
Vamped Up


Collabor88 is just about to start, and there are amazing items for the Motel Spoopy theme this round. So many amazing Horror movies to draw inspiration from, and the Yummy release is an incredible amount of spooktacular jewellery, with an amazing gold typewriter ring, and a hotel room key, with the room number of a famous door, you probably shouldn’t enter.

The glamourous UpDo is by Exile, and Elvira herself would change her long loved locks for this number. It is splendidly piled high, and with the right colours to draw you into her web of intrigue. I am wearing a dress from Asteria, that Whimsy and I visited when we were on our store shopping adventures the other day… if you missed my long winded ranty post about that, you can see it HERE.

Bringing the look all together with my Goth Skins appliers by Adam n Eve, the Goth skins are for the Visage head and the Physique body, which fit in this dress very well indeed. The dress also comes with a neck corset of lace, but I left that off in preference of the Yummy items.

The teeth I have on are an add on option for the Slink Visage head, however they have not been released yet, I saw them on Siddean and kind of picked her pocket for them – shhhhh don’t tell – but hopefully they will be released in time for Halloween, or anytime really, because Vamping it up in SL is more than just one day a year. Plus they are hella sexy!


Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

Props, Furniture, Build :

Location –

Poses by:



Custom Eyes – Anara 

Skin Worn:

Goth Skin Tone A – Adam n Eve 

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Visage Head, Physique Body – SLink

Vampire Teeth add on for Visage Head – COMING SOON to Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve 

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 56 – Flair


Check Out Time – Exile @ Collabor88


Celebre Black Mini Dress – Asteria Creations 

Shoes :

Zest Pumps (SLink high feet add ons) – Maitreya Gold @ Collabor88 

Accessories :

Room Key 237 Necklace, Jack’s Typewriter Ring – Yummy @ Collabor88

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