Fleur by any other name is TaP *Grins*
***What I learned today, CTRL-ALT-F5 gets rid of foot shadows for pic taking***
Today at 1pm SLT was the long awaited re-Grand Opening of ‘Fleur’ formerly known as Tete a Pied for all those skin fans that have been living under a rock the past 2 weeks.
Now the reason I say ‘Re’ is because a month ago the long awaited; Grand Opening of ‘Tete a Pied’ had us all enthralled by the incredible vision that was the romantic train station.
I myself found it difficult to navigate through the beautiful train, for the fabulous prizes of that day. But every romantic bone in my body was tingling.
Was I or anyone else disappointed today though when seeing this incredible NEW build by CJ Carnot and Roslin Petion the wonderful Duo behind Fleur, NO!
Landing at this incredible build, I was instantly taken in by its charm, it had such an old movie feel about it; that is regularly a theme when dealing with Roslin and C.J. Casino Royale was the theme of this gathering and I felt totaly encased in an old Bob Hope/Gene Kelly atmosphere. Roslin looked Divine and C.J ever so dapper in his white jacket tuxedo. Unfortunatly I wasn’t able to get pictures at the time, but felt it was important to zoom back later in the night and take some snaps.
Wearing of course what I wore to the event, the guests came out in full finery and hopefully someone more adept took some pics that will appear somewhere, Nicky Ree who is now nestled alongside Fleur was there with her partner Beam and he was adorable entertainment for the event. C.J had scripted an incredible Roulette wheel- NO Gambling took place it was pick a number win win win-and everyone enjoyed the catching up with people they haven’t seen for a while, or only saw an hour before somewhere else lol-love SL.
Now I was blessed to be joined at the event by my partner Mel, who always looks sooo handsome no matter what he is wearing. When I was waiting for him to return tonight I started taking some pics of my outfit…….he signed in and next thing I know he was jumping up and down in my sphere *giggles* ‘What are you doing?’ I asked, to be answered ” I want to be in the picture too”-he is too adorable. So about our outfits, One day I was doing some work at home and a drop down from fash con appeared, it was by Devilish Cupcake designer Abby Coalcliff, now this was at the end of last year, and yet this notice stayed in my head well into the New Year.
The notice was for the Merry Shorty Dresses & Opera Gown, and as soon as I saw the pic I was in LOVE!. As much as I work in SL there are items I see and pine over and often don’t torture myself with because of the lack of events to wear them to…..Mel has changed that, so as soon as we started seeing eachother I raced over to get the dress with the knowledge that I was going to be able to wear it one day.
The other reason I coveted it, was that it reminded me so much of gowns my mum used to wear in the 70’s, she had the yummiest wardrobe, and to this day I still whimper that it all got given away when I was too young to say NOOOOOOOOOO!. I wore the Opera Gown to the Fleur event but wanted you to see what you get in the set as a whole, as you get both long and short dress with pants on both layers for each option. You can see other colours available HERE on Abbys’ blog.
I loved being able to have such a open area to show off my Casablanca set by Essentia, which is the incredible necklace and earrings that Fiachra Lach created especially for me so that I would have something to wear for more formal events,and totaly suited the Casino Royale theme. It comes in Gold and Silver versions, then adding the Silver Hair Rose also by Essentia was of course the next step to getting ready.
I love silver so much so it was a no brainer which one to get, but one day I may add to it as all of the colours are stunning. I knew immediately what skin I would wear with it and it wasnt just based on the fact that I was attending the creators event, but because I absolutely adore the silver make-up of the Vivant-Glam skin by Fleur . I remember a long time ago IM’ing Roslin saying ‘You need silver make-up” only to be patiently reminded that Glam has silver make up :P- she loves me I knows it-truth is I had the Glam demos and hadn’t gotten past number one as it was so lush, again I knew at the time I wouldn’t get the chance to really show it off; but zoomed right over to get the pack after that convo and have actualy worn it alot since.
Even though the eye make-up is very dramatic and so sexy, the softness of the rose pink lips gives it a sensual look that carries over into all sorts of looks. I did however get corny and put on the Roslin hair by ETD in old textures Black, which is a lovely style-but I did only buy it because it was called Roslin- and suited this dress perfectly.
What also suited the dress perfectly is the shoes, giggles* which I bought seconds before the event, and had only the night before strutted around our house in the demos telling Mel I was definitely going to get them soon, and soon was today. They are the Armidi–Gisaci-Vidalia pumps in Silver, and are just beautiful-and I promise to take a better pic of them soon… ( ok seriously I felt really bad and thought hmmm I’ll google them and find a better pic, but half an hour later I realise I could just jump in world and take one, so wait a few minutes, I’ll be right back).
Ok back, phew. So these are the yummy shoes I tp’d over to get this afternoon minutes before the event, and the texture was a perfect match to the Merry Dress Opera Gown.
So a while back I saw a tutorial somewhere on using the liquify tool to round out images for second life avatars, and yes possibly some designers use it to make their items look more appealing for vendor pics. But anyway to me its a fun way of rounding out the pointy ankles and I probably will never remember to use it again lol but today I did- and didn’t do too bad, if I do say so myself.
Now lets talk about my hunky man for a bit, we as I have said a few times already, have been to Armidi alot lately it seems, and so has everyone else on the grid *BEGS the Armidi team to make their stores more open*-I have spent so much time in naughty corners I’m starting to get a complex.
I wanted so bad to treat Mel to some goodies as he spoils me rotten, and the suits there are just YUMMY! So the other night I treated him to a few things and one of them was the Gisaci Italian Suit-Chocolate-he loves brown- So today he also got a chance to show off his New suit and looked mmmmmmmyummy, wearing it with his ShinyThings City Walk shoes in brown-wants Fallingwater to make those deep brown too now lol- and his messy and hella hot hair called Gabriel by Naughty Designs – it’s so perfectly messy I just want to mess it up more.
Finishing his look or perfecting it is his skin by Minnu Model Skins, MMS-sk-h-chx-
fullG which is Minnu speak for Sexy Man with full Goatie or is it Thora speak? me thinks Thora :o) .
On that note I wanted to share another video clip that the incredible team of MMSkins made for the Male skin release that I hadnt seen until last night
and again shows how incredible every step they both take to produce product is so detailed and orchestrated to provide us with sensory overload, it’s wonderful.
xoxox Sasy xoxo
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Poses and Stands:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.