
Verandering it’s a thing


You may say porch, patio or verandah, but either way it is definitely the location of many fun times. Some use the front, the back or a separate little build like this great one by Cheeky Pea at this round of Uber. Filling it with some chillaxing items, one of which had to be a radio, because my verandah was all about dancing with cassette tapes playing, mixed tapes, or cassingles – seriously they were a thing.

Some great wicker chairs by Trompe Loeil, and some LODE decor, all combined together to just make perfection, and with SL having no weather system – don’t you often wish they did for real – it can be its own little home, because some days you just don’t want walls.

Now about these pants, serious love happening over here, instantly made me want to recreate some Charlies Angels dance moves, but no time today, lots of things brewing. The pants are by spirit and everything about them is gorgeous, the only sad part is I need MORE COLOURS there are great colours to choose from, and combinations using the fatpack options with bonus colours, but seriously where are all the other colours I want, these needs to come in a fiftyhundredy pack. I teamed it up with the great little crop tank by Cynful, this thing is off the chain, actually it is in the sense it is awesome, but the truth is that the chain is on the top. It has metal options and gemstone options, and some delightful fatpack colours as a bonus , which this great yellow is part of.

Teaming up the look with this lovely hair by Nani, that just flows all soft and luxurious it really is just a beautiful day lounging around look. Or if you want to do something even Funna, then you need to be sorting out your LeLutka Powder Pack from this month, and if you did not get it, trust me paying double for it now is still absolutely worth it especially for store owners that use a lot of different looks for store ads. There are three different full skin packs, a ton of make up options, and it is the very first pack, so it is just a MUST HAVE! all around.

I am wearing the glossy lipsticks by Pink Fuel, the gorgeous Maria skin by Glam Affair that came in all tones. Then adding the delightful lashes by Adored, with brows also by adored.

Honestly if you are LeLutka Bento head wearing, then this pack is something you need to grab, and if you know any new people, or are planning on kitting out an alt, this is a fantastic way to do so. I got it at the early sign up price of 1500L but it is now 3000L and as I said,  with three full skins alone, it is well worth the price either way.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Natalie Patio Set – Cheeky pea @ Uber

Rose Vintage Bucket [yellow], Jar Lamps – LODE* Decor 

My Vintage Radio (Decor) – Red – Le Primitif

Jenica Wicker Chair Light + Pillow – Trompe Loeil @ Collabor88

Location –

Poses by –

oOo Studio


Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Cate Bento Head – LeLutka

Maria Skin Appliers – Glam Affair (LeLutka Powder Pack March 2017)

Glamorous Gloss – Pink Fuel (LeLutka Powder Pack March 2017)

Minxy Lashes, Andrea Brows – Adored (LeLutka Powder Pack March 2017)

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 1 – Flair


Heidi Hair – Nani @ Collabor88


Bombshell top – Cynful @ Collabor88

Chill Pants – Spirit @ Collabor88

Accessories :

Coffin Nails Long (Slink Beta Bento) – Empire


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