• Stylish

    Lovely Linda featuring Guest Blogger Efemera Bisiani

    Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Hart Larsson of PXL face to face, and what a pretty face he has. It came about from the preview pack of Linda skins that were sent to bloggers by Harts assistant Sunrae Moonbeam.

    It was instant awe for these incredible skins, and not just the face love that are unbelievably beautiful, but also for the incredible features the skin itself holds.

    I tp’d over one of my good friends Efemera who is a blogger also, and doing some great posts and pics over at Fashion Finds .

    Now Linda is already in the store, but only in the until now four beautiful tones, but on Monday there will be the anticipated release of the Linda Dark skin, which is just as amazing as the rest of the warm and lush tones.

    Way hard choosing the favourite out of the Sunkissed, and the fairer tones for me , I mean each tone has such incredible depth to it, they all shine for diferent reasons and it would come down to absolute preference.

    Me though I know will move back and forth feeling the love. Looking over the whole body there are as I said so many distinguishing points, that show how much incredible time and dedication went into them. Efe has captured most of those points like a true champion, and you know me, I am all about making you go and get the Demos and see it for yourself.

    Some things I have to mention though, as they attribute to me personally lol.

    The nose is perfect, one thing I don’t know if I have mentioned this blogging time around, but know I have in the past, is that I have a nose fetish for my own nose. Yes pure and simple I love my own nose, like not just think its cute and all that, I LOVE IT .

    Other things I love about my face, are my mouth and my cheekbones, I thank mum every day for the cheekbones, as they are high and fab.

    The mouth I have no idea who to thank for that in our family but its exactly like this skin and why my shape is how it is. I have that dent lol well I always call it a dent, on my bottom lip, and this skin gives me that. With Linda you get incredible cheek detailing without being overly blushy , so that just accentuates the shape I have that factors in high cheekbones.

    The other things that clinch skin for me are the back and bum, the detailing of the spine and shoulders is again incredible and the bum is yum. Like I said Efe has gone way into more of it so I will let her words carry. But seeing it on her as well for me was awesome thats why I wanted to share this post today too, so you can see how it adapts to your shape without you having to adapt your shape to it.

    Ohhh one other thing I have to point out too lol sorry cant stop myself, is that the smokey make ups, as you can see they are all incredible blends of shadow and lipsticks for these skins, but one thing that stood out for me, was that Hart does smokey brown shadow as well as black, giving it a softness that is incredibly sensual.

    In my body pics I am showing the divine Melanie sets of lingerie by Camilla Yosuke of Insolence, this sheer lace set comes with bra and a corset, which is actually a lengthener to the bra itself giving it a short camisole like look. You can see more showing pictures HERE as its that sheer :P.

    It really is stunning lingerie and Id love to wear the cami look under a shirt or jacket with just a hint showing through, the stockings also are a favourite, their colour and sheer factor make them a wonderful addition to an outfit. The shoes are the fabulous Nana heels from Enkythings and my hair in the lingerie pics is the Kenzie II by Aden Breyer and older style I love for its drapey look.

    The hair I have on in the face pics is Alyssa from ETD and Efe is wearing Melrose also by ETD in her pics , with swimwear from Casa Del Shai .

    Now for Efemera’s post on Linda:

    So, we all know Sasy loves the squee, but we also know what fantabulous taste she has, so when I got an IM about the new Linda skins at PXL I just had to go check it out.

    Now, I’m a one skin girl. I’ve worn the same creator since I bought my first skin way over a year ago, just in different makeups, and then upgraded when a new range came out. But I have to say, these skins – just… wow!!

    The face is so pretty, just the right amount of definition, but not too hard on the lines. The blush is deliciously soft and expertly blended, with just the right amount of shadow to accentuate the cheekbones without being too harsh. The eyes are delicately lined – a true professional makeup job, with subtle highlighting just below the browline. And the lips!! Full and moist, just a hint of gloss rather than caked in the stuff, the highlights perfectly placed, and the shadowing truly accentuating the cupid bow shape.

    I love the shimmery glow of the T-zone, we all know that’s a problem area, right girls, and this recognises that, but the lighting is subtle, not greasy, and I when I look at my av I just wanna tweak the tip of the finely boned nose. Amazing! And the nostrils are great too. I also particularly love the septum, so natural looking. I think I’m gonna have to tweak my shape a teeny tiny bit, and I’ll need to work on my eyebrows to make it truly *me* but so far, so fantastic!!

