
Hair Fair 2015 – Exile

Exile - Walking on SunshineExile - Sirens Call

Exile - Future Outcasts

Hair Fair 2015 Banner

Hair Fair for me is not only the wonderful community spirit and giving to such a worthwile cause as Wigs for Kids, but it is a chance to actually see some great people face to face. Unfortunatly for many of them, it is only once a year that that occurs…one such joy for me is seeing Kavar. I do get to see him a few more times a year, but of late not as often as I would like, so in body and spirit there he is, setting up his Hair Fair hair.

It is how we met actually, the year was 2008, the location the far left sim at the rezzables locations. I found a broken vendor, IM’d him, and the rest is history :). I love how he has grown as a store over the years, his enthusiasm and motivation to be the great hairstylist that he is, as well as an awesome person.

The very sexy styles gave me the chance to wear the new Lingerie by Girl Thursday that is at this round of My Attic. You can get your hands on double packs during the event, and they are all just beautiful, including also fuller briefs and a thong option.

When running over to Exile booth during set up, Ashia and I both went OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at The Future Outcasts style, but Kavar is so cheating with this style, because he promoted it with only a MAN in the ad, and yet included much to our glee a female fit. We already planned on making it work no matter what, but that was a pleasant suprise. If you were fooled by the ad into thinking only men could wear it, hightail it back to the event, and get your hands on it, it is HOT HOT HOT. Kavar, you are very naughty for fibbing to your customers in this way, but we forgive you ♥

Hair Fair INFO

TP to My Attic

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

RASP – Solace Lights- Black

Location –

Poses by –



Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka

Luna Head Appliers – League

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 158 – Flair


Future Outcasts, Walking on Sunshine, Sirens Call – Exile @ Hair Fair 2015 (Noirette Sim)


Cotton Lingerie (Slink Appliers) – Girl Thursday @ My Attic

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