
Bitches be Crazy



One of the excellent items available in the Platinum Hunt that is still on, is the My Padded Room by aDORKable. I actually watched this become what it is, and the 7 wonderful poses really work well for any kind of photography. The room is modify which really helps with the kind of layout you might want to create. This would also be incredible for machinema as well as photo ops, or seriously you kind of find yourself just in there chillin and wondering ‘what next?”.

I have been tearing around SL this week in the NEW Zaara denim skirts, she also has a great item in the Platinum hunt, the clue is something about sitting on a golden throne, a hint from me…do not spend all your time looking for a throne, just look for something gold. The handpainted denim that Zaara has been producing lately has been great, I especially like that the skirt comes on layers so you can do things like layer them over leggings or whatever. I went with stockings today though, the floral side gartered ones from League, I love these, and the floral print is YUM.

I am also wearing the COCO cuffs, these actually came with one of her sleeveless shirts, and one day I might wear the shirt…but for now it’s all about the cuffs. COCO is also having an insane 75% off SALE, so now is the time to buy it all. The hair I have on is Moss, another of the recent releases from LeLutka, inspired by Kate Moss, and that girl at one time was completely in need of a padded room of her own, but has of late really sorted herself out…YAY.

I feel very tomb raider in this outfit, and at the moment I am reading all of the Foxtrot cartoon strips starting back at 1998 and was laughing myself silly that the youngest boy was horrified at the concept of playing a girl in a video game. Lucky for whoever made that game that all boys hadn’t thought that way, or that franchise would never have gotten as big as it did.

Remember the items at the Platinum Hunt are only 10L each, and for something like My Padded Room you would be CRAZZZZY to miss out.


Platinum Hunt INFO



Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by :

aDORKable – My Padded Room – Platinum Hunt Item

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Hadley – LeLutka


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

1st Me:


Moss – LeLutka


Denim Skirt – Zaara

Last Thread Tank – Kyoot

Side Gartered Stockings Floral – League


3way engineer boots – J’s


Nails Medium – Mandala

Cuff (from shirt set) – COCO


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