    Moving below the neck, if I can tear my eyes away from my new prettiness…. the collarbone is delicious, soft and natural, the shoulder blades and spine just cry out to be massaged, and the rib cage!! Oh my!! Now, promise you won’t tell anyone, but I’m not a size 8 anymore, but when I was, my body looked *just* like this!

    The shadowing on the boobs is divine. With some skins, it can look kinda “dirty”, but this is discreet and delicate, and the nipples!! Ok, not gonna go there but you’ll like ’em, promise!! There’s perhaps just a little too much stretching underneath the boobs for my relatively pert bosom, but is by no means excessive.

    The legs are toned and gently muscular, perfect for a dancer, and I just wanna reach out and pinch my bum!! The creases and folds are great on the legs, right down to the veins on the foot, which aren’t scary anorexic sticky-outy (yes, that *is* a word, ok!), but rather authentic and believable.

    I’m gonna have to live in these for a day or two to be sure, but I think the miraculous has finally happened, and I’m gonna be weaned off my current skin dealer. And you know, the cold turkey ain’t gonna be hard, cos damn, these are HOT!

    Oh, and the seams? There aren’t any. Full stop.

    PS – Just for the record, that’s a UK size 8, not a US one!!
    Efemera Bisiani

    lol yay Efe and her UK sizing .

    Casa Del Shai
    Aden Breyer

    xox Sasy xox and Efemera B ♥

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Bee Kind

    Sunday night I was watching tv and 60 Minutes came on, the aussie version. I tend to steer clear of the news/current affairs kind of programs as I get too upset – I was almost banned from TV as a child for getting so distressed Frosty melted.

    Anyway now that mum is back from her international tour *giggles* I was stuck. There was a story on bees, of all things, and watching it I was in awe of the devastation that is affecting our world, yes the whole world.

    You can see the story HERE . I was amazed, I mean when we see bees we think OUCH, and run, or worse if our homes have a hive we get it destroyed.

    I’ve been so guilty of never thinking about the beauty that bees are responsible for.  That hive that is a nuisance is what is responsible for all the beautiful plants that grow in and around our homes and parks. But now from watching this report I see so much more than that.

    What upset me more was that this incredible man Dr Anderson is fighting this plight alone, or so the story seems to suggest.  That makes me sad, sadder than I was already about this situation. To me something that effects the world to this magnitude in my mind should be shared. He shouldn’t be underfunded, he shouldn’t be fighting it alone. Where are all the professors and scientists from other countries?  Why isn’t some of the money being spent on all those bees that have to be transported all over the world from Australia, forwarded to his research?

    Anyway that’s just a rant , but next time you see a bee, and even if allergic, please don’t kill it, because right now those poor little things have it hard enough. If you do have a hive in your house and its causing trouble, find some way to have it removed and relocated. That seems like a way better alternative.

    This infestation has been going on for years and now its gone too far, so appreciate your surroundings and know that if it wasn’t for bees we would not only lose so much in the way of food but also the beauty they provide to our world.

    Queen Bee Costume with Hair found in womens clothing section is from HCT

    Shoes are Mishima Dawn from Maitreya .

    Location of background is the incredible Serenity Falls , if you haven’t been there yet you will be floored by the beauty , and everything is able to be bought there .

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Are you Miss Ms or Mrs

    Thats Ms Sasy to you :p .

    Ms Sasy is the incredible dress that has come from the collaboration of Popfuzz Bamboo and Rosemary Galbraith, and its a collaboration I pray we see more of in the future. I had been pleading with Popfuzz for such a long time for her to branch out into the micro mini, and she was adamant that it wasn’t going to happen 😛 – I win , in soooooo many ways.

    Rosemary agreed when I was visiting one day, and to my utter delight, I am so honored to have the first absolutely beautiful dress in this style named after me. They work so well as a team, both accentuating each others strong points in such a way as to really capture the overall sense of what they set out to achieve .

    I hear there was some foot stamping and all sorts of nooooooo’s going on and funnily enough none of that was from me lol . The shading to this dress is incredible and the texture over all how it coats your body is omg, I swear I started seeing vpl but not in a bad way in a simply marvelous way – its not actually there lol but oh you need to feel the love.

