• Stylish

    Shaken not stirred



    Recently released skins by Glam Affair, this is Jadis. You saw the paler version last week , well this week we have a medium tan, as well as other tones, but I am showing in that one, the golden body is just lovely. There are 12 make ups for this skin, as well as a base skin, and they are all superb, luscious lips and dramatic eyes, she has such a summery look to her overall.

    The hair I am wearing is a new release from Exile and OMG isn’t it sexy as hell, it has that dried by the sun look I love, and frames the face in a revamped 70’s look. The length is great, it is truly all win. The swimwear I am wearing is from Has Been, if you haven’t been to Has Been then you are missing out on some amazing pieces, especially the latest lingerie release. But the vintage swimwear caught my eye, and I just had to have.

    The background I am using from Second Life Stock Images, is another one of Whimsy WInx’s . She got a group gift the other day and we thought it was so beautiful, that it was perfect for some kind of arty look…and she nailed it with this one, I just couldn’t resist it. The store where the chair is from is What’s Next, and the iceberg she has in her pic, is part of an awesome floating escape from her own store W.Winx.

    Have a great day


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Artemis – Exile

    Skin: Jadis – Glam Affair

    Clothes: Retro Hawaiian Bikini – Has Been



    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Adorkable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Ten Hut


    I love the military look, I remember in the 80’s mid way, it was a huge fashion trend. Many would even shop at the military stores to bypass the huge increase that fashion put on the price tags of the same or similar items, I remember once finding out the ‘rule’ about wearing a sailors hat, or anyone in the armed services, you know the one, where if you wear a guys hat for more than ten seconds you have to……….. lucky for me a friend knew that rule and knocked it off my head at 7 lol.

    Their uniforms are hot, especially the ones that they have to wear for special events, and the older style flap jackets of the british airforce, YUM. I have mentioned in previous posts my love for the movie for the boys, and this whole collection from LeLutka has me all excited. So many incredible pieces, this collection is HUGE and so unexpected, because the store has recently been putting out smaller releases more often.

    I always go on and on about Thora and Minnu, I am naughty that way, because with every release for the past year or so, Azufr3 Catteneo has played a part, and from something as small as a scarf, has moved on to incredible work such as the Alpha Romper I am wearing in this post. I say scarf because in my inventory I have a scarf made by him from last Christmas and that was my first Azufr3 item. The detailing on the romper is that of a stunningly tailored coat with shorts, the front of the shorts to give them more realism is sculpted and so well done I didn’t have to refit a thing. Azufr3 knows women, he has a definite stand out creative style, but luckily for all of us, it blends so well with the LeLutka brand and Thora and Minnus own visions.

    The set is made in such a way as that you can still wear the upper portion with other things, so if shorts are not your look, then you can definitely wear dress pants, or maybe leggings. In the main portion of the pic, I went with some stunning fishnets in a wide net, I love these, they are from a newer to me store called Erratic that joined what’s new sl a few weeks back, and I just had to have these stockings.

    Everytime that LeLutka brings out newness I usually cross my fingers for one thing, HATS, and this release gave me some amazing ones, the Dictathor is the one I am wearing in this post, but there is also the incredible fur one as well, I cannot wait to find extra looks for these, and the hair attacments sold for hair base skins look great and properly severe fo complete the look.

    The new boots from Baiastice are perfect for this look also, and because they have two options, it was great fun to create two female ideals in the pic. Knee high bow backs are just great, but the extra layer of yum comes from the thigh high upper portion that is more like a guard than extra boot length, very nicely done and very innovative.

    Stock Image used by Whimsy Winx from Second Life Stock Images Group

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Attachment , Flapper– LeLutka

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Alpha Romper – LeLutka

    Fishnets Wide – Erratic

    Shoes/Boots: Bow Back Knee Boots – Baiastice 


    Dictathor Hat – LeLutka

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Poseur

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Give me a GLITCH

    Glitch One

    Glitch two

    Glitch Three

    Glitch Four

    Over the years I have heard EVERY single excuse for not making Glitch layers there is….inserts fingers in ears lalalalalalalalala.No seriously, there has been situations where if it was possible to throw down and do that thing like the sims where you end up a ball of dust as you wreste it out, that would have happened too.

    Customers don’t care if you think they are pretty or not, make them as pretty as you can, but please provide them.

    This was going to be a hard post to write with examples, because I do not want to point out flaws on items that either aren’t real, or have no real baring on the post…so to show you what I meant, I would either have to suddenly know how to make clothing hee hee, or use items that no longer are available.

    It was an easy choice who to go with on the not available, as not only are they still so pretty and have the perfect examples almost of what I need, but they also have truly wonderful glitch pants lol.

    IMPORTANT : I need you to imagine in most cases though that the flexi may be sculptie, these clothes are older than sculpts as they are original Dazzle items. But my main issue with no glitch is when sculpted at least part of the time, your prims are not visible at all, so please bare that in mind.

    This first pic, is a classic empire dress, not exactly floorlength, but has that longer than a babydoll and narrower fit. Which means unless you are related to a rake, and/or have an actual empire AO (I do actually but shhhh ) then your going to stick out, with the AO’s moving how they do these days, you are probably going to stick out a lot. * Thanks Canimal for the gorgeous group gift when your store opened, I have loved them forever * Now the cute panties sticking out might be fun for some, but not usually. It looks awful to be seen in such a way, and if you don’t actually wear panties, then um yeah, bad.

    You will see in the second version of the same pretty dress, that the glitch not only match in colour and fabric, but that they are scalloped at the ends to match the scalloped edge of the prims. While it still is not overly attractive to poke out of your prims, it is a nice treat to see such attention to detail as this.

    Pic three, those that read my blog regularly know I have a big love for System skirts. I love them, I really truly do, and I do not change shape for them. The first Management job I had in SL for over a year was a store thats main style was system skirt based, and the styles were amazing. I remember hearing about glitch pants back then in 06 and letting my boss know, and they just got even better, as until then not many stores did them at all for system.

    There is something magical about how they work with the skirts, somehow they work like a magnet to eachother, and when the skirt is stretched with the glitch on it just keeps going, but without the fabric breaks. Another argument has been about this type of style, not seeing the point if one side is visible in a split like this one, well it will still stop the breaking, and again it shows the customer you give a rats. This is another perfect example of how you can do them. This type of glitch also gets used on flexi half gowns, with a bit more detailing.

    The last picture is the one that I want you to imagine as a sculptie the most. You move one way, the prims move another, hips push through, legs go through or bum pokes out, a lot of the time clothing creators don’t take their creations out for a walk before they pack them up to sell, maybe they should.

    Worse though is arriving somewhere and while you are rezzing for people all they see are your cute undies…IF you are wearing any. At least with Glitch there is a barrier there, and also an indication that you didn’t leave the house half dressed, and no one has to eject you from the sim for being a rudie nudie.

    Just because you never have that problem with sculpts doesn’t mean half the world doesn’t. WIth my old pc sculpts never rezzed, for hours I could be with someone chatting away as they had balls on their ankles or head. But lately I have noticed for me anyway, the balls aren’t as common anymore, its shards, and the shards cover nothing.

    Lastly and this one I do not have a picture of because Dazzle is too old, and again I am not out to point fingers. One of the other Glitch needs is for Jackets especially, or tops that are sculpted. Often you find that there is either no glitch or only a partial glitch layer, sometimes only at the shoulders and arms, or maybe just over the breasts. Back to the AO issues, if the glitch doesn’t end where the prim does, it’s not doing anyone any good – same with skirts and dresses, rule of thumb is they end where the prims do – but with jackets if the prims go one way and you go another, then all you have poking through is either what your wearing under the coat, or bare skin.

    These are your designs, your craft, don’t fall short with the glitch, believe it or not, the glitch to me and many other fashionistas is as important an addition to second life fashion as flexi was.

    Mesh might fix this issue, I don’t know, but until then, put your best glitch forward……………………..

