
Happy Bandana Day – 2016

Happy Bandana Day

Hair Fair 2016 ends tonight, so you have one last day of shopping to help us help Wigs for Kids. You also have the chance to rock around SL in your bandanas, the way we as a community show we care on this day each year.

Many residents have created these marvelous items so that you can purchase them for 50L and all proceeds go to Wigs for Kids. The bandanas and the donation kiosks all donate the full 100% to wigs for kids during this time. The bandanas are not available anywhere else, and will be removed from the grid at the end of the event so do not miss out.

This bandana creation is by LeLutka, and it is a stunning hat with scarf ensemble, that makes you feel very fancy indeed. I also added another neck scarf to the mix, so it all looks wrapped around and very stylish. There are three colour options of this bandana style. I purchased nearly all, I tend to get very excited by them each year, and find that they become lovely momentos of the event.

There is a bandana booth on each of the hair fair sims, and each booth has the same ones, so you do not have to visit them all to get the lot. In years past people have had bandana day parties, events at clubs and just fun gatherings to commemorate the day. I hope you and yours all have a great Bandana day, and thank you all so much for helping us each year do what we can for kids in need. It really makes for such a community effort and something that I am very honored to be a part of with Mel and Whimsy and all of the fantastic creators who give of their time and their talent each year.


Hair Fair 2016 Banner

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