    Not only is it tight and short, but the gemstone like detailing on the top of the bustier style dress is remarkable, and the stitching down the front panel just enhances how incredible the design is , its everything I could dream for and so much more.

    There are an incredible amount of colours available, and if you buy one today , they are two for one if you contact Rosemary Galbraith with your second colour. The Metalic Silver OMG could it be more incredible, and all of the other colours are just spectacular.

    The beautiful full length Gloves I am wearing are from Fleur and just added so much to the look.

    Hair Left to right : Poppy/TRUTH , Emma/Analog Dog , Pysa/HCT , Jamison/Dernier Cri , Wynn/ETD

    Shoes left to right : Verve/Maitreya , Serenity/AC Creations, Vidalia/Armidi , Vintish/AC Creations , Felicity/Tesla .

    Jewelry and Hair Roses by Essentia.

    The skin I am wearing is another incredible Popfuzz Bamboo Collaboration with Mimi Coral and is the PopFuzz Skin Tan – ♥ Cupcakes Silver




    Analog Dog


    Dernier Cri



    AC Creations




    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish


    The other day I went to BareRose to grab one thing and left with more than one thing :P. Which is often the case when I blink and miss the latest yummies from there.

    I actually got stuck, couldn’t tp out and was glad, because as I was demanding Tori come play with me, she turned up and out of the corner of my eye appeared a Vision.

    This vision comes in the form of Fantasy, a set that is absolutely divine. Five stunning sheer blouses with incredible ruffled features on the cuffs shoulders and collar.

    Let us not leave out those incredible high waisted pants either, an absolute delight in style, and elegance.
    The tops of them are made on the jacket layer so can be worn with and without the high look, which is fabulous.

    I adore the long flared sleeves done in such a way as to enrich the overall style, but took a gamble and modded the darker navy shirt to shorten the sleeves as those gorgeous shoulder sleevelets needed their own appreciation, and it turned out even better than I hoped for.

    I had meant to do this post the other day, and yet again not getting it done proved perfect, as the release of the Vixen 2 heels by Tesla are an incredible match to the set. The fallow colour especially matched the piping on the pants, so without needing to match the shirt colour specifically I was all colour co-ordinated with ease.

    With the short sleek bob by ETD called Patricia the framing of the face and highlighting of that brilliant ruffled collar had me ready for any affair.

    Next up was another adorable set from BareRose that is the Leather Mini Skirts, even though they do come with their own top, I decided to give them an outing with the new Ruched Cami tops from SWA . The leather mini’s are sculpted and a marvelous way to add some curves to your figure. I love that they have a real loin cloth kind of look to them , they are definitely saucy attire.

    The cross over ruched look on the Cami tops is wonderful, they look great casual like this or a bit dressier maybe with a nice open jacket for a splash of colour and great texture, the hair is all by House of Heart, which is the new Sister store of Bewitched Hair, and the styles are fun and fluffy, with beautiful textures..Left to right we have Elusive, Joss and Haley.

    Accessories in the form of the Soho Necklace and Chicago bag are also from House of Heart, I love the Soho necklace, as again from casual to dressy you will find many looks that it will go well with. The Chicago bag has girl on a mission written all over it -not literally. Take charge of your day, pack your essentials and off you go.

    Left to right some different footwear depending on your mood, all sensational styles with a definite spend all day in them feel. Engineer boots from (0N) Zero Number , Gyala Shoes from Enkythings and Polina Chunky Platforms from Dela.

    The skin I am wearing is from Dernier Cri and is the Kelsey in Chestnut Glamour Pink,and of course all Hair Roses are from Essentia .

    Bare Rose



    Dernier Cri

    House of Heart


    Zero Number (0N)




    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Dernier Cri introduces Kelsey

    Asuka Martin sent a notice yesterday to fash con, stating she had made some ‘Cartoonish Skins” that girl seriously cracks me up.

    Now I know I have always had a bit of a ‘I want to be Veronica Lodge, but am more of a Betty Cooper kind of girl thing going on’, thats my issue, others have Cinderella Complexes and there are those that think they are Barbie -giggles.

    But if Kelsey the latest skin release from Dernier Cri is cartoonish then I am sooooo there .

    I think I will stay Betty as I have in the past put some thought into this, Betty ends up rich with Reggie, Mr Lodge disowns Veronica for marrying Archie, and Jughead ends up the CEO of Burger King.

