Biker Baby Coral
Pink she says, but what kind of pink, that is the question. The letters were DRLB so it was an instant stretch and bend and grab ROWNE. That settled that as soon as I saw this jersey skirts options included this gorgeous Coral Pink. Coral has its moments, and when using a flattish kind of fabric, does not always have the right kind of impact, but this is not flat, it is grab a hold of you awesome. The meshwork on this skirt is fantastic, and the texturing just levels it up. I knew instantly based on the colour and the finish which shoes would give me the exact match and I was correct. The Garbaggio shoes I got at the recent Shoetopia come with about a zillion colours and I did try and wear as many as I could in one day.
They are very now but with such a nod to vintage that they just get me. Other coral delights are in the form of this bustier by Narcisse, it has inlaid lace in black, so marrying that with this shoulder jacket by Blueberry was painless. The fit over is perfection, and I just adore the combination.
I put on this hair by Runaway and I went to Ashia’s IM declaring that someone was possessing my inventory, because there was no chance I owned this hair for three years and it has not appeared on my head in pictures, she, of course, reminded me that that is very much me, because when we tend to hair shop we often leave with many many styles or wear one and then buy another and wear that and then end up buying five more and yeah, you can see how one can slip past. I once left a store with 13 styles in one go and it wasn’t even a sale.
This style is adorable and when I did that back shot I wanted so badly to just grab some scissors and chop off the length and have a stunning concave bob HOW AWESOME would that be…just look at the profile of this style, I may need to camp out at Runaway and demand a Nicki v3.
The accessories really complimented the whole biker baby look, with the necklace from Lagyo being all leather and screw goodness, and then this spiked headband by Remarkable Oblivion that is just epic, and perfectly works with this style of hair.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)
Props, Furniture, Build
Poses by
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Chloe Mesh Head LeLutka
Jolie (LeLutka Applier) – Deetalez
Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Deetalez
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 21 Flair
Nicki v2 – Runaway
Mara Jersey Skirt – Jeune by Rowne
Nicole Shoulder Jacket – Blueberry
Dakota Lace Bustier – Narcisse
Shoes :
Georgia Peeptoes – Garbaggio
Accessories :
Crown of Thorns headband – Remarkable Oblivion
Charlotte Necklace – LaGyo