Insolence,  LAQ,  Tiny Bird,  VR Foundry



Today is Pink Shirt Day ( if you want to know more about it contact December Dollinger) , with the concept being uniting as one against bullying.

Bullying makes you think of many people in your past and present, my favourite bully of all time has to be every girls favourite bully I would think, especially the fashionable, so today I tried to go with her seaside look rather than the outfits she is most known for.

I was watching Two and a Half Men earlier and was so shocked to see Alison as some kids mum. I guess that’s what made me think of her, mind you Alison got a bit bullyish towards the end there. Amanda from Melrose place, the famous Heather Locklear is and was the perfect bully, followed by Sydney of course. I have to admit I was psyched when the show came back, but after I think two episodes I gave up, I mean really it just lacked that fire the original had.

Most known for her power suits, that woman changed how women dressed for the office in one fell swoop, seriously I had so many of those skirts back then, I even had a few of the tightly buttoned crop jacket suits. I loved Amanda though, I think I always believed she wasn’t that way, not really, that her heart was huge and that she was just pushy because she had been hurt so often, pfft now I know different, she was a bully.

When they let her let her hair down, figuratively speaking, she bloomed. So today’s outfit is one of those days, the days she escaped Melrose Place and would be eventually found living carefree at the seaside, all out of focus and shot through a pantyhose lol ( or is that just porn they do that with?). As soon as I saw this outfit from Ema’s Secret I ran right over, dragging Newdoll and Whimsy with me.

The way the system skirt has been used, with the addition of the sculpted sash ties and loose pieces is perfect for nights strolling along the esplanade, or dancing up a storm at your local Salsa bar. It comes in four different colours, and the fat pack is a steal so I had to get that because it is so beautiful. Ema’s Secret is a glorious store, part of the What’s New SL stores…not only do they have beautiful clothing, but also amazing eyes in a seperate section, you may know some of them from Belleza. From Casual to Formal Ema’s Secret has a bit of it all, and make sure you pick up the panties pack too, so cute.

Stunningly gorgeous, and such a pisces like mes’ dream uppydo, this Lost Coastlines style by Tiny Bird is squeel worthy, the style itself is lovely for all occasions, done just right to even wear casually, but the addition of the baby starfish is glorious. I was really happy to find the right pink shoes to go with the look, not only in colour but the style suits so well too, these are by Insolence, yes that known for lingerie store , she makes shoes too, and I think she always does such a perfect baby pink.

I swear I have seen Heather dressed like this, maybe not as Amanda though, maybe some made for tv movie, you get all the good ones of those up there, we rarely get them down here. Bullying aside I loved her in the Perfect Man , such a cool movie.

A beautiful blonde skin is the pearl by LAQ, the hair base worn with the updo is a nice touch as it does give a more realistic effect to the hair.

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Picture 1:

Hair: Lost Coastlines – Tiny Bird

Skin: Pearl – LAQ

Clothes: Spanish Dress – Ema’s Secret

Shoes/Boots: April Sandals – Insolence

Accessories: Nails – Love Soul

Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

Poses/Animations: Porcupine @ PoseFair

Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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