    There are five wonderful tones to this new skin, and the shading, and overall structure of the skin is fit and healthy looking. As you can see, the skin has a soft shine to it, for those lovers of island/beach life.

    There are 9 make ups at the moment, I am hoping that there will be many more, the drip, glamour and shine looks come in three different colours. Apple Green that is a really beautiful compliment to any browns and golds you may wear. The Aqua will compliment all your pinks, silver/greys and red/pink outfits, and the Pink will mix with most as its very neutral based.

    The skins also come with long and short lashes that are really pretty as they are only top lashes so have a really full look, I am wearing them in the pics, there is also a eyebrows base to wear too, and the skins are 900L each.

    The mouth is especially wonderful on this skin and the eyes are gorgeous, so get on over to Dernier Cri and pick up the Demos and see for yourself. The hair is Clipped on the Faces and left pics, and the Jamison is the back view hair, also both from Dernier Cri as is the Shiny Silver Bikini.

    xxox Sasy xoxo

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Proof I LOVE them MORE!

    Its a well known fact that I LOVE the template/system skirt, it’s true, because any of you who have seen posts from me over the last year and a half will remember the ‘It’s my foot up your bum’ post I did at Appearance Mode HERE – once you click it you need to click on Updates , or perhaps this one HERE , that was the ‘Munching the Flowers’ post- looking back at old posts blew my mind, so glad Garbage kept them ♥

    Regardless of either, I do LOVE LOVE LOVE them, and recently Jhuzen Ketsugo started a discussion at Fashion Finds at Phils Place on this topic, as to whether you love or hate them.

    Of course I was all about the love, so I decided to revisit some older looks and mix in some New ones.

    This first look is a mix of one of my favourite system skirt sets, and a heavenly blouse I remembered I got stale transactions on a few weeks back and just HAD to go back and get – you so needed that info 😛 .

    The Feral Set by First Impressions is the Jacket and Skirt part of this look, there is also its own silk blouse in a bold burgundy print, but I opted for a change.

    The skirt length and style is perfect, and the jacket I adore, I often wear it without a shirt underneath, because its Yummy that way.

    The blouse is the Mars Shirt from Fleur, and as soon as I saw it it was instant LOVE, but it was a sunday and you know what that usually means, but I didn’t forget it, so yesterday when doing this post I jumped back off the stand and grabbed it.

    Yet again I am so glad that I didn’t have it sooner, because for this its just PERFECT!. I love love love Grandpa collar shirts , and the seams down the front and across the chest, the whole structure of this blouse is heaven. Mind you until the jacket came off I didn’t realise how sheer it is – lol cheeky Roslin.

    Thank goodness for the April Lingerie set in white from Insolence , as the bra was just perfect for underneath. Now that the jacket is off you see how incredible the system skirt is from First Impressions, Pukk Abel does wonderful shading on her skirts, so you look sleek and sophisticated .

    For accessories I went with the lovely Black Stitch Handbag Silver Overnighter from House of Nyla , this bag comes in three sizes, an evening bag for formal occasions , a day bag and this yummy big overnighter. The shoes are the yummy Estella heels from Tesla, the little bows at the back give them an extra pretty feel , with a classic Mary Janes style.

    The hair is Jolleen another of the incredible 1L styles from ETD , again for a chic look this style is wonderful . The skin mmmmmmmmmmmmm the fabulously talented Ashia Tomsen of Ashia Designs made this for me as a present ,its called *AD* Timeless- Special Edition- The Sass *giggles* , a beautiful gift and such glorious make-up , Ashia has so many incredible skins in her store , you really need to go look and DEMO DEMO DEMO , and she does do custom work when she can .
    This next dress is also from Fleur, I couldn’t leave it behind, it was begging to be mine, and so appropriate for the post I had in mind, that this is more of the new.

    It is the Avril Dress, and the skirt is made to be actually more flared but as its mod I did tighten it, and I love it both ways. There is also a blue version if pink isnt your thing, but its soooo pretty.

    I went with a daytime look for it, but its such a retro frock look for spring dances and such, so lots of versatility.

    I remembered that I hadn’t shown you yet the incredible 10L store Lace Boleros by Bare Rose, shame on me. Absolutely incredible lace work on this, and the price is sensational- these are the kinds of things that due to Bare Rose being transfer you could have a supply of them, and when your friend just needs that ‘little something extra’ you will be prepared.