    Hair -Module -  LeLutka

    Skin – Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothing – Dazzle (no longer available)

    Panties by Canimal (no longer available group gift )

    Poses – Poseur/Body Language

  • Stylish

    You ain’t seen the best of me yet








    What a day for newness today has been. The hair from LeLutka was a surprise as we had all been awaiting the release of the FAME shoes and legwarmers, which I have been teased all over the place this past week. I really love the professional style of them, mixed with a more modern and European use of colour and style. I have these shoes in plain black leather in RL, and I have worn them so often for different reasons. Definitely impressive job interview shoes, especially for fashion retail, they say you know what is what, and yet you also know you will be spending a lot of time on your feet, the sturdy heel and supportive shape are integral in the style.

    The leg warmers come with , but are an option, as they are separate attachments. The legwarmers are texture change, and you have a solid or striped option in those, they are so pretty structurally that I can see them becoming the go to warmers for months to come. Now as I said the hair was a surprise, but when you see the names you will probably guess that they wanted to keep it as a surprise, and that is so nice. I actually saw Willamina who I am guessing they were named after in the store after the release, and Gorgeous is a no brainer, it has to be after GoGo of JuicyBomb so the colour was an easy choice too.

    The use of the same bangs for a few of these styles was awesome, the pulled back twisted pony is marvelous and totally looks like a pulled back version of the other two, and I have discussed that in the past, that often this just enhances the reality of it being your own hair, rather than extreme changes as many of us do lol.

    So then after all that to find out that Gala was about to release new skins called Ice Queen, and not only that, but there are lipstick and eyebrow tattoos in blonde and black available, fingers crossed that they will seperately purchaseable as she keeps her tones so precise it would be awesome. I can see this skin being a development of all the begging for the Yum mouth and the recent Autumn face style, a really beautiful face and the most amazing glossy lips, they are incredible, I don’t know how she does them like that, I can only imagine she pours gloss all over a scanner, which would make for a very expensive experiment – so do not do that at home .

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Willamina, Gorgeous, Module, Wintour, Flapper – LeLutka

    Skin: Ice Queen – Gala

    Clothes: So Boho Blouse, Cigarette Jeans – Mon Tissu

    Shoes/Boots: FAME – LeLutka


    Barbro Belt – LeLutka

    Medallion Earrings – Essentia

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Buck Up for Winmer, or Sumter


    A quickie, just to get my day started…which is kind of silly as it’s 2am here. I cannot believe it is the 17th, Christmas is only days away, and yet there is nothing really Christmasy feeling about it, unless you consider funny names on plurk and of course the decorating of sims and body, such as I have done today. But are you feeling the nostalgia, the need to find that ultimate gift for loved ones, or looking forward to as many of your family and/or friends getting together on the big day ?

    As I get older, it becomes more about making sure I remember that the stores will be closed, and to be sure to order enough red bull in my next delivery. It is funny too because in the past I have shuffled my Christmas day – a day ahead of most – with being in Second Life to do customer service on Christmas Eve, a hectic last minute explosion where everything hiccups and it is all awesome – I miss customer service lots and lots, may have to do something about that in the new year.

    Maybe I am still not used to being so overexposed to it so early, as soon as the halloween stuff was about to come down the thanksgiving and christmas stuff went up in Second Life, and for us down here, your thanksgiving meal is more like our Christmas, so somehow I feel like I have already had my turkey and all the fixins.

    Lucky for me and other Aussies, there are designers like Dakota Buck taking care of our warmer weather needs. This weeks fifty L Friday items from Whippet & Buck are these adorable tiered skirts. The two colours that you will get are divine, and so easy to mix and match. I went with black for the pink skirt, but could have easily gone with chocolate, creams or even blues.

    Moving down the legs, past The Strand socks and onto the New YS &YS Yeti boots, this is so cool, as only recently did I delete some Yeti boots from 2006-7 ish. They come in a lovely range of colours. Yeti boots are so much fun, not just because they look great, but who can not chuckle at the idea of boots made from Yeti fur…the idea that man has never caught one, but we managed to make shoes from them none the less.

    The tops I am wearing come from Fri.day, the one on the left being the newer Rhapsody tunic, this is a two layered look, with the top layer having only one strap and a cute puffed sleeve attachment. I was impressed with the info in the pack letting you know that with all avs being different sizes, you may need to do some editing on the sleeve and that your AO ‘may’ effect it’s movement, due to the inability to do afull shoulder covering because of the one arm template. Many don’t realise that is how clothing is done, so that info is really nice to have provided. Another part of the top that I love is the belt, the thin mid torso belt is perfect for high waist skirts or anything really, adding an extra accent to a look, so worth the tops purchase just for the belt.

    The fluffy furry stole I have on over the Dion shirt is from SDB, this stole is NOT mod though, my version isn’t anyway, so you will have to pray to the heavens that it fits. I am not sure if that is still the case with the item in the store, but yes, it’s a really pretty item, but unfortunatly with no glitch and no mod, it is not going to fit all. So if your breasts are bigger than a 65 and your larger than I look, be warned.

    Speaking of warnings, the fun antlers I am wearing need a big tag hanging from them saying DON’T TOUCH MEEEE – watch that youtube it is adorable – but back to antlers lol. These come with emotes built in, so if someone clicks on you, well all sorts of things could happen in open chat, but thank goodness they do have a lock option, and they sparkle and look fabulous, and you know you want to find out what they say, let’s just put it this way. If I wasn’t partnered and Newdoll wasn’t partnered, we would have to get married now.

    I have used and added another stock image to the Second Life Stock Images Group, some incredible photos have been added for people to use, I cannot wait to play with some myself. If you do use them, please mention it in comments, it is an amazing thing to know your images are helping others with their pics.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Betty Boop , Paper Tiger – Curio

    Skin: Jadis – Glam Affair

    Clothes: Cindy Ruffle – Whippet & Buck (This weeks 50L friday item)

    Rhapsody Tunic, DIon Shirt – Fri.day

    Thigh Highs – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: Yeti Boots – YS & YS


    Medallion Earrings – Essentia

    Xmas light antlers[BedlaM] ( XRated options but lockable functions so no one can use)

    Nails – Mons

    Knit Stole – SDB

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    A whomp bomp a loo la


    The background used in todays pic is a merge of location shot and PS work, as in the outside of the window is me chopping down a smaller pic to fit. Free to use in the Second Life Stock Images Group on Flickr .

    I think jeans lovers of the grid rejoiced when Bela Tolsen hit the grid. I have said it before, and it only gets proved every release, the woman really knows how to do pattern work with pants, and the jeans in this post are all incredible. Even if you are not into the overly patterned, there is so much range in her prints that there is bound to be something that catches your eye. I could seriously stay in the grey stiched pair near the window for yonks.

    Also wonderful to have as a staple, and I do love that these are solids not prints, the off shoulder tops, also from Tutti Frutti. A little raised on one side, perfectly styled for off the shoulders, and also a great piece to do layered looks with. I decided to keep it simple today though, some ElikaTira hairstyles – please Elika may we have some MOOOORRRREEEEE.

    Shying away from the sun, in the new Glam Affair skin Jadis, in the Yuki pale edition. Different brows to choose from, and option of with or without hair base.The hair base is a creamier white than usual, so you will have to be careful when choosing hair attachments, yay for demos. I opted for the full styles though, and with the brow options going to black it was a no brainer really. There is even a no brow option for those that wear tattoo options.

    More of the Jadis to come in other darker tones, so don’t worry you don’t miss out if you don’t go for a paler skin. This one is lovely though, and the make ups are delightful. Not only am I taking the Tee*fy flats for another spin, I am also wearing the yummy and snuggly scarf that is another item at the Albero Dollar Market, these items are made as transfer for gift purchases for Christmas, so don’t miss out.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Vivid , Mood, Fresh, Away – Elikatira

    Skin: Jadis – Yuki Edition – Glam Affair

    Clothes: Turquoise/Garnet/Jet Off Shoulder, Abalone Low Rise , Dusk Field Low Rise, Yachts Low Rise, Nitro Jeans – Tutti Frutti

    Shoes/Boots: Callias Flats – Tee*fy


    Medallion Set – Essentia

    Anya’s Pico MofuMofu Scarf – Tee*fy

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Happy Holidays Hunt more stuff

    Ala Folie

    Kunglers & Alienbear

    OW Elymode Blitzed


    The Happy Holidays Hunt is in full swing.It started the other day, and people have been going to and fro to grab all the goodies while they can. The items are priced at 10L each item but the items are incredible value, and usually have a ticket price around the 400L mark I have heard.

