I fell for this whole look from Lavian as soon as I put it on, it made me feel important. The kind of woman that is the assistant to someone very powerful, but in reality is the hub of all things that go on in the company she works for. She could go higher up the ladder, by why get the ulcers when you can control everything from the side. This ensemble is all hud driven with so many colour options for shirt, skirt and belt, being able to make a perfect combination. Always such high quality fabrics, silky and printed masterpieces…definitely need to get your Lavian on.
Whimsy pieced together this look mixing some items I picked up at Uber and some gatcha items we got at Shiny Shabby and the Gacha Garden. I am wearing the great new hair by Elua that is at Uber, and I already loved all her hair, but loving the new textures even more.
I jumped over to Deetalez as the other day when I grabbed the Amanda skin I had meant to get the Jolie, and so needed to pick that up, ended up with not only Jolie but also Marie and three lipstick appliers, so much awesome over there of late, and Jolie is a stunnner. Demos are available for everything.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Harvest set – Junk @ Uber
Meva Wall Planks – Meva
Riciclo Set Hanging Plant, Riciclo Set Wall Lamp – *YS&YS* @ Gacha Garden
4. small Branch (white) – [Toiz]
Grayish day Retro speaker, Grayish day Wooden frame table, Grayish day Green glass bottles – Soy.
poche apple macaron
Rug Set – Mayan – W.Winx & Flair
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka
Jolie skin applier – Deetalez
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Original – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Deetalez
Lipstick Wrinkly appliers – Deetalez
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair
Caylin Hair – Elua @ Uber
Essentials Sunday Girl – LAVIAN
Shoes :
Lana Brown – Bushu