‘It’s not a house its a Home ” Part One
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SKINS SKINS SKINS Droools, Stand back everyone there is a New Skinner in town, an Aussie to be exact and a real life friend of Truth Hawks.
His name is Ignite Nightfire and Ignite is what he is going to do it you, a spark that will grow and grow and grow, until your so hot! you wont know what to do with your cam, but look at yourself.
The store is called Arcane which means obscure, secret, mysterious. Which can be found thankfully on the Sweet Sorrow sim, which I am going to go into more detail about in this and the next post.
First off you have to be FAST! for a limited time only, Ignite has been so generous for Easter and has a 5 pack of skins in his store for FREE! The LTD Opening skin Pack, has all of the delicious tones in one, and the make up is just divine.
Also in the pack you get a face light and brows but that is only a teaser of what is available when you purchase one of the incredible Liquid Skins from Arcane.
The skins come in five tones. Caramel, Creme,Fudge,Ghost and Latte…seriously if it wasn’t for the Ghost I would be sure Ignite was hungry when he named the, and you are going to want to eat them up yourself.
There are Four Make Up ranges in all tones, and they are Colours, Galaxy,Smoked and Vivid. I have shown each make-up in each tone and then doubled up on the Vivid, as its so dramatic seeing it in Ghost and Latte.
What are my favourites? I dont have one because seriously I love every make up and every single tone in this skin, the Ghost is INCREDIBLE, I have always liked the idea of Goth/Vamp skins but they are hard to do without losing something in the shading and not ending up sickly looking…there are some incredible Goth/Vamp skins in SL definitely dont get me wrong. but something about the way Ghost is done is just right for us tan loving folks.The detailing on this skin is just superb; and the face OMG the face, look at my lips. I don’t know if you want to kiss me, but I want to kiss me *giggle fits* we so need more mirrors in SL, or someone neeeeds to make that animation of fake kissing, you know the one, where you run your own hands down your back and what not lol.
The first thing that I noticed about these skins is the ‘Healthy’ look they have and the overall outdoorsy tones, even Ghost looks healthy. But they really have that glow about them that makes you look well treated, and seriously if you treat yourself to these skins you will be so all about that.
Also when you buy an Arcane skin, you not only get brows and lights, but you also get HAIR from TRUTH *squeels* a Shape , omg omg annnnnnd LASHESSSSSS! seriously as Ignite says and I second, the only things you need once you buy an Arcane skin is shoes and clothes, but if you TP home really fast you dont even need those, but you wont want to and I will go into that in the next part of this post.
The hair in this pic is the latest release from TRUTH and isn’t I dont think the one in the pack, but GORGEOUS so Yummy , and its called Polly. The loose curls and sideswept bangs are just divine.
All I can say is GET TO ARCANE , GET THE LTD Opening pack , GO HOME, GET NAKED and love yourself for half an hour in the right sun setting, then RUN RUN RUN back to Arcane and BUY BUY BUY ! Bossy aren’t I ? :oP .
NOTE: the lashes I am wearing in the pics arent from Arcane, so the make-up around the edge of the eyes will be a bit different without them, but thats why we Demo :oP.
Goes back to loving myself at Sweet Sorrow
xoxo Sasy xoxo
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose