
LeLutka & Narcisse


The NEW LeLutka heads are coming! and for those that have existing LeLutka bento heads, they will also be getting updates to all the new features. So there are so many reasons to be excited about what is coming next Tuesday 8th August.

I am wearing the New bodysuit by Narcisse, created in such a way as to wear it as a top only, by turning off the lower portion. It is so beautiful and so many features, with options to change the edging and sleeves, sheerness and so on, so much to play with, so you must demo it at this round of Uber and buy them all.

I will do more about the heads in coming weeks, but at the moment this is a glam shot 🙂 just because. Releases of new heads also means new expansion skin packs for each head by Glam Affair, as each head has its own default that can be used across the range. Then you can purchase the complete skin line.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Location –

Poses by –

SLC Body Language


Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Greer Mesh Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

Greer Skin applier default with head

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 21 – Flair


Ellie – Runaway


Victoria – Narcisse @ Uber

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