
Hair Fair 2015 – LeLutka

DemiDemi 2

Deanna 1Deanna 2

Dalila 1Dalila 2

Hair Fair 2015 Banner

More of the wonderful styles featured at this years Hair Fair 2015. It is the 10th of its kind, and due to that reason, all stores have a gift in them. The gift from Lelutka is the fabulous sunnies I am wearing in my last look. So that you do not get alpha sorting issues, they have included a solid and more transparent option of glass, so you can wear whichever works better with your style hair.

These styles are all great mood styles, whether feeling all free and at one with nature, or very sensual and erotic, they all work. Mixing it up with many different designers today, some great clothing from Rowne, Luxuria and Gizza, a mix of mesh and appliers styling, that really makes dressing up fun.

I am also wearing the fabulous Sasy Heels by Breathe. I was actually the last person to IM the creator for a customer support need, and that is how they were named, so colour me shocked when that came across my screen the other day. I am so chuffed though, because they are so hot, and have optional hud choice for colour of sole and back of heel, so you can mix and match with creations. Very nice.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Paris Skybox – Barnesworth Anubis

7 – Heart Painted Door, 7-Marquee Letter-S – 7 Emporium

Location –

Poses by –

CnS Poses

Bang Poses

oOo Studio Poses


Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka

Luna head Applier – League

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 76 & 57  – Flair

Brows – custom


Demi, Deanna, Dalila – LeLutka @ Hair Fair 2015 (Blonde Sim)


Maja Leather Leggings, Anka Silk Blouse – Rowne

Temptress Bodysuit (appliers) – Luxuria

Tiffany Romper – Gizza

Shoes :

Sasy Heels – Breathe

Accessories :

Lady Heart Tiara Ring, Moon Princess Ring, Ladybug Ring – Yummy

Glare Sunglasses –  Hair Fair Gift – LeLutka @ Hair Fair 2015 (Blonde Sim)


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