    OMG or even BETTERER MEN MEN MEN OMG *has a girly fit* OMG Guys *beckons you over and whispers* go buy these and next time you are out for the night with your partner OMG this is priceless, and its a beautiful night and she has bare shoulders, pull out one of these OMG I WOULD DIE ! has a gigglefit , seriously you know its true ladies, if your guy did that it would be instant LOVE – I am going to giggle about that all day now lol. If anyone does it they BETTER tell me lol.

    With all this pretty pretty, I had to reach for my Fleur Vivant Bronze Blossom 3, I adore this skins make up, its just so soft and so feminine, just the look you need when frocking up. The shoes are from Enkythings, the Nana heels you already know I love, that do go from day casual dressy to formal dressy soooooooooooo well, and perfection for lingerie.

    Hair is adorable too, the Sonia style, yet another ETD 1L fatpack style, tightly bound and beautiful. Accessories wise I wanted something vintage looking or traditional in style, and the Pearl Set from Dark Mouse at Whimsical Creations was just perfect, and look at those tiny prims and detailing, wow . The necklace, earrings and bracelet were the set made for the Wheelies fundraiser, so I am not sure if they are up in the store still but I know there are other wonderful sets there.

    Lastly an old favourite, and another way system skirts can be made to look absolutely incredible, is the Blue Nyte Cocktail Dress from House of Nyla .

    How I managed to take six photos and not one of the back I have no clue at all, but the back of the stunning floral corset is laced up and fabulous. System skirt done in a drape style, with the addition of side prims to continue the gathered and draped look, with beautiful floral adornments.

    Its a stunner and always has been, the shoes also from House of Nyla are the Onyx Beaded Heels, and just like Nyla’s real life designs, they are incredibly handcrafted.

    This is that great use of system skirts I go on and on about in its finest form, you dont have to go tight and smooth, be creative like this, and people will soon get over their system skirt insanity :P- I wont get over mine though because mine is all for the LOVE LOVE LOVE.

    The skin is []::Tuli::[] S5 medium ~ classic 1 and was a gift at skin fair, but as far as I know is part of her line and really lovely. As I often say 😛 go out and grab demos, if you see demos when you are out , grab them lol, even if you aren’t looking for a skin at the time, it cant hurt to know what looks good on you for the future, and you never know, you might fall in love. The hair is the Anisa style from ETD a beautiful updo , and the Casablanca set earrings, and of course all the Hair Roses are from Essentia .

    So there you see is just a smidge of my system skirt love, I have sooooooo many, but wanted to show my old and new and some different looks utilising their brilliance. I often think that many people have been put off by them from old old old freebies sets, that were always too short and flared ,a nd because of that can’t find the love on newer styles.

    Also for the record lol, my bum used to be 16 and now its 26 and I have never ever had a skirt shape lol.

    xox Sasy xox

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish


    Ambre Jun inspired this Sasy Looks look today, with her post on Poetic Vintage over at Fashion Finds at Phils Place.

    Having been a Manager in Phils Places of a Menswear store for a year, I often wore mens suits, and convinced many a business woman to do the same, as mens clothing doesn’t only look sexy, as Ambre says; on women, but stylish and elegant too – depending of course on the style of mens clothing, some just looks cuddly yummy.

    I went shopping earlier for some shoes I had seen from Armidi, the Viniani Heel in Silver, there are so many lush colours, but as I am such a grey wearer these I knew I would get a lot of wear out of.

    Then I zoomed over to Maitreya for the latest release, the Eva-More hair. An adaption of Eva 3 that is just divine, I am so loving the bangs on this style, and there is so much love happening for the Autumn texture for me, the new reds are just scrumptious. So top to toe I was covered now the in between.

    When I wear grey I always want more classic styles, I think that comes from my mum who has always been a huge grey fan too. But its one of those lectures you get growing up, about having classic pieces in your wardrobe, and paying higher for great pieces instead of lots of smaller amounts on crap; ‘It will cost you more to end up with nothing”- lol its funny writing about your mum when she is yacking at you at the same time RL.

