
Hair Fair 2022 – Vanity Hair & Tardfish

How much fun are these two Hair Fair attachments by Tardfish, wearing them with the Hair Fair releases by Vanity Hair and it is just way too perfect the combination, but of course you can wear them with anything. They are animesh attachments, but you can move them into position which is awesome, and there are different options of the Medusa friends, you have up to 8 snakes options. The Neko Bell ears have a hud for the bell metals and the bow colours.

With animesh you must can only wear one animesh at a time for regular accounts, but you can attach two if you have a premium account. So worth it when you get to wear such creative items.

The hairstyles are glorious and the hairbase is built into the style, but there are bom layers as well in case needed for a better fit. The hairbase layer can be tinted to match as needed.
loving some more bom layer clothing by Luxuria, she really knows how to use the SLUV her work is always incredible, definitely must have pieces for layering.

Equipment Used

VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace

Poses by : 

Photo Booth – Labels – FoxCity Group Gift

Body Parts

Body :
Slink Hourglass Bundle – Slink


Chloe Original – LeLutka


Bali Dream Eyes – Euphoric

Nail Polish:

appliers – Flair – Marketplace

Skin Worn:

Alicia – AlaskaMetro

Hair Worn:

25 & 26 – Vanity Hair @ Hair Fair 2022

System/Bom Layers

Glitter Brows, Touch of Gold Lipstick, Ozone Eyeshadow Make Up – AlaskaMetro

Under eye concealer, Lip corrector – Izzie’s
Freckles – League

Lace Trim Cami Neutrals & Pop – Luxuria


Mesh Clothing:

Leather Shrug – Mimikri

Sheeran Boyfriend Jeans – Vinyl

Harmony Sleeves – Rosary


Medusa Friends , Neko Bell Ears – Tardfish @ Hair Fair 2022

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