Sugar Sugar ahhh Honey Honey
Kyrinnia Desmoulins known for her work on Essence, has opened a store called Kalon this week, offering some wonderful Eloh Mods for Sale.
Kyrinnia has done some great changes to the skins, and I have nagged her about bringing them out in the past around another fund raiser time, as she missed out on having some done for that.
The two tones she has so far is Vanilla in the first pic, with the Glitterati make-ups that are glossy and colourful, great for nights on the town showing off your sexiest outfit.
The second tone is the Sugar, which is an incredible Goth skin, with dramatic make-ups, I really liked the flesh coloured shading as contrast to the white of the tone.
Kyrinnia also has an update group set up to join, info in her store, so go and check out these wonderful mods, the prices are fab and you will really enjoy her make-ups.
Also I am not sure how long for, but Liquid Velvet Studios has set out eight 10L Lingerie style gowns in the main store so go and get those while you can. The hair in the first pic is by boon and is the HNB27. The second style is Nalirra by Here Comes Trouble.
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose