity or Promotional – that is understandable, but if you want to have your blog be a place that your readers visit knowing they are getting as much as you are able to share with them as regularly as you can, maybe put that aside and consider that it may be something they do support or would want to know about.

    When I started blogging in 06 there were only a handful of bloggers back then and there was also only ONE FEED! – shocking I know – and regardless of what was on it, and how often the same item or news or promotional poster appeared, we all had/have our own readers and making sure they saw the info if they only read my blog was important to me. As it should be to you, you should be so proud of your work you do on your blog, you should definitely believe in the fact that there are readers out there that ONLY read yours, or have you as one of the few they do read. Many won’t even know there are feeds, they may have found your blog and that is enough for them, so why would you want to not have them experience everything you know about Second Life and can share?

    One of the biggest things about being a Second Life blogger also is that we tend to have a large learning curve in Second Life. Just like many designers, we have picked up tools and learned many things along the way, and often we want to share them with people. I mean isn’t it usually on a blog you learn about the easiest way to edit lashes, or how to set your wind-light for really nice skin and clothing. Isn’t it on blogs that you learn about Ctrl 0 to zoom in and Ctrl 9 to get back to normal , it is usually also on blogs you hear about the current trends in Social Networking, and what is the latest craze happening on the grid, and just like all of that info, events are still so important.

    I am not trying to say that you should spend your days doing post after post of promotional information, but there are things you can do to get the word out and help the people organising the events get the word out also. You could start off your post with just a mention in text that there is a fair, or event happening, and how to find more info with a link or a slurl or a contact name. You can also include a poster from the event with the posts you are posting on, because if you are posting about a shirt you bought at one, or got sent by the designer etc, your readers may miss the info about it being from an event, because the shirt may not be their style, so they will probably look no further at the information…but if you included a poster promoting the event, then visually they would see that there is more to your shirt than just a shirt, and that they could visit the event and pick up lots of other great items, or even simply donate an amount of money if it is a cause they are supportive of.

    Back to the examples though and this makes me all sorts of sadface when I see it happen. Events have so many things going on in the planning stages, and having a blogging preview day is something that is definitely a promotional tool. But it is not, and should never be the only way word is spread, or how you as a blogger feel about the event because of it.

    A bloggers day, or set up area etc, is a very big undertaking from all sides. It is not something ANYONE is entitled to, especially not just because you have a blog. Yes organisers and designers appreciate that you do spread the word, but you should never only do so if there is something in it for you. Events are usually planned months in advance, and often the info is out there well before the event starts, or any kind of blogging application is set up.

    If you see that you can apply to be a blogger for an event, NEVER EVER consider for one moment that it is for anything other than being one of the first to receive information about the event. The bloggers groups for events, should always be for the organisers to get the information out to those that want to help spread that word. It should never ever be an assumption that you have access, or that you may receive items from the designers involved prior to the event.

    A bloggers group for events should only ever be considered a Press Release group, and if they have a blogging day earlier, that is great that they have made that possible. But there are always going to be limits on how many are able to do that, not because anyone is being mean, it is usually because of the limits of the sim.  If you miss a deadline for an event do not wipe your hands of the event. Make the effort to present yourself as someone who cares more about the event, your readers and your blog, because that is going to definitely show to others.

    If you do not have a huge budget to go and shop the event once it is open, and you hoped that by being one of the early bloggers that that would get you stuff, you should not think that, because again it is never a guarantee. Even if you are an early blogger, and you see others may have received items from designers, that may be because they are already on that designers bloggers list, or may just be really close to that designer, you never know what is going on, so do not assume that earlier access people get anything early because of earlier access. But if you really do want to share info about the designers participating and their products, as well as the event and the cause it is trying to promote, you will definitely find ways to show them.

    * Take pics of vendors at the event – I have done this many times in my first few years of blogging, I have even asked the designers for their ads so they were the best resolution etc. Also you can search Flickr and you may find a group that includes the pictures from the events vendors, which you can then link to – do not use the pictures unless you have asked for permission prior, as some get really upset about that kind of thing.

    * Take pics of the event location and the surrounding builds, and showcase the event area itself. Often this gets overlooked and it is a shame, because so many people put so much effort into the events look.

    * Gather up your friends and shoot pics of their purchases from the event. This can be so much fun to do, having a girls/guys night and everyone dressing up in their items they got at the event and posing for you. Whimsy, Ashia, Newdoll and I have often appeared on each others blogs wearing other colours of same items, or wearing items the other didn’t have, but always crediting them.

    *Contact the organisers and ask if there is a Press Kit that you did not have access to, that you can use to promote the event on your blog. If they do not have a Press Kit made, ask them for the promotional poster and a store list of participants if they have one. If they don’t have either BOP THEM ON THE HEAD! also ask for a link to their blog – often you will find that events have their own blogs with info and up to date information. The list of participants also provides you with the ability to then contact the designers yourself and ask if they are considering sending review packs for their items in the event, and that you would like to be considered as one of the bloggers that may receive said items. Just because you did not make early access does not mean you cannot approach designers yourself, Whimsy Winx one of the other Organisers of Hair Fair did a blog post about this exact thing in 2010 HERE and Cajsa Lilliehook did one last year also HERE .

    Another idea that in my mind would be a stand out blog post.

    * Blog about the event in your own language if English isn’t your first. This would definitely bring your blog to the attention of future event organisers, because you are reaching an audience they cannot always reach. Include the poster about the event also, so that those that do not speak your language can realise at least that it is about an event and the dates etc. Doing so in both your native language and English is even more awesome.

    Remember most of all, Second Life is a Community, and as a blogger you can actually play a really big role in that community, it is up to you how big of a role you want to play. If at the end of the day you are only interested in getting nice stuff, then that is your choice and good luck to you…we all love nice things, and I am blessed to have the chance to share those things with many people through my blog. But without sharing more than just things we have, there is a disconnect from the community, and I for one want more from the blogs I read, and I try and read as many as I can every day. So please show me the things I don’t know about, because I am only one person, and I don’t get to hear about everything, mind you many think I do.

    Everyone that blogs has something to share, even if the same items, news, event info, it is up to you to show you are sharing with integrity and passion for blogging. Remember people are always watching, and if you show yourself to be fair and kind, and considerate, and to share info that helps others along the way, this will never go unnoticed. If you do these things because you want to share that info to the best of your ability, then how could you not be noticed, you may find that by doing so you get invited to be part of events without having to ask to be – no promises but it can happen, trust me.

    On a side note…

    Dear Organisers of Events,

    Stop plurking/Twittering/Facebooking about events and leaving it at that. If you do not reach out in world and contact groups that are designed to share info, then you are really hurting your event from the start. Many Second Life residents have nothing to do with Second Life other than in world Magazines or Blogs, they do not twitter, or plurk or facebook as their avatars, so that is thousands of people that will never know an event is coming up. Over the years with Hair Fair and Another Fundraiser or other events I have had something to do with, I have been contacted by residents who have offered land, or support or large donations, sometimes even holding events in their own sims or clubs or stores to raise extra money to give to us. If people know in advance they can make plans, there are Bloggers Groups that share press kits, or announcements of upcoming events to their group members, such as SL Bloggers Network run by Voshie Paine, Second Life Bloggers run by Tymmerie Thorne.

    You can also contact some blogs that offer advertising free for Charity Events, What’s New SL does that, so does SLUniverse , there are also dozens of Flickr Groups that allow posting of event posters as well as discussion postings. You also have Forums in SLUniverse and our very own Second Life Forums that most likely have a news/events kind of listing, and if they don’t they should. There is also the Second Life Events Calendar where you can make sure to lock in the dates of an event, which also promotes it when people go to see what is currently on or coming up.  That would get people noticing the event is coming way before most promotional work starts in other areas and can help build participation enthusiasm and can bring designers to your door to be part of the event.


    I hope you that do read all these words know that I am not trying to put anyone down, but have been watching for the past couple of years and seeing a true decline in this area. Our Community is the best in the world, because it spans the world, we are Second Lifers, and WE ROCK!


  • Stylish

    Geez it’s Juicy up in here



    As I mentioned last night, the Juicy Crush on You event has started today. There are many great designers items up on display in the adorable cart booths set up in a lovely garden setting on the sim. I have been back already three times already, because due to the time zones and all that jazz, people have added items since it opened, so you need to go back and shop shop shop like I did.

    My day started with so much joy due to the fact that Exile has released MESH HAIR! not just one beautiful style for the event called Domino, but two other styles available in the main-store as well. I have been anxiously awaiting the MESH from Exile, as Kavar teased us a few months ago, and then we had to wait. But well worth the wait as all three styles are just wonderful, and the very retro inspired backcombed and high hair called Rivers Run is definitely going to be a huge hit.

    Other great items I picked up at the event are the gorgeous Elvira tights by Blue Blood. Now I wish that the shorts that are part of the layer, were a separate, and I also with the tights themselves were available separate also, but I will just have to be happy that both exist as an all in one combo and pout a little. There are two packs of these, one with contrast options, or the same combination of colour, I went with the contrast, but am definitely wanting more, so I will be back. The tops of the shorts are scallop trimmed in the same edging as the bottoms, and it is delightful, so definitely a wearable in their own right.

    Now something to bring to your attention, as you know the Back to Black event is starting tomorrow, and the dress – which I am more so wearing as a kind of longish top – is from that event and by Sakide, and is really beautiful. It is called ‘Show your Strength” and it does just that…now I did not feature that area in the pic, but make note, the dress does come with highlighting of a very very toned six pack stomach area. At first I thought I was imagining it, and then caught the connection between the name, the shading and the event as a whole, and I honestly think that it is a brilliant take on it. I also think that this dress is going to be incredibly popular with the mixed gender folks in SL, I can just imagine a whole lot of Sissyboi’s making this a MUST HAVE item, and rightly so. The dress also sculpted prim drapes down at the back, not low, just a nice reverse cowl neck feature that is just lovely. The dress also comes with some fierce looking boots, so definitely a great item.

    Another item used from Back to Black are the GEEZ poses used in the first picture. These are created of course by Grazia Horwitz . The second pic also contains GEEZ poses but not from the event, so you can go and get them and all the others today and not have to wait. One thing that is a definite about GEEZ poses is that her sits are really beautiful, so if looking for a really nice sitting pose, even one for your ao, that is not animated, check the ones out at GEEZ.

    Great movement deserves great Mesh, and more lovelies from the Juicy Crush on You event are the Pididdle Mesh Bed time Tee’s these are wonderful oversized t-shirts in colours that are fun and playful and the message is adorable, but as you can see you get both with and without message when purchased. They come in one size fits all, and this fit me well, there is a demo to try at the event though. For the bedtime looks I wore the CheLLe make up Mascara from the Juicy Crush on You event, there are three different make up packs available and this one was perfect for that early morning panda eye look, subtle but definitely night before residue lol.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : GEEZ @ Back to Black Event – Starts 11th Feb

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    MESH Eyes – Izzies


    MESH Lashes Dainty – Beetlebones

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Emma – Tuli 

    Eyeshadow – Look of Love 5 & Mascara – CheLLe @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 

    Michelle Lipstick Red 01 – Essences  @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 


    Rivers Run MESH, Domino MESH ,  Girls of Summer MESH – Exile ( Domino Style is available @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW )


    Show your strength dress – Sakide @ Back to Black Event – Starts 11th Feb

    Elvira Tights – Blue Blood @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 

    Bed Time Tee MESH – Pididdle @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 


    Relax Boots MESH – Slink 

    Carabao Slippers from Pajamas Set – Intrigue 


    Fashions Handbag Red – MALT  @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 

    Heart Cluster Rings – Pididdle @ Juicy Crush on You Event ON NOW 


  • Stylish

    “She’ll be riding six white horses” just sounds silly to me


    Orange F

    I am excited, I cannot help it, it is like 4 more hours until the Juicy Crush on You event starts at Midnight SLT. As I mentioned before, Whimsy and I have made some items for the event. The main item is the Ballina Crush set, which is going to be 50% off during the event only… we had such an awesome time making it. The second is the Crush Rug, which is a pose prop and fun decoration, and the third is the Crush Cactus Planter which is actually a FREE GIFT. I hope that you get the chance to visit the event, it is a beautiful set up, and there are so many lovely items as well as some gifts and great deals to be had. One other FREE Gift is part of todays post, so do not miss out, because it is way sexy.

    This first outfit is the FREE one, and the pink and shimmer to it is tres magnifique, or just straight out YUM. Fishy Strawberry has it out at their stand for free, there is also two sets of superb lingerie, one set of which I am wearing in this post also. The orange and teal jut made me so happy, it is like being a sexy superhero on her day off. There are so many options in the set, and you do get a choice of either triangle shaped bra or the strapless one that I am wearing. I decided to also add the necklace I was wearing yesterday, the one that has the long back, so pretty, and this time you get to see it properly thanks to the beautiful La Petite Morte pose. The adorable Teddy Bear is part of the Back to Black event and comes with pose included as a wearable.

    The other poses I am using in the first pic are from Status, there is a great set of show me your nails poses also at the Juicy Crush on You event, and Status is set up right beside Whimsy and I at W.Winx and Flair booth…YAY.The nails are a Glitter set of the Izzies ones, again so pretty and shiney, with real glittery pieces in the polish. The eyes I have on are also from Izzies and Mesh, these make fantastic looking eyes, as the MESH doesn’t distort the image and it looks super high resolution, so much clearer and such beautiful colours to choose from, there are demos, so check them out. The hair I am wearing with the first pic is from Amacci, another Back to Black item and so pretty, I especially love that the feather attachment is a separate attachment so you can wear it with lots and lots of other styles. Other Mesh items in the post are the Over the Mountain boots, also by Fishy Strawberry, these ankle boots are so cute for non hiking fashionista wearing, you know for when you want to look like you are all fit and funky but really the idea of sweating up a mountain is just OMG MY HAIR WOULD FRIZZ worthy.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Status Poses  @ Juicy Crush on You Event starts 10th Feb  and  La Petite Morte @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Soft Green MESH – Izzies 


    MESH Lashes – Beetlebones 

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Gina – Tuli 


    Emma – Amacci @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb


    Pink Crush Gleam set FREE by Fishy Strawberry @ Juicy Crush on You Event starts 10th Feb 


    Over the Mountain Boot MESH – Fishy Strawberry 


    Make a Wish Necklace – Artilleri  @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb

    Glitter Nails – Izzies 


    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Emma – Tuli 


    Hairbase – LeLutka 

    Fierce – Fashionably Dead


    Desiderio Lingerie – Fishy Strawberry @ Juicy Crush on You Event starts 10th Feb 


    Move Pumps – Elikatira


    Backward Necklace – The Pink Bandaid  @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb

    My Best Friend Pose Prop – La Petite Morte @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb


  • Stylish

    Violet the Dowager Countess of Grantham rocks my world




    There are moments worth waiting for, and today’s hair is definitely one of them. That may seem over the top, but having been a hair fan since day one of landing in Second Life, there are definitely moments that stand out in hair creation. Today after my earlier post, Bryony said that she was going to try a Mesh viewer now, because she had been waiting her whole SLife for a braided hair that would move with her. I am so glad of that, that it happened for her, and she will get to grin with satisfaction that she held in there.

    The hair I am wearing in this post, while I wasn’t exactly waiting for it, as in the style isn’t one I had hoped and dreamt about…it is rather the idea of it being something so beautiful and so totally in keeping with the creations of the designer thus far. The hair was actually inspired by the T.V Series Downton Abbey, which I actually stumbled across some months ago and managed to watch most of season one in two days. Even without having to go and look at images, I know how this hair came about, it is in my mind a mixture of Mary and Sybil with their fierce determination and innocence mixed together with passion and love. I adore this hair, because it may have taken years to get to, but it is now because of the brilliance of Mesh that is can be all that it is.

    The dress I am wearing is also Mesh, such beautiful shaping around the breast area with this strapless cocktail dress, it fit me to perfection. The dress is actually two pieces of Mesh and once I found that out I UNLINKED and wore the top portion with another fabulous hybrid Mesh skirt to show that you can make this dress so versatile. The dress comes in so many other colours that you will find one to suit your style easily.

    I am wearing items from Back to Black today as well, it starts on Saturday as mentioned in an earlier post. The Jewelry I have on are pieces from the event, and the delicate little heart chain is actually long at the back, which I love as a feature for necklaces. The gold necklace worn in the first pic is the Serenity Necklace, it has three discs that have the words Courage, Serenity and Wisdom on them…a beautiful and inspiring piece of Jewelry. The last necklace is the Hyperion with stunning pear work with chains and that divine heart in the centre. The back to Black event is definitely one worth taking the time to explore and shop at.

    The nails I saw last night and bought a set for both Whimsy and I, these glitter nails are just gorgeous, the nailpolish is so realistic. There are beautiful colours in the HUD and the nailcovers are so well done, I didn’t even have to tint them at all which makes me so happy. Also a must mention is that I am wearing MESH Lashes, so be sure to look for them too, they are similar to the regular alpha based lashes, but seemed much easier to fit, and come with lots of options. I also must point out that bag, is that not a piece of art, it is so amazing and totally has to be Kill Bill inspired, it is brilliant, and comes in three different metals, also from the Back to Black event coming soon.

    The beautiful Amaris skin comes with an abundance of options, nails, cleavage, pedicure brows and more. The skin is just lovely on so be sure to DEMO DEMO DEMO.


    Quotes are from the series Downton Abbey and can be found here.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : C’est La Vie , Diesel Works

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    MESH Lashes Dainty Black  – Beetlebones 

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Amaris – Adam n Eve 


    Abbey MESH – Elikatira 



    Facil Skirt MESH Micro prim Hybrid – Elymode 


    KIA – LeLutka 


    Serenity Necklace – Carolines Jewelry @ Back to Black Event Starts Feb 11th

    Glitter Nails – Izzies 


    2nd  Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Amaris – Adam n Eve 


    Abbey MESH – Elikatira 


    Be Mine Mini Dress MESH - Beetlebones 


    Gatsby Heels MESH – Ingenue @ Collabor88/Feb


    Belt , Glitter Nails – Izzies 

    Backward Necklace – The Pink Bandaid 


    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Amaris – Adam n Eve


    Abbey MESH – Elikatira 


    Be Mine Mini Dress MESH - Beetlebones 

    Bandage Leggings with Fishnet – Sleeping Koala @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb


    Bonnie Boots – Redgrave 


    Leather Gloves,Glitter Nails – Izzies 

    Spiked Around Bag – Glow Studio @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb

    Hyperion – LouLou & Co @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb

  • Stylish

    Great Expectations


    Just like the inspiration for this beautiful dress, there are always Great Expectations of Collabor88 for all those that attend. This dress is just delightful, there are actually two options, the old and the new, but I couldn’t resist the beauty of the old, giving a sense of opportunity shop purchases and vintagey inspired looks. There are so many wonderful items this month, the necklace is also just perfection, you will definitely want to collect these stunning keepsakes of a beautiful tragedy.

    I am loving the style of these boots they look especially fierce in black, but this cream version definitely worked with the overall look, and the heel of them is just divinely tall. The clutch is part of the Back to Black event that is starting on Saturday as mentioned in the previous post, so be sure to look out for that. The beautiful hair I am wearing is MESH, and I just love the two braids in their very innocent style, these move beautifully with your avatar as they are rigged Mesh, and fit so well if you have a size 50 head.


    Words used from Charles Dickens ” Great Expectations ”

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : aDORKable Poses 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Amaris – Adam n Eve 


    Kamiko MESH – Wasabi Pills 


    Miss Havishams Wedding Dress OLD – Nylon Outfitters @ Collabor88/Feb


    Bonnie Boots – Redgrave 


    Croco Clutch Bag – MONS @ Back to Black Event starts 11th Feb 

    Love & Hate rings – Addict 


  • Stylish

    COMING SOON – Back to Black Event

    Back to Black Poster  COMING SOON


    Coming this Saturday is the Second Back to Black event. Originally the Black & Blue this is an awareness event for Mental Health issues. The event has many incredible designers taking part, and every designer has been given a theme to inspire them. I have had a sneak peak and I was blown away by the incredible items that have been created, especially the poses and props, and it is incredibly interesting to see how one word can evoke such strong reactions in people.

    If you want to read a very thought provoking post about this event, by its organiser Keira Seerose, you can find that here. Also more information on the event, and the stores that are participating can be found here.

    I was lucky to have the pleasure of helping Ashia Tomsen with the vendor for her Back to Black item, she got the theme of Family and she made an adorable child avatar skin called Imogen, the skin comes in Natural and Pale tones, and will be a special price for the event with both tones included…you can see it here. This skin has no down there parts at all and has no breast shading, this is definitely a child avatar skin.

    More info on the event location will be available at the time of opening at the website, or here when I do a post again in the future :).

  • Stylish



    Today I attended a Firestorm class in world, it was mainly because I have found that my memory usage – in my processes tab of the task manager of my computer (ctrl shift esc ) runs at over 2.5 million, where as on the regular viewer it only runs at 700K. This is a huge difference and lead me to believe that it was because of all the bells and whistles that come with many of the Third Party Viewers. Apparently not though, as I found out at the meeting, many are suffering from Memory leak issues which they assured me would be fixed to their best ability in the next update…so fingers crossed.

    Being an 80’s teen it was all about neon and glow as we called it mostly. I remember begging for glow socks from my Mum for ages, and she kept saying no because she thought they were silly. But then one night she came home with 4 different pairs for me, my Mum rocks so hard. The 80’s was a dangerous time for clothing, with a pair of scissors and some safety pins you could recreate a whole look into another look, and oh lord did many of us get into lots of trouble for doing that to our clothes lol. But fashion was definitely fun, and with some spray paint and netting you could be stylish and fabulous all over the place, you just needed the right inspiration and the perfect pair of kitten heels to pull it all together.

    I am not wearing kitten heels as such, well the heels are definitely in the kitten realm, but these are boots and MESH rigged boots to be exact. They are the latest by Insolence and I love the style which is also very reminiscent of the 80’s more so around the 86 – 87 area to be exact. The hair is the latest from Red Mint and this style is so funky, with the asymmetrical bangs, and the duo length cut. I did add some extra tint in edit to the pink as the pink option was a touch too light for the look. Sticky Fingers just released some Neon pieces in highwaisted skirts, cropped tops and belts, and all mixed together they make for lots of sexy nights and sleepy days.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : aDORKable Poses

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Linn Light Party – Glam Affair (past TDR skin)


    Hair No.20 (tinted in edit )- Red Mint 


    My Pink Neon Crop Top, My Black Neon Skirt – Stinky Fingers 

    Garter Socks (Tinted) – Izzies 


    Christine Black Boots – Insolence


    Collar from Fantasy Dress – VR Foundry 

    Fantik Line Skull Ring MESH ( available at The Fashion Garret) , Fanatik Pink Belt  – Sticky Fingers 


  • Stylish

    COMING SOON – Juicy Crush On You

    Crush on You Event

    COMING SOON, very soon in fact, this friday the Juicy Crush On You event will start. The booths are being set up as you read this, and there are wonderful stores involved. The items will be exclusive to the event for it’s duration, and some items may be offered at a lower price for this event – not promising for other stores, but I know the collaboration item by W.Winx and Flair made by Whimsy and Me will be 50% off only at the event.

    The location is pretty and spacious, and there is already a Flickr Group for you to watch as the stores list their items in advance. Make sure you make time for this event as it is only a week long, and lots of beautiful items will be available.

    Hope to see you there…

    (Slurls will be available once the event opens)

  • Stylish

    She would merengue and do the cha-cha







    Gogo has started a 12 days of Lingerie Challenge for all posts between now and Valentines Day to be posts in underwear/lingerie. I don’t know that I will be able to keep to that for every post, but I did want to at least do one post with this newness, and of course also mention that there was a SALE. I also get to show off New hair and a poseprop Polywall that has so many poses and backgrounds to choose from, as well as a gorgeous New skin.

    The Lingerie is NEW from Ooh lala by Nylon Pinkney, and if you haven’t already bought out the whole store – I know we all did when we first went there – then you will definitely want to take advantage of the SALE items, in reds and pinks that are reduced to only 88L. The store has a divine assortment of styles to choose from, and the prices are so low to begin with that you will think it is all on Sale. The New hairstyles I am wearing are both from Ploom, and I am loving them both, but Abelle the loose bun at the base of the neck is my standout favourite of the two. The styles are really pretty, with loose tendrils and just enough Rawr sex appeal in them to be the perfect Valentines Hairdo’s.

    The skin I am wearing is Lola and from Glance. The skin is inspired by Jennifer Lopez, as if you couldn’t tell that yourself, and with my shape it still looks close enough to the real thing IMO. The default skin has a small amount of down there hair, but the skin comes with an additional tattoo layer to cover that up for more revealing clothing pieces which is a great option if not going fully shaved to begin with. The skins also come with 12 lovely make ups, and breast minimisers and maximiser layers. There are also dark and light tattoo layer brow options, make sure and DEMO DEMO DEMO because the skin is definitely hot.

    Lastly the poses I am using are from Diesel Works and part of a Polywall poseprop set. The prop comes with 26 poses and 15 textures for the inside of the prop. Now I did have a moment at first where I thought I didn’t fit in the tight confines of the prop, as my hands did go through the walls, but I was helped out by Rogan and he explained that I just needed to adjust my position with the menu to bring myself further forward where it is wider at the front. Voila I fit, but I do wish that it was mod, as I would then be able to add other backgrounds, but other than that it is great for people that like the dramatic and very sexy pose props like this one.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Diesel Works PolyWall Pose Prop

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Lola – Glance


    Stevie, Abelle – Ploom


    Kitty Set, Swirly Corset – Ooh Lala


    Alex – G*Field


  • Stylish

    Aging finer than wine

    Sophie 1


    Sophie 2



    So February has started, and it is a short month, but this one is going to be huge. There are so many events this month it is going to be hard keeping track – lucky we have sites like the Second Life Events Calendar to keep track. From here on in everything is going to be busy this year, I can feel the shift in the universe coming…so hold on folks it is going to get choppy from here on in.

    I am all Mesh love today, but I am also aging at an alarming rate, lucky I still get to look fabulous doing so. I have seen different variations of aged skins over the years, but this one shown today is seriously stunning. I had the feeling of looking at either Sasy much older, or if my own Mum was in world this is what she would look like as Sasy’s Mum, and that thought was really nice…so if you are wanting to age with grace this skins is definitely a must DEMO DEMO DEMO. The other is a newer skin from the same creator, and I think it is incredibly beautiful also, with different colour hair and brow options. I could not resist the red, and the soft freckles add on option, or you can go with more freckles as you do get both on tattoo layers.

    The older skin is Sophie and the regular is Nico, both by Baiastice, and so gorgeous. The make up options for Sophie actually come on layers and are really nice and subtle for a skin of this maturity. The Nico skins have ten different make ups, as well as brows, hairbase options and breast and freckles add ons. So many options.

    I decided that the new Peplum Line Knit sweaters were perfect for both young and older Sasy, as they are definitely a fashionable look with a definite classic quality. The slimline belt is just an extra bit of flair that looks great, and takes it from being just another sweater, to something  very stylish. The sweater is from Aoharu and is part of their new MESH range of items, look for many more releases from there soon, as there is going to be a Mesh explosion, and with Aoharu always a creator of both Male and Female items, the guys will be happy.

    With the more youthful me, I am wearing the Ava skirts and socks from Elymode. I love these skirts so hard, and wanted more, even tping over there half dressed in hope of more colours, but alas only 5 in Ava and there are also the Felice ones to get as well…but I really want a hundred colours STAT! they are so sexy, and I love that they come with the socks as well, last time I didn’t show those, but they are perfect with boots such as these, or maryjanes for a sexy coquettish look.

    Again I am wearing new hair from Elikatira, this time the Over hair, and the long braid was just perfect for both older and regular me. This is Mesh and just looks and moves so well and is just a delight to wear. I am looking forward to more Mesh hair from Elikatira, but also would be really excited to see Elika do some more shoes and bags also in Mesh, as she has always created some really beautiful items of both in the past.


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : PLOOM

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location

    shoots- VR

    Foundry Mainstore, VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Pic:

    Skin Worn:

    Sophie – Baiastice 


    Over – Elikatira MESH


    Peplum Line Knit MESH – Aoharu 

    Trousers – Fri.day

    Arina shirt Nostalgia – LG Femme 


    Move Pumps – Elikatira 


    Nika bag Ivory – La Gyo

    Owl Pendant Necklace – Le Bloom



    2nd Pic:

    Skin Worn:

    Nico – Baiastice 


    Over , Locked – Elikatira MESH 


    Peplum Line Knit MESH – Aoharu 

    Ava Skirts (Part Mesh) – Elymode 


    Charlie Boots – Treads


    Nile Hat – Celoe MESH

    Bret Bag – Shade ThroneÂ