    So that was the look I was going for and achieved, thanks to the mixing of Pixeldolls and First Impressions. I found the Mens Velvet Jacket in Grey in my inventory and revisited old love, see why its a classic lol. When this was released I was so excited and zoomed right over to grab it , its an incredible structured coat and a fab use of sculpties, another one of the first designers to enrich our lives with their uses on clothing back then.

    It is beautifully tailored and detailed, a wonderful length and comes in other fantastic colours -it is in a multi vendor on the right side of the mens section if you are looking, as I had to go make sure it was still available . While I was there, my eyes ran over the clothes line swaying before me -yes swaying clothes, at first I thought I was hallucinating lol. Instant lust for the (Laundry) Ruffle Front Shirt , I love the tuxedo shirt look and this one is gorgeous, comes on both shirt and jacket layer , and on women its the Hotness.

    So off home I ran, and knowing that I have plenty of grey pants I was set. Opting for a tailored look though, I chose the Dark Gray Dress Slacks high waist from First Impressions, you do get a high and low waist option in these fab pants, and they are from the Pants sets in the bottom section of the main store- unless she has moved them lol.

    Finishing off the look with the PopFuzz Skin Tan – ♥ Cupcakes Lovely Red from Popfuzz Designs for a splash of red – red and grey look so stunning together. I am ready for whatever the day brings . Thanks Ambre for letting me revisit a look I haven’t done in a while ♥

    xox Sasy xox

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Blue Blood

    Marni Grut of Royal Blue sent me some lovelies a little bit ago, as soon as I put on the first set the Bettle Set it was love.

    I don’t know about you, but my bum looking like a racey mini, to me is the cuteness – I mean it could have looked like a lorry *giggles*.

    A fab little romper suit it is made without a top underneath, yes pure boobage unless you put on something like the tank I am wearing from Awesome Designs.

    The Bettle reminded me of GoGo Dancers of the 60’s, so some chunky platforms and white boots were definitely the ticket.

    Left to right : by Popfuzz Designs, that fab skin I am wearing is too . Moon Boots in whiteVenus Sandals from The HUB -which just look fabu with the cherry red in the bettle.
    Blair boots in white by Dela and the awesome Cupo Boots by Enkythings that have white or black sole options, and incredible sexy heels .

    The perfect hair for this look, with its fabulous Retro look and inspired name is Antonia by TRUTH , the colour change bandana ribbon matched each set perfectly.

    The second set is a Mixy Matchy look, I was actually talking to Marni about wanting to do more of those, so used her Paradox Jumpsuit for inspiration.
    The jumpsuit is top to bottom and has a real Victorian knickers kind of look to it, all boning and trim, definitely a naughty undergarments look with a modern kind of feel to it. I decided to utilise the overall body coverage by picking out some complimenting pieces from other designers.

    The edging look to the Jumpsuit inspired a tighter look with the help of the corset from the Heresy set by Canimal, the long hugging corset is just superb and I have tinted it black to be worn over the top. Next I wanted a little fluffy skirt, I tried a few different ones, but the one I liked was the I mean Business skirt from Pixeldolls, this has trim ribbons and such so tinted the pants black also to hide that.

    The release of the Athena boots by Tesla was perfect for this little look, these are stunning Victorian styled boots also with a mod twist, the open toes are just wicked, I once watched Nigela Bites the cooking show and she was wearing open toed knee high boots and I have always pined for something like that, now I have YUM YUM.
    The skin is the MMSPaleNFb-Clean from Minnu Model Skins, with all that hot pink I was wanting something a little lighter in make up.

    The hair is the Phoebe style from ETD and OMG its 1L the fat pack, I went to visit Jaydie at work the other day and was so excited to see that Elika had added a huge amount of styles to the 1L wall, some of my favourites I had in smaller packs, as well as some I didn’t own at all, so WOOOHOOO go grab them all, * blushes* I did even though I knew I had some parts I just bought again lol.

    To add a bit more glamour to the look I went with the Stunning Pastel Gloves from Fleur , I have again tinted to make the pink a hotter pink, but the soft pastel they come in originaly are just heavenly, if you don’t have any of the Fleur Gloves you have got to go and get lots and lots, stunning colours and the texture is fantastic, and each set comes in three lengths A BARGAIN !.

    The third item from Royal Blue is the River Boat Optimism dress, a lovely frock with nautical colours, done in such a way as to be a light and pretty day dress, with splashes of colour to enhance with accessories of your choice. I really like the neckline to this dress, its a wonderful cutout strappy look, and the cute little bow at the back just adds a sweet touch.

    The sandals are the Sulaco from Enkythings, that I just adore for this day time look, and the hair is DarkChyld from Old Gravy, just to add a little heat to the oh so sweet. Skin is the Aurora Skin from Fleur that to me was a MUST have as soon as I spotted it, and that was during a huge hunt and absolute chaos at their old train station build, and the fact that I was only drawn to that means something lol.

    Go and check out Royal Blue if you haven’t as you will want to spend the weekend wriggling about in the fab Bettle Set for sure, as well as all the other fab creations.

    xox Sasy xox

    P.S so many are loving http://fashionfinds.ning.com/ I hope you can drop by too .

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Stylish

    Dela the Diva

    Dela is fast becoming a One stop shop for all your fashionable needs. Recently the release of the Diva Set in three fabulous colours must have inspired Kuranosuke Kamachi, because the girl is so focused on making such incredible pieces to accent all her different styles throughout the store.

    The set has two styles of pants options, the first being the very cool gaucho pants, and then the longer version…they both have sculptie cuffs for a rounded look which is just fabulous.

    The boostier style top is padded and quilted looking and the fabric texture is just wonderful and shiny, with the lovely lariet around the neck dropping between the breasts as a wonderful accessory, this is a great set for smart casual occasions, day time events where you want to look stylish without going too dressy, and can move into night time affairs with ease.

    A few days later the release of some incredible accessories came my way; and sure enough they all look wonderful together. The earrings are just wonderful works of art, I especially love the Garnet hoops I have had many earrings in this style RL and they are always firm favourites. The textures on these earrings and bangles are all superb, and the incredible cuff bangle I thought at first was sculpted but nope, 38 prims all meticulously layered to create that wonderful shape.

    The reptile Clutch purses are also fabulous, bright colours and bold reptile textures make them definitely stand out and get noticed, finishing it all off with the Devon boots and the Blair boots also by Dela and I was ready for a stylish day in any situation.

    The hair on the left is Lilo and the longer style is the NEW Elise both from TRUTH and both Gorgeous, the skins are the wonderful Seductive Glow skins by Digital Dragon Designs, I love the red make up around the eyes as Ive always done that too RL lol.

    If you haven’t shopped at Dela in a while and thought it was all about shoes, then now is the time to go and check out all the other beautiful items.

    xox Sasy xox

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Fetish,  Stylish


    OMG OMG OMG OMG , VR Fashion an extension of VR Fetish has just release Licentious an INCREDIBLE HOT HOT HOT and naughty dress, and I do mean NAUGHTY!

    This is the kind of dress you enter the room in, and everyone and I do mean everyone, wont be able to take their eyes off you as you circulate. From the front it is a wonderful creation of straps and buckles done in a micro mini styel, but front the back OH MY GOODNESS!.

    Done on every layer this dress is the Hotness, and comes in an incredible 15 colours. What I love about the layers , and they do come in lots of them, is that you have so many choices of naughty lol. But for those of us that can’t exactly wear that kind of dress as much as we may want, or dare to. The no panties option is the ticket lol – that is suprising .

    As you can see I have come up with a look utilising the fabulous underpants layers options many designers are doing now, so I was able to wear the pants layer of the dress that creates the tight fit , over the underpants of the fab Cord pants by Celestial Studios, and have this wonderful tunic look that I just cant change out of.

    I am seriously so in love with this look I have been mixing and matching things with it all week, its just wonderful to be able to do this with a dress that you may think limits you in wearability, but suprises you with how much you can do with it.

    Hair left to right is : Delilah by Analog Dog , Chalissa by ETD , Eva by Maitreya , Noemie by HCT , Gabriella by HCT and Sydney by Diversity .

    Shoes are : Heel strap Heel by ETD , Diva heels by Tesla , Metis heels by Dark Eden, Namid sandals by Dela. The skin is Pandora Skin tone 3 Sasy Make up from Adam n Eve and the Stockings are from X2 .
    Wanted to show you all the colours , and there are three fat packs available in 5 singles each for half price wooohooo also on Onrez or at VR Fashion , go get your sexy on .

    Brights on Onrez
    Bolds on Onrez
    Basics on Onrez

    Always thankful for

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose