
Do what you can

Zorena Deckard of ookami Ninjen told me the other day about this event that was being hosted this weekend. With Hair Fair and everything else going on I didn’t get a chance until now to do anything about it :(. I have since then Donated some Gift Cards from Digit Darkes but also Donated 3 Dazzle Gowns that will be Auctioned off, I hope that that helps in some way and I hope that many of you can get over there and make a difference.

Info from the Notecard.

Phoenix Psaltery and his SL/RL wife Sansarya Caligari are both long-time, well known residents in SL. He owns part of one of the oldest SL newspapers, The Metaverse Messenger, and Sans blogs about her passionate love for SL fashion.

Just a few days ago, Phoenix went into complete renal failure and has ended up in intensive care at a hospital away from his home town, with a shunt for dialysis. Unfortunately, there are other complications as well, including pneumonia. Finances have gotten dire for them as Sans has to stay at a hotel while he’s in ICU, not to mention other expenses that are incurred and with children left at home in the care of relatives.

So their SL friends have joined together to help them! We are putting on an all day auction and live DJ event. Many people have donated items such as transferable Dazzle dresses, and merchants have made limited editions for sale at this auction only.

The event starts Saturday August 23 at 10AM SLT, with a fabulous DJ line up.


10 AM till Noon Siggy Romulus
Noon till 2 PM aEoLuS Waves
2 PM till 4 PM Esma/Io
4 PM till 6 PM Lucifer Baphomet
6 PM till 8 PM Lecktor Hannibal
8 PM till 10 PM Vivianne Draper
10 pm till Midnight Augustus Bainbridge

And here’s a taste of what’s for auction:

* Limited Edition Purple Latex Kimono by Zorena Deckard (Ookami Ningen)

* RL original oil painting by Jen (from Jen) SL name Schechinah Enoch (title: Currents Oil on Canvas 2004 20″x24″) Free shipping is included if it gets a price of $250USD or more.
This is a minimum so the auction should start at that price for this item.
The pic can be seen here:…&postcount=111
* 1k gift card to Blaze (from Susanne Pascale)
* 2 years of ad rotation in SLTrivia (from FlipperPA Peregrine)
* 1/2 black & white page ad in special print SLCC edition (worth $467 USD) (from Katt Kongo)
* Metric ton of clothing from Dazzle and Last Call (from various donators)
* Original one of a kind outfit from A2NZ “P2” Rubber cloak
* A lot of stuff from Aeolous’ store. I have never been to his store so I’m not sure what that is but whatever it is the auction gets five of everything.
* Limited release outfit from 2006 from Pixel Dolls (donated by a buyer not Neph)
* Fat pack of Full line of Elegance hats (from Morrigan)
* Full set Fat Little Sofa, Fat Little Chair, and Fat Little Ottoman from Relic
* Not yet released AMBIANCE Henna Collection Living Room Set by Desiree
* ‘Very Large Domed Tent – Brown- Gypsy Tent from Osprey Therian
* ‘Very Large Domed Tent – Buff – Gypsy Tent from Osprey Therian
* ‘Very Large Domed Tent – Purple – Gypsy Tent from Osprey Therian
* ‘Giant Potato on flatcar with sign’ by Osprey Therian

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