
Settle Petal

Settle Petal

Epiphany is about to unveil its multitude of magnificent machinations. So beguiling, so bewitching, so…ok I give up, I cannot keep typing like that it is nearly 2am. It was worth staying up as I got to have a run through of Epiphany and came home with everything that delighted me, lots of Hourglass items, and some fantastic decor. This time of the year means that there is a definite Halloween feel in some sets, but for the most part it is just fantastic looking combinations that will have you needing a bigger boat.

I went primarily for the Pixicat set, and I mean set, there isn’t an item in it that is not fantastic, in any of the colours. Tops and bottom pieces are also inclusive, so it is just incredible, and so classy. I got so many pieces, but definitely had to start with the latex, because Pixicat nails latex in the best of ways.

I worked it into the combination of this fine hair by Tableau Vivant and this gorgeous Asian inspired skin by Glam Affair, both of which are at this round of Collabor88. I had also purchased some appliers from Bossie,  and the liner set and brows just worked well into helping the look. I then made my own shadow and added the lipstick that comes with the Glam Affair skin and was having way too much fun. If you don’t use the personalise options on Slink bodies and LeLutka heads you are missing out on fun.

The pose used in the picture is actually from a couples pose by Purple Poses, also at C88, and it worked out a treat, as I look like I am either casting a spell or dancing until dawn, either way I am having a great time.

Whimsy left some trees around the platform and my lighting picked them up so well I ran with it….

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Glam Curtains – Winx & Flair

Location –

Poses by –

Purple Poses@ Collabor88

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Spencer Mesh Head – LeLutka

Ayama Skin Applier – LeLutka – Glam Affair @ Collabor88

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 21 – Flair

Alice Eyebrows, Bold Eyeliner – Bossie


Corvina Hair – Tableau Vivant @ Collabor88


Soiree Dress (Latex) – Pixicat @ Epiphany (Starts 10pm 15th Oct)

Shoes :

Omelia Heels – Livalle

Accessories :

Crimson Petal Tears, Viking Necklace – LODE

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