    Some of the stores at The Deck even have items in the event, see HERE. I most likely wont be able to get through all of them before the event is over, but I am going to try. The items in todays post are from the hunt. What I have liked about all the items so far, is that you can incorporate them into other looks when you are done with the originals.

    You can see I am also wearing the incredible hair attachments from Amacci, these formal do’s are just magnificent.With the Amacci hair bases being available in so many incredible colours, you will be able to coordinate looks that are right for you. The cute little flats I have on are from Tee*fy at the Albero dollar fair, they come with three options, in a great range of colours, and there are also some adorable scarfs there too.

    Each store that is part of the Hunt should have a poster out the front with the details of where you start, but you can just randomly move to stores you are familiar with first and so on, some incredible releases as mentioned and lots of fun can be had if you hunt with a group of friends, so far the hunt clues provided have all been top notch, so you wont spend hours pulling your hair out :).

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    41. AlaFolieDonna Gown

    Amacci – Rona Hair with hair base

    LeLutka – Natasha Skin Base

    79. Safira Gown – Kunglers

    39. Natasja Tiara & Ring – Alienbear Designs

    Rina Hair – Amacci

    Natasha Skin – LeLutka

    29. Holiday Police – Blitzed

    Joy Hair – Maitreya

    Callias Flats – Tee*fy

    Natasha Skin – LeLutka

    46. Sima Gown – Elymode

    Kim – Maitreya

    Natasha – LeLutka

    69. Onyx Wear – Sweater Eleven Dress

    Callias Flats – Tee*fy

    Natasha Skin – LeLutka

    Kim – Maitreya

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    As I went down to the river

    MonTissu Party


    I have been having a lot of fun with the stock images I have taken, in these pictures again it might look like they were shot on location, but no, all done in my VR Studio. I was absolutely floored by the picture that Anya OhMai did in a post the other day using one of the backgrounds from the Second Life Stock Images flickr group, she is so talented, that it rocked to have something from the group used by someone so wonderful.

    Both backgrounds are from Lula the home of Mon Tissu, that finally opened today, to much aclaim. Everyone I know has gone gaga over the release, and I myself was so impressed by the detailing of the items, you really cannot understand how amazing they are just off the vendors. An item I haven’t shown yet is so well structured it totally had me fooled.

    The other day while Whimsy was swanning around in her Mon Tissu goodies, I was intrigued by how ‘real’ the skirt she had on looked…now don’t get all persnickity about photosourcing, because there is a big difference between sourcing and just taking a pic or downloading an actual garment and shoving it on a template. Things are sourced in SL all the time, for instance try handdrawing a knit pattern, can you imagine having to draw some wool make it look like wool, then mold that piece into what would look like one part of a stitch? then to repeat that hundreds of times until you get one row of knit, to then again copy that over and over to be able to get a patch big enough to make a texture for a scarf.

    Or good luck getting really beautiful leather shoes/boots if leather in some varieties wasn’t sourced. Anyway, not saying these things cannot be achieved, just saying it isn’t always practical, and if there is true work done to the item, and the sourcing is just a small part of the overall finished product, then you need to learn the difference when throwing around accusations. This is all coming out ranty, but that is not the intention.

    What I was getting at in a round about way, is that the skirt had me totally fooled, what ‘looked’ like it might be more sourced than not, wasn’t even on the mesh texture at all, the skirt was done so well at the front with sculpties that I had to zoom and cam and turn and go ‘OMG’. That is what you will never realise from a flat image, that often what can look flat or have a more realistic look than you assume it should, is actually just made so well that it looks real.

    Just like I remember when Maitreya Gold first came out, people were actually accusing the pics on flickr as being images from another programe that they couldn’t be second life, Maitreya sure showed them. Anyway, I will show that skirt one day soon, and you will see what I saw, because the Mon Tissu blending of real and handdrawn is wonderful, and I cannot wait for more.

    The party dresses in the first pic are so adorable, and I can see wearing the tops or skirts of the dress as seperate pieces for other fun looks. So many bows, even my hair is a bow, loving accented with some divine and delicate pieces of jewelry from Whippet & Buck another incredibly talented duo. Wouldn’t you just love to sit in a room and pick the brains of creators like these two fashion brands, I know I would.

