
Mel Mountain is phantom in the middle


Love this dress it is so darn sexy, a tad revealing but incredible work done on the texturing and craftmanship of putting it together so well. What better way to show off these new shoes too, not so new in style, but new in textures. This is a super duper quickie post , but wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on the fantastic flf hair from Elikatira, a stunning short style that looks fantastic in the white. Mel loves white hair, and this white is superb.

I love that this hair is short enough to expose the faint line of hairbase I have on in black, one thing I wish more of in SL was the ability to wear wigs, but as our own hair is a wig in reality it doesn’t come across. So this is my make do do.

The necklace I am wearing is actually a bracelet, I saw it was no mod but resizable and took a gamble. I love this as a choker as the necklace style in the same store was not really as exciting to me. So this definitely works.It has an elephant on it, so cute.

Ok so much for quickie, the shoes I am wearing are peeptoe pumps from MStyle and you have seen the floral collection I am sure, but these are the new citrus strong colours that were released and they are glorious, so demo demo demo.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by :


Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Odette – Lara Hurley @ Ch1c Event


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

1st Me:


Again – Elikatira for FLF


Stretched Crochet Dress – DCNY


Rivea Pumps Lemon – MStyle


largecoin bracelet-silver (modified to be worn as a choker) – ruchica @ Accessory Fair


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