Thank You all
The wheelies fundraiser ended last night in the form of the items being sold around the grid, Id like to thank everyone for their generosity from designers to shoppers and people that spread the word.
The concert Dove organised on Monday was fantastic and if you all get a chance to stop by Wheelies you will see how incredible the place already looks.
I also wanted to thank Washu Zebrastripe from HairSpray who arranged with Polgara to donate her excess land usage tier to the Wheelies group, that was a very generous donation that will keep going. It also made me realise that during hair fair meetings last year around this time Hair Spray was setting up, so I either missed it or its coming up their One Year Anniversary, either way CONGRATULATIONS!.
We raised from our end L$81209 and thats not even including all the wonderful donations that were sent directly to Wheelies, One incredible lady donated 60K herself thank you so much for that as well as every other donation that has occurred in the past week and any that have happened in the past.
With this generosity from all Wheelies will be able to do more incredible things, so again thank you all.
xox Sasy xox