
Hair Fair 2012 – A logo for your thoughts


Michelle II


Hair Fair 2012 Join Us banner

First thing is that I am so excited to be asked to be a Faculty Pick for this month on SLStyle Academy. It was totally an honor to be asked, and I am sure eventually they will get around to everyone on their great feed, but getting asked to share a blogger choice and a store choice was a lovely thing to be able to do. There are hundreds if not thousands of bloggers in SL and I wish I knew them all, I think everyone that blogs with passion and wants to really share the community spirit of Second Life are amazing, and a big shout out to all of them, but I could only choose one, so I went closest to home, right beside me on our blogging platform Whimsy Winx of Virtually Dressed Blog. I tease her all the time about ‘The history of Denim” because when she is really passionate about a post, she can go into such detail that it is so informative to read and enjoy, she really cares about helping people understand things she wants to share.

The other pick, was of course the VR Studio by VR Foundry, I could not blog without it, but not only do I use it for blogging, but for any kind of picture taking as well as other things that the tools allow for. I love the freedom I have using the library HUD that lets me pose anywhere I need to, I love the ability to control up to 6 posestands at once if wanting to do group shots and so on, but I also love the ease in which I can keep every libray organised by store if I want to , or I can fill them with types of poses, so swapping to a library of sit poses or laying poses is just a click.

There are new faculty picks posted every month on the feed, and the other two this month are great blog choices for sure, so make sure you visit them if you get the time.

Today I am featuring another store that is part of this years Hair Fair. The store is Logo and this is their third year in the event, and we love having them. The styles shown are three of the New mesh styles for the brand, and they are beautiful styles. The textures are rich and vibrant, and the hair itself is thick and full of life…really sexy looks.

Recently Maitreya released the Suede versions of the Radical Boots, these are stunning high heeled slouch boots. The colours are superb, and what made me gloriously happy was that they match many of the clothing items previously released by Maitreya. Also newish is the Leather pencil skirt from FANATIK , the combination with this lovelyLyla hairstyle really had a mature and stylish look to it.

The second look is this beautiful braided style Michelle II combined with the lovely Lacey dress from Mon Tissu. I love the mix of this dress, the lacey top with belted full skirt has a somewhat handmade look about it. I imagine the top was part of something more once upon a time, and then salvaged to make this frock of prettyness.

The Alessandra hair is as full and sexy as the other styles, but had to go with the blonde on this one, because it inspired the whole purple love look. I am not a huge fan of purple as many of you know, but there are some purples that just win me over, and the purple taupe colour that Maitreya uses in most of their collections is one of them. What I really like that even though the boots are mesh, and rigged, they do come with a non rigged version, which means you can fit the leggings underneath, which is not possible with the rigged as they are set to the same bones of the body.

I am wearing the leather leggings that are awesome, but opted for an older non mesh jacket, the camden jacket is so pretty and looks fabulous in my opinion in this combination, so start mixing the old with the new and find your own awesome combinations.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by : DFO

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

Skin Worn:

Jen – League 


Lyla (M), Michelle II (M), Alessandra (M)


Ava Jacket (M), Leather Leggings (M), Camden Jacket – Maitreya 

Lacey Dress (M)- Mon Tissu 

Pencil skirt  (leather) (M)- FANATIK 


Radical Boots (New Suede) (M) – Maitreya 


Spring/Summer 2012 Classic Nails – Izzies 

Leather Satchel (M) – Maitreya 

Envelope Clutch (M) – Mon Tissu

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