
Entice Me

Entice Me

The past few days I kept thinking about the stunning Bento (non Bento versions also included) Icon Angel Wings by Blueberry. I thought of all these really cool ideas, about how I could make them look transparent with Photoshop and have it seem like people are Angels amongst us…that I could have semi transparent people with wings holding the hand of a child walking down a path, you know how your mind can go off in so many directions, but you may not be able to give it all as much justice as you want to.

Then along came the Keely harness by Narcisse for this next Bound Box about to hit the grid, and all the purity went flying out the window. Or off a cloud, or rolled down some really long stairs, you know how it is. Now of course because this leathery delight is all baring, I had to go my usual Sasy Modesty route and find what would work under it – I am responsible for some hilarious cover ups over the years, and then also some bizarrely inspired add ons, but I digress.

I grabbed a hold of Ashia, who came on a run around with me before dinner, and while I did not find what I wanted I did end up hitting up Sn@tch’s appliers wall with gusto, you blink and that brand just adds a whole new wall of delights to catch up on.

I logged back in and found what I needed on Marketplace, ever notice the wheels on your shopping cart in Marketplace never stray off in another direction but still end up costing you more than you intended to spend. I do try more often to visit the actual stores if there is one, as I like to immerse in the shopping experience, but sometimes you are on a posestand and just need a quick stretch and click and done.

I got the perfect full body latex catsuit, that has all layers as options, and with the great mesh work on the harness, the fit was great. You have to often be careful with appliers layers not always fitting perfectly under mesh especially with the chest area, as the layers go up you have the applier brought away from the body, so if you don’t have an underwear or tattoo option you may end up with clipping. But there was the perfect amount of give with the Keely harness and I was well on my way.

I had the wings, oh so incredible, they are luxurious and the movement is amazing. The texture options are divine, there are just so many reasons to get them, especially considering that for many of us after 5 or so years in SL we stop flying, we need to embrace the flight people.

I really wanted something to bring this all together, and this headdress by Death Row Designs worked and so much so that the hair by Phoenix worn under it seemed made for the look. The options in this great hair have a few different bangs types, one of which is a braid along the hairline that just nestles perfectly with the barbed wire and all the other parts of the headdress. I wanted something makeup wise that would also make you stop and look and this Geisha Classic tattoo layer applier for the LeLutka head is just perfect. This is the full coverage with the white powder effect, there are also only lipstick, only eyeshadow and both combined as options, so definitely great value, there is also a goth version you can purchase, but I wanted to get some colour in there.

You need to make sure you get your Bound Box subscription in before the price goes up once delivery starts, because this harness alone is a great item to have, the leather work is amazing and the colour options will have you wanting more.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build


Poses by


Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Chloe Mesh Head LeLutka

Esther Skin – YS&YS @ The Chapter Four

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : YS&YS

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 87  Flair

Geisha Classic Makeup (LeLutka Applier) – WearHouse


Indira Hair – Phoenix


Keely Harness –  NarcisseBound Box February Edition BUY NOW!

Full Body Catsuit Latex – Impertinence

Shoes :

Ana Boots – Utopia @ Fetish Fair

Accessories :

Icon Angel Wings – Blueberry

Dead Religion Headdress – DRD Death Row Designs

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