    Boot love all over the place, how Elie Spot – otherwise known as Emma Gilmour – was able to top her recent cowboy boots with these ones is just amazing. If we could somehow convince her to spend the next two months only making shoes and boots OMG. The cardigan in its beaded vintage beauty, with the underneath beaded tank, is a true showing of how meant to be Mon Tissu is, and how it’s creators are really in eachothers creative space in such a great way. I took the belt from the Park Avenue top and wriggled it down to the hips, stretched it and voila a great bow belt for the jeans as well. Even the jeans are mod, which is just amazing.

    I am wearing Curio hair in the top pic, and Exile new and old in the second pic. The new hair is Hannah and so cute, love the loose braid on the side, again Kavar just makes such stunning and feminine locks.

    Make sure when visiting Mon Tissu you take your man with you, he can look around the incredible sim, add pics to the stock images group 😛 and get used to being there, because future releases are going to include ones for men.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Bow , Jade – Curio

    Skin: Amber – League

    Clothes: Party Dress – Mon Tissu

    Knee High Socks – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: Provence Boots – Mon Tissu

    Accessories/Jewelry:  Gilded Virgin Necklace, Diamond & Pearl Stack – Mon Tissu

    Ribbon Straw Bag – Sabbia

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Hannah, Majandra (heavily modded to fit under hat ) – Exile

    Skin: Amber – League

    Clothes: Joli Beaded Tank, 1929 Cigarette Jeans, Prudence Cardigan, Park Avenue Top – Mon Tissu

    Knee High Socks – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: Provence Boots – Mon Tissu 


    Deer Stalker Hat – Mon Tissu

    Park Avenue Belt (from Park Avenue top ) – Mon Tissu

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Elle Yu Elle Ay





    Lula location
    The long anticipated opening of MonTissu is just over the horizon, it will be open this Saturday officially, but if you have been chomping at the bit to see the new location for Lamb, Tres Blah, Mon Tissu and Turnip then Lula is where you want to go. Turnip Sorbet has been working on the build for the past few months, and it has been well worth the wait. The style of stores are just charming I wish there were more of them to explore, the landscaping is some of the best I have ever seen, this is not just a commercial sim, this is a destination.

    Earlier today a few dozen fans got the chance to have morning tea with the owners of Mon Tissu and special guests Lamb and Turnip. Lamb has already opened her store with the new rlelease of her hair Wild Nothing, which I am wearing in the post. Tres Blah also released a new skin, but I am wearing an older one from the blur event of a few months back. I am also wearing some of the tops that are due for release, the So Boho top I have been coveting for weeks now, the style is superb, old vintage handcrafts made into something so wearable and chic, the Joli beaded tunic is a divine cleavage enhancement without being too out there. Both tops are created by the two owners of Mon Tissu and truly show their talents.There is a lengthener skirt base to the So Boho top, but I loved the finish it had without as well.

    I was watching an old tv show earlier, and the main girl was wearing some great gaucho pants. I have a few pairs in SL but was thinking that some of my favourite pants might be convertible, and sure enough with mod and copy as an option I was able to shorten and edit the prims, and voila, my Fri.day trousers are now gauchos…I even flared out the pants layer, so they weren’t a tight fit, yay for mod clothing.

    Whmsy and I were fortunate to be invited to the preview of Osakki’s new mainstore opening the other night. Not a huge collection but a great start, and such a great array of mix and matchables. The leggings I have on were part of that release, and if you are a leggings/tights fan, then you best get on over there. The leggings and most of the clothing is so 80’s reminiscent for me, so I had to go there, with my leg warmers and armwarmers I could totally audition for my leading role dance number, after I get the man and of course have fabulous hair all the way through.

    In both pics the shoes are new, the first set being the latest slouch boots from Gos, so many options, with metals changing and the leather option of the boot, or the straps and wood/sole base, its all interchangable. These worked out really well with my pants, and with the tops of them being not so tight, they are great for tucked in pants for winter weeks to come. The flats are adorable and from SLink, these are June shoes and are available at the Albero event that starts today…so many things start today, it is funny how often stuff starts same time as other stuff, I wish the lindens would make some sort of google calender and we would all put in dates and lock them in, would be so much easier on everyone. It is one of those collective conscience things I guess, it freaks me out how often we talk about something amongst a small group and then others end up doing same…Whimsy thinks we are bugged lol.

