

A notice came through Fash Con tonight, and I “Thought” I recognised the designer, not knowing them well enough by sight to be sure , opened the notecard and thought ‘that cant be right ‘.

Sure enough it wasn’t, MAD Designs has been a victim of a copy avatar and store name, with that notice going through a second followed shortly after righting the wrong.

Again I opened the notecard and OMG Crush Crush Crush , these are the types of ads that you just want to pretend your 15 again and plaster all over the walls to your bedroom lol.

Anyway Crush aside these are the latest Shapes releases from MAD Designs, and OMG Yum.

Mitchum is my fav, because he looks enough like my Mel to get away with it , especially in the glasses.

So if you are looking for male shapes of yummyness , get on over to MAD Designs and check them out :o) .

MAD Designs

and their flickr group too if you want to perve more lol, HERE .

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