Avanista,  Fashion Feed of SL,  Fashion Planet,  MV-SL-Fashion

STOP , Breathe…Imprudence will save you.

STOP, BREATHE… Imprudence will save you.

Like me if you are edit challenged, or tend to grab the wrong thing when trying to delete something not so important, you will hopefully find this MUST GET important. I have mentioned before the fabulous Imprudence Viewer, and even though I myself use the Cool Viewer 98% of the time, today having Imprudence knowledge allowed me not to completely destroy weeks of work.

Many have talked about the wonder that is the worn tab, well for me when blogging I copy paste from properties to a text doc as I wear, so the worn tab for me has made me lazy and forgetful, especially if I forget to get the info and change looks completely, so yeah as much as it is handy it is not the reason I am all for love for Imprudence.

My love first and foremost is about the font lol, I love the font it uses, but aside from that todays saving grace was the Restore to Last Position , yes I kid you not, this viewer has an option when you right click an inventory item – whether in lost and found or anywhere else – that allows you to click on Restore to Last Position and voila it is back where you accidently – because you werent paying enough attention, or you terraformed the land and everything got sent out of world lol, not that I would know anything about that 😛 – took it from.

So next time you make such a mistake and you start hyperventilating, STOP, breathe and relog onto Imprudence if you dont use it, or download it and log in and use that option on the item, between  myself and Fiachra we were able to restore 1600 objects in moments, without anyone having to cry or anything.

This is perfect also for people that do not own their own land, as it means you dont have the rollback option etc, but with this you are totally sorted, and for those creators that do very detailed work, I can imagine that this back up would be a blessing.

Thank you to all the people behind Imprudence , for coming up with a function that takes the stress out of being clumsy :). Also a big thanks to Fiachra because it is him that stores all the things I tell him about… and throws them back at me when needed, because I cant see the solution through the crazy.


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