    Anyway the event is a gifting one, were whatever you buy is transfer so you can do some incredible Christmas shopping in advance, and everything is supposed to be priced under a USD Linden equivelant, which is nice for the budgeters. So deprim and have a wander over there too, if you haven’t seen the Anya Ohmai pig snowglobes you haven’t lived and they are at the festival too and OMG so cute

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Wild Nothing – Lamb

    Skin: Tres Blah Harsh Blur – skin special make up

    Clothes: So Boho Blouse – Mon Tissu COMING SOON

    Trousers – Fri.day (modded to gaucho pants length )

    Shoes/Boots: Slouch Boots – Gos


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Wild Nothing – Lamb

    Skin: Tres Blah Harsh Blur – skin special make up

    Clothes: Joli Beaded Tunic – Mon Tissu

    Safari Nets Taboo Legwarmers – Osakki

    Shoes/Boots: June Shoes – SLink ( at Albero Dollar Event) 


    LegWarmers – DeLa

    Armwarmers – Maitreya

    Double Belt – Aoharu

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    In Protest




    I did another backdrop today. I am definitely having fun with them, and I do hope that someone gets some use out of them other than me. But regardless it is fun, and it makes me push myself past my regular white background. Plus I do find it easier to fake depth with the backdrops, having a floor on them so to speak, lets me arrange my cutouts in a way that gives them more of a 3D quality. You can find it and others at Second Life Stock Images . You have to see some of the ones that Whimsy has done too, they are awesome.

    The first picture is of a dress I have been waiting for for AGES. Marni of Royal Blue made this Tank about 2 months ago, if not more, and has been making me wait for it for all that time. Well worth the wait though and so cute, the colours are wonderful and you can dress it up, or make it super casual. I went with both ways, for the pics, and the dressed up way also features her latest bow necklace and gloves.

    Today Whimsy and I started the day doing some of the 25L Tuesday shopping, it is a more Gorean focused group of stores, and I love them all. They have such an incredible range of goods, not just clothing, the basket of cookies I am holding is one of the goodies I snapped up. The hair I am wearing in this pic is all from Magika, and not only is the hair as cute as already, but Sabina has outdone herself this year with her Christmas Hair, every year she does something fun, and this year my favourite is the mistletoe one. The one in the centre is a new one with the added length worn as a seperate attachment, so you actually get two looks in one, and with her giving you the mirrored as well, that is really four.

    The second pic is of the Royal Blue trench coats, these are more of a dressed look than an actual coat, because of it’s total closed style. But with leggings, socks or pants, you can mix up a different look for each day. The detailing on the coat is wonderful and the belt and buttons just give it that little extra class. I am wearing the new Candy Clogs by Shiny Things with these coats, a little lower heel than regular heels, with an open back of clogs, but a maryjane style front. The colours are so pretty, and the button has a mix of colours allowing for a nice flow into mix and match.

    The hair is from Amacci and I am loving the Rhoda on the left, and for those of you that can’t do the hair base thing, the new ponytails are similar to prereleased attachment ones, but with hair all over, so you get your cake too.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Sandara, Cinta, Mistle Cori  – Magika

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Striped Oblivion Tank – Royal Blue

    Thigh Highs – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: Night Out Booties, Secretaries Dream Pumps, Treading lightly flats – Royal Blue 


    Snowflake Cookie Basket – MP

    Gifting Clutch – Royal Blue ( Happy Holidays Hunt Item avail 10th Dec )

    Put em Up Gloves, Bow good times Necklace – Royal Blue

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : SLC Body Language AO animations

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Liz , Rhoda, Liva – Amacci

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Trenching through colour coat – Royal Blue

    Thigh Highs – The Strand

    Allure stockings – Maitreya

    Marina Tote – Indyra Originals

    Shoes/Boots: Candy Clogs – Shiny Things 


    Take it Easy tote – Boom

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Body Language SLC AO

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck