A beautiful NEW Skin to the ever expanding Gala skin line is Pin-Up, and as the name suggests it is all pouty lips and starlet styled make up that will have you panting, or possibly your partner will be.
To start off the huge post of Pin Up Skins by Gala, I am wearing Pin Up from Stellar * Waves to Lexi* . The pieces to this set are extremely sexy and great fun. You can opt for with or without the flexi addition to the strapless top, that is tightly laced at the front, highlighting the beautiful shading of the skins. The mini flexi skirt is a staple in any Stellar fans wardrobe and the print on this one is fab. The bangle is also included in the set, and if you are a red/black combo fan I am sure it will be worn alot.
All of the main pics in this post are featuring the Sundust tone in the Pin Up Skins by Gala, the tone is just gorgeous as are all of them, but I spent the day in the SL sun today so it was appropriate ;), but when I took all the tones pics further down I wanted to do another 50 pics, but I spared you :P. As before all the tones come in both a dark and light version, I am wearing the dark option and this is the Starlet 1 make up. I have to say that during this shoot, I kept having a Taylor from B&B kind of thought process with these skins, and hey to look one pixel like that woman would make me very very happy indeed.
What I really like in these is the obvious lightness to the face, in such a way as to really show that you are in fact wearing make up, that there is all over coverage going on.
The bodies of these skins are just as the last release, so beautifully shaded and the stomach is just gorgeous. The hair I am wearing, and yes again I am doing Hair all by the same store, I don’t want you wearing yourself out running all over the place 😛 , oh wait you will for clothes anyway lol. The hair is from Magika and is the Lucy style with an adorable bow at the top, slightly alluding to innocence until you travel further down the body.
Ok so by now I know you are going OMG WHERE ARE THOSE BOOTS FROM ?, I know right. They are my new hotness bought for me by my Main Hotness Mel. These are the XPosed Boots by Fussy and these boots are all that and a bag of chips. A triple MUST MUST MUST HAVE!. They are sculpted toes and heel, with a hud that allows for skin change and nailpolish changes, these boots are sooo Sexy and I am dieing for them to come in more colours, and possibly leather options not only patent/latex…not that I have any issues wearing this kind of texture lol as you can see they fit into my wardrobe very smoothly, but PLEEEEEEEASE make me some more more more Satomi pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. Oh and I didnt meantion BOWS on the back lol , these are so yummy I couldn’t take them off.
Also wearing the Solid Black Raincoat from Elixir, these coats in the past I have shown in the sheer latex version, I am really liking the solids as they allow for more mixing up with other items. The Slung Mini skirt is also from Elixir and is an older style that is really sexy and I really like the innovative way that Elixir have created this skirt to look a particular way, and also to work with the way prims work in SL.
A New style from Magika is the Buns hair, really nice large buns, two of them at the back of the head with thick bangs sideswept at the front. This is the Jitterbug 1 Make Up from Gala in the Pin Up skin, and the red in these lips is smashing.
One of my favourite older items from BareRose is this Basket. A long time friend Luve had this easter of 2007 and we ran right over and got me one, we also went there in bunny avatars and acted crazy for a few hours lol. I ran into June yesterday and she assures me that it is still there, and even though it was created with easter in mind it is just so very Goth Lolita looking, and the skully black eggs, I mean hello stink bombs lol.The beautiful Dress is the Julia dress by Popfuzz Bamboo and it really is lovely, the dress comes in a huge assortment of colours, as do many Popfuzz creations, strapless with a light spray of floral embelishment across the top of the dress gives it that little extra in this tube style I adore for SL, no chance of it falling down.
More beautiful embelishments are in the form of the Tiana Necklace and Earrings from DeLa, these are so delicate and beautiful. They come in various colours but also with silver and gold options available. The new releases coming out of DeLa lately are really stepping up into a new level as Kura has been creating with new software and has been spending hours per day learning her new methods, and to me it is well worth the sacrifice of time in world.
The Apple Pie Make up from Gala Pin Up is another brilliant red lipstick option, one release with this many red lippy variations is just fantastic. The hair is the Olga style, another New release from Magika, I am loving the tamer styles coming from there lately, with the cute pins on the sides, Magika is giving their customers an all situations hair range.
The other week we had another one of our, ‘Fia needs to shop” days that ended with all of the girls spending money lol, how he puts up with us I don’t know…oh wait I mean me :P. Actually now that I look at it closer this pic has Fia all over it, starting with the I Bite Belt from Miau Haus, we went there back in Aug 2006 and bought this belt, I loved it then so much and still do.
The Bloomers I am wearing are from Scribble, these come in different colours highlighting the black bloomers, but these are the black/black pair and they are puffy and cute as in a more modern way than previous bloomers I have shown. This post kind of made me realise that there are Pin Ups from all sorts of genres, I mean a Pin Up is really just someone you admire and find attractive, whether you are Male/Female, Punk, Goth, Neko, Furry or a fish its about that appeal and attraction.
The bikini top is from Elixir and is their latex bikini which comes on all layers and is very handy to have. The Aggression ArmBands are from Digital Dragon Designs and are wickedly cool and actually match some other boots I have from there. The other fantastic accessories I have are the Open Handcuffs Necklace and lipring by Sable Rose, the lipring I have been wearing on and off for days it is so cool, and actually from a distance looks like vamp teeth lol. Incredible work is coming from Sable Rose lately and more wonderful creations to come.
An old set of Ink from TRUTH is the Betty tat, I am not sure if this is still in the main store but even if it isn’t its a great indicator of the types of tats Truth does, also this is on not only different layers but different options, such as arms only, back only, back and arms etc. The hair is Acceptable by Magika and the Gala PinUp make up is the Pure 2 which is a bare make up and so cool to have that option with Skins like this.
The bag that we ended up getting that shopping day is the BLACK CAT BACKPACK SMALL “Nekovampi Pet” by NekoVampi this bag is too cute, and if you click on it the cat meows scarily lol. There are three sizes in the bags that you get and the price is fab. I have been wearing this one and off for a few weeks and it is lots of fun.
This next dress is from SySy , a classic black dress with a beautiful large turleneck look. To give it a bit more purrr I have added the Wild Animal Print Belt, Earrings and Bangle from Dark Mouse. I have shown the Zebra before in these and they are just as fabulous in the Tiger stripe Copper, the style of jewelry and the belt are just fabulous for this look or any pants/shirt combo.
The hair in this pic is Root Bear and for some obscure reason I keep thinking it’s called Sea Gull, don’t ask me why because I don’t know lol.
The Pull Col dress is a great little number for casual to dressy looks, it does come in a variety of deep colours , but the black was so working with the accessories I couldn’t resist.
Yay for YaYa , this dress is fabulous and again by SySy. The colours and the shape of the dress is so fun and carefree. I love the vibrant and rich colours in the prints on these dresses, by far my favourite has to be the firey coloured one in the centre. All of them are swish loving fun, you know you do it in your head when you find that kind of dress, I cannot be the only one that makes random swishing noises to myself
The fabulous hair is Riddle b y Magika which is a great tails style with full and fluffed out tails. Again one of the Bare Make Up options in the Pin Up skins by Gala is the Cats Pyjamas 2, lippy or not the mouths on these skins is hot hot hot.
These are all of the tones in the Pin Up skins by Gala, the body detailing is scrumptious and the tones themselves are just heavenly. In the frontal pic I am wearing the Dark option of each tone, and in the back view picture I am wearing the light. The difference is not a lot but just enough to make that transition you need on occasion depending on mood and weather.
I am wearing the Luna Di Miele Lingerie by DP Serendipity, this is their first lingerie line and it is really lovely. The fabric is a velvet look with lace trim and detailing, I especially love the scalloped edged elastic look to the trim of the panties. The thong is beautifully shaped at the back to accentuate the curve of the lower back and hips, a fantastic first lingerie style.
I decided to show Olga in more colours as its such a pretty hair by Magika :).
All of the Shooting Poses used today are from Persona YAY Mylie Writer is back from taking a break and has brought with her some fantastic poses. These are fabulous for showing all sorts of items, especially the Fussy Xposed boots YUM YUM YUM couldn’t wait to finish typing had to tp Newdoll over to grab some in the laced up and buckled version that I swear was not there two days ago I swearrrrr.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Magika
Skin by: Gala
Clothing by: Stellar, SySy,Elixir,Popfuzz,Scribble,DP Serendipity
Jewelry/Accessories by: Dark Mouse, DeLa, BareRose, Sable Rose, NekoVampi,Digital Dragon Designs,Miau Haus
Shoes by: Fussy
Poses by: Persona
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
Bootfixer by Tatiana Niven that I wear 24/7 but often toggle on or off depending on the pose used, but for AO’s it is a MUST HAVE.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Toy Story
I think I am doing a relay with myself in this post. So I was with Newdoll in Voice and then Whimsy got online, so it ended up one of those crazy grid hops. While Newdoll was in my ear asking about one place, I was spluttering at Whimsy about her not having enough from another.
I didn’t make it out without picking up some fun stuff myself, the trip to Canimal let me get the bra to one of my favourite corsets the Lust Corset, it is actually hiding underneath in pink and funnily enough the red version is what Newdoll was wearing under her shirt last night too – ooo maybe I stole her baton lol.
The adorkable Tshirts are also from Canimal and are a pack of five Streetwear Little Miss Tshirts in Canimal Style with more funna Little Miss’s. Atop my head is one of the New Piggy‘s from Pink Fuel , these I got yesterday and they are as adorable as the deer, so you must get them too.
Doing some light reading with the Crone book of Shadows from Dark Eden, part of the collection of Magical bits that were a recent release. After we left Canimal we hightailed it over to MNK Newdoll had been recently and wanted me to see the latest, I am never to familiar with names of some stores until I land, and both Whimsy and I are sure we have been in the past, there are so many wonderful items there.
The Tweed Short Pants come with medium length and short versions, and I just had to have in all colours, tweed is just fabulous and these will make great mix and match items.
The hair is Messy by LeLutka which is closed at the moment, but big things are brewing over there, it is going to be an amazing re-opening I can just feel it.
Another item I just couldn’t resist from MNK – and do not do what I did and buy just the one, because the pack is a steal – I was laughing so hard at those two in IM that I wasn’t paying attention, which is always dangerous when shopping. This is the SugarCake outfit in brown, and OMG how cute is that baloon skirt.
I am such a teen/young adult of the 80’s so fashion like this is love, I don’t care what you say, if you are in your mid to late 30’s and were trying to pretend you were 18+ in the mid 80’s you will know what I am talking about, there was fashion, fantastic fashion actually, there was just too much teeny bopper stuff in music clips at the time too that overpowered.
Ok rant aside :P. The Sugar Cake set has this incredible layered balloon skirt that to me and as the name suggests looks just like cake, I mean HELLLLOOOO could that be more funna?, this is the only time when cake goes to your hips that you can be happy. Ok the short upper portion perhaps isnt designed to wear solo, because the glitch pants are mid length, but throw on a pair of shorties or not 😛 and you have a mini balloon skirt, the skirt is made of solid prims so you can totally get away with that no worries.
As you can see you get two style tops in the set, and again grab the pack of two colours because the difference is like 50L so well worth it.
The Bangle set is from Dark Mouse and is the Lotus Flower and Bamboo bangles , these are just lovely work, I did however have to tint the inside faces of the prims as they were red and with those poses it was a bit in your face, but in a good way trust me. The Hair I have on is the Lisa style again from LeLutka as is all the hair today, I really love the long styles over there, and as you know I am a huge fan of the textures as they are shared with Maitreya, so the ability to grab your favs from both stores is rocking my world.
You want to know where my skin is from don’t you ? I can hear you getting crabby at me from here lol, well I aint telling until I tell :P.
I should tell now though, because you will think I am going to tell at the end, and then you will scroll ha ha ha tricked you. The beautiful New Infinity Brand of Skins are all created by Annyka Bekkers of Blowpop. In November of last year Annyka sent some people some Beta test bases for her new skins, we were asked for input and I had my comments, bet you can guess what one of them was :P.
Annyka made some changes and sent again a few weeks later, and then we only heard the occasional peep as she worked very hard to release these all hand drawn skins, but not just one skin but I do believe there are 4 , the reason I am not certain is that I have three but saw a flickr pic of hers with four, anyway regardless in the weeks to come there is going to be the Newly Rebranded Infinity Line of Luscious Skins by Annyka Bekkers.
This first one I am showing today is Ava in the Pure Honey tone, the make ups are look 1,2,3 and 4 not in that order lol but you will see when you DEMO DEMO DEMO.
The tone is just lovely and that right blend in around sunkissed. The collarbone as you can see if gorgeous and the shading all up and down the body is remarkable.
The face is beautiful, especially that nose and mouth, I think the face is just charming and the other skins in the line are equally so, you will see them soon I promise. One thing I didn’t grab a pic of and I should have, is that the skins all have a hair base, and no for once I am not talking down there, but actually on the skull, yep no more of the men only getting that option, allowing for a hair base for unrezzed sculpties, or the comfort of deprimming at lag filled events, you get both with and without hair options, so make sure you check out the demos of those as soon as they are released.
The tank top tshirt I have on is from LaLa FooFoo and is so pretty in that shade of pink, with lots of layer options of both tucked and untucked. The pants are another Must Have from MNK , they are the Stripe Pants Set and come in various colours, but you get all three options in the one pack YUMMMY, I can’t pick a fav pair in the three because they all rock.
The Hair is Venera by LeLutka and this style and Lisa are two of my favs from their range, being that dried by the sun kind of look. The Tortoiseshell Bangle and Soft Pink Hair Rose are by Essentia.
Ok so both Newdoll and Whimsy headed off, and I went solo for a bit, ok a lot…I ended up doing a quick scan of the feed and came across Chic’s Blog – I always smile when I open her blog, because seeing someone name their blog after one of your rant/thunks is pretty awesometastic in my opinion. Anyway she was posting on the Twisted hunt and I hadn’t had a chance to check it out yet, but what caught my eye was more the name of a store not the items only.
So off I tp’d to Dilly Dolls and was happy to see they are having a 70% off Sale at the moment, so while I was there not only did I grab some bargains and help a girl win on a lucky chair, but picked up this fabulous set called Darkened Mad Hatter, seriously this store has some serious Alice in Wonderland themes going on , but this set with or without the hat to me was screaming to be had.
This set is gorgeous and very very swanky indeed, I think this is a must have for both sexes especially at the sale price. The shirt portion is so obviously hand drawn and is so cute, all of it is, you do get shoes with the set but I couldn’t resist posting in the New Marie Jeannes from Insolence.
These gorgeous patent shoes come in a variety of shiny colours, the pink are just so pretty and the camel and beige are lots of fun with my brownzilla love. I totally can see these getting lots of wear and tear this coming season and they look so delish with socks its not even funny.
The hair is Peta by LeLutka and is a great bun style for a more conservative approach.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: LeLutka
Skin by: Infinity/BlowPop
Clothing by: MNK , Canimal, Lala Foofoo, Dilly Dolls
Jewelry/Accessories by: Pink Fuel , Dark Eden, Essentia
Shoes by: Insolence
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
Bootfixer by Tatiana Niven that I wear 24/7 but often toggle on or off depending on the pose used, but for AO’s it is a MUST HAVE.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
This is so exciting a concept, and while Alaska Metropolitan gives full credit to those that helped her, and also discovered this ingenious process, it is Synergy by Opium her own brand that is going to make us all sit up that didn’t know about it and go OMG.
You are wondering what I am raving about I am sure, well first lets do the pics and then I will explain. The store the tie is from has a story, some of you have read it before, so bear with me, because it is one of my favourites.2nd day in world Sasy goes to a fair at Transylvania, stands there in awe of the beautiful items on show, popping gum with her hair from Panache that she swears she will never take off. She comes across a booth which is now, not sure about then, called Gothic Dreams, and the lovely Xultana Lowell passes her a folder, squeeling with delight she puts on the items and declares that she will stand there all day and show how wonderful the School Girl Goth set she was handed as a gift is to the public – and I swear I was serious I would have stayed there until my face hit the keyboard.
Xultana is I am sure amused by me and invites me to her studio to help her do the vendor pic for the set, as it had not been made or released yet. I go with total excitement and got to pose for her pics, she even let me keep my bubblegum in lol, come on you all know you were hooked when you came into world and found the 5L gum machines.
I put on the shoes I had at the time which were from Parallax View and Xultana passed me a pair in plain black, same exact shoe and let me keep them – such a generous lady… and to this day I am still in her store in the vendor ad for that set, I even went to check tonight to be sure before I bored you all to death… due to prim limits I am in the multi vendor so if you want to see Sasy when I was 2 days in world thats were to look lol, but nearly 3 years later she has never replaced me, and I still have that outfit ♥, and the memories.
Ok so back to the tie, every so often I get nostalgic and go and visit Gothic Dreams, and the last time I was there with Fia I picked up the wonderful British Love tie, it would probably look hotter with a collared shirt perhaps but I love it this way, because of the collar built into the tie itself. The red, white and blue is just fab for mixing with casual or punked out looks, that this one is slightly.
Concord Clothing has a smallish range of casual/dressy items, the store is a small one but hopefully will get bigger over time, one thing as a blogger that freaks me out is misplacing a folder within a folder, luckily for me this one ended up inside one that hadn’t been put in the correct place; but was still in my to blog folder. So I apologise for the lateness of showing these items.
The Red Low Scoop Shirt actually comes with two tanks on all layers as well as the shirt itself. Great layer options in this store, pretty much every option is covered, with the benefits of extras like the tanks. Whether with or without the tanks the shirt is really well presented, and the shading is perfect for the style.
The Black jeans by Concord Clothing are fabulously low cut and beautifully stitched and shaped, with two prim options for the cuffs, as well as without cuffs options on the clothing layers. I will talk more about the jeans next pic.
The hair is by Truth and is the Tahlia hair, beautiful tails that end with loose braids, the thick bandeau style hair wrap is texture change on click with oodles of options colour wise, and because Truth rocks he has left the hair mod, so you can still change the band if you choose to a texture you like from your own inventory.
The gloves are the Leather Gloves Grey, from Sassy Kitty Designs that I bought the other day when grabbing the skull gloves. The Valentina Slouch boots are from Lya that I showed in the black the other day, and come in both slouch plain and slouch lace upper parts for whatever mood you are in.
Ok the more about the Concord Clothing jeans is, how curvy do I look, wowza. These are the dark Blue Jeans, and there is something just sexy about that shade of deep blue denim that makes you never want to take them off, especially for those of you that love your curvyness these are tremendous.The Tshirt is the Red Tshirt also from CC and again for a casual look that has some class to it, the shading on these is wonderful. Wanting to finish off that tight jeans and ultra smart casual look , I went with the Snakeskin boots by Lya, these come in two options of pattern and are just yummy.
Brand Spankin New hair from Truth is the Amber style, the demo is in carrot and made me salivate for his new textures in the light natural reds, this is the Pumpkin and don’t you just want to eat it up. A lot of the time the windblown look hair only really works with pics, this style is just shy of being too much that way inclined and works well for just every day wear.
The Hair Rose in Red Harmony by Essentia, really works well with the red tone of the Tshirt also from Essentia is the Blue Tortoiseshell bangle, which now comes on both right and left.
Mmmmmmmmthat make up la di da, wont be long and I will fill you in :P.
It being so long since I got the folder of Concord Clothing, I went over tonight to see if there was anything new, not so much but I couldn’t resist another pair of jeans, this time in the red, also the Black Cardigan is a lovely mid length cardi that I have put on over the top of the white tank that came with the scoop neck shirt.This hair is also New and is the Miabella hair from Truth, this is so beautiful, named after Miabella Foxley the incredible Photographer that recently did the Maitreya spring campaign ads, as well as the owner of my favourite Flickr Group SL Picture Pile Ups, if you ever want to play with pictures in Gimp or PS, and you are a bit hesitant or don’t know where to start this group is BONZA.
There is something so interesting about editing other peoples pics, you see things and are inspired more sometimes than with your own, you can also add a pic to the discussions and let others edit yours – suggestion, use a plain background when submitting one, as I have noticed people don’t like doing much to ones with lots going on in the background, it’s a lot of work removing all of that.
Oooooooooooo so I am ready to shoot the rest of the skin and a notice came about a New release from Paradisis, PERFECT timing, I mean seriously it could not have been better, I try not to jump ahead with items I post on, it gets confusing after a while, but again PERFECT TIMING. For a start they have moved location so yes I have updated my slurls page, the other thing is the outfit is way too cute.
The Jacket is the G Girl Jacket , and the pants are the G Girl Luv Jeans. Lets point out the love, first off the jacket, the back has 100% Geekette emblazoned across the back, so that’s love right there. Then you have the ipod in the front pocket that is primperfect and so cute. Now on the arm pocket there is a cigarette, and as I have been smoke free for my second full week now after 20+ years that had to be hidden in edit, thanks for it being mod lol.
The collar is soft and warm with it’s pink knit, ending with the same knit at the cuffs and band. Then moving down to the pants, low hipsters, that go so much lower than you might want in your pants, lol but that is why they were PERFECT.
The have fab tear/rips across the backs of them and full rolled up cuffs – not shown- that are just great. These come as seperates and are so fun to have, especially the wonderful jacket.
The hair I am wearing is Wendy also by Truth and has sideswept bangs in this version as there is a number 2 I showed earlier in the week.
Ok OK OK , so ready , are you listening ?.
Synergy by Opium is Alaska Metropolitan’s new foray into Skins, this is by no means Alaska’s first skin line, many of you know that already, but some wont, so trust me :P.
VERY IMPORTANT, these are not released yet, but this is something that you will want to pay close attention to the release of.
We are all the same underneath, has never been more true, when you realise how these new skins work. Right now I am different from you , but you are all the same lol. That’s confusing but let me explain, because until last week I never knew this.
Every one of us has a default skin, a skin layer that is actually part of the avatar that does not come on any layers at all. If you have ever seen the really old old New Resident skins you will remember them as being very flat, no real texture to them etc, well they live in your hard drive.
That is what I mean by us all being the same, inside every you there is the exact same avatar skin, no matter what skin creators skin you wear, underneath it is the default LL skin.
Now Alaska does not take credit for being a genious, she passes that to Namssor of Second Skin labs…but regardless of who this is to me incredible, and I can see it changing many things in the skin/tats/fetish industry.
Ok so think about that LL default skin a sec *shivers with you* and imagine if you were able to make that default one that was a hundred thousands times better looking. That if you somehow were able to peel off your (insert name of other skin store here) skin and have something that wasn’t so cringe worthy underneath…interesting thought right.
Well between Namssors knowledge and Alaska’s brilliance you can, you see when Synergy opens you will be able to buy a new default skin.
Now you are asking why the hell you would want one…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats the exciting part. You see if you have on a beautiful default, then anything you put on an in world skin layer goes over the top right ? nods*, and if you were to put something on the skin layer that wasnt solid but was in fact mostly alpha that would show up as an EXTRA LAYER OPTION.
*picks most of you off the floor*. You know those plea’s you hear all the time, for tattoo layers, or why can’t i just buy make up?… well now my lovelies you can.
This is how it works.
1. You buy the files of Head, Upper and Lower body parts from Synergy. When you get them in your inventory you will see them as textures.
2. You right click and open each texture, then you click on File at the top left of your screen and press on Save Texture As. This will save that texture to your harddrive. I recommend when saving it, save it to a folder on your desktop called Synergy.
3. You need to open that folder on your desktop and rename each texture… head needs to be head_color , upper body needs to be upperbody_color , and lower body needs to be lowerbody_color…these will need to be saved as TGA files, so make sure that they are when you save them.
4. Open the folder on your harddrive C:/Program Files/Second Life/character/ and then copy paste those three textures into that folder, there should be a popup asking if you want to override the ones already in there, press yes to all.
5. Relog
6. Make a new folder and name it Synergy Skin – Yours or something you will remember. Then Right click and create new body parts> Skin. Wear the new skin it is blank of anything, once you have it on rebake, Ctrl Alt R , and you will see the base skin you purchased.
7. Pat yourself on the back, your new back :).
8. Now I swear to you you are new underneath, if you do not believe me, then make another skin in that folder , and wear it, then go into appearances and press the skin button, you will see three boxes with grey filled in and a cross over them. If you want to be daring drag an image from your photo album over to one of the boxes 😛 , I promise if this is a new skin you just made yourself you cannot harm anything. DO NOT DO THIS TO OTHER MOD SKINS THAT YOU HAVEN”T MADE A BACK UP COPY OF FIRST IN THE FOLDER.
9. Now if you were at Synergy you would not have been able to pass up the Make Ups, and they are GORGEOUS. When you purchase those and they are so inexpensive its insane, you will see they look to be a skin, so you are probably well confused as to why you need to do all this at all.
10. Wear the Make Up skin, and you will see that the make up is sitting on the skin you just added to your hard drive, if you did not do the hard drive steps, you will see pretty make up on top of the default LL skin and probably be crying in a corner by now.
11. If you are crying go back to the hard drive steps and start over 🙂 *hugs*, if not you will see the genious that is Synergy.
Now what are the reasons that this is so exciting, other than make up will be cheaper to buy, and you now don’t have a default LL skin.
There are many, first off realise you have been given a big amount of trust in that the textures that you bought and put on your Hard Drive are full perms, some are already scared of what that will mean, it will mean that really awful people will try and use them for their own skin store possibly, but they will get caught :).
Now those that are mod fans, will know and also see in the credits that Alaska has put in her notecards, that the skin base used in this is partially Eloh Eliots, and I do mean partially, a LOT of modifying went into this skin to make it Alaska’s work primarily.
But those that are already fans as I have said will realise this means they can make their own make ups once they buy the base, and yes Alaska also is going to set up the option for people to sell make ups as part of a Synergy third party reseller plan which is awesome, but you will need to buy the bases at Synergy for them to work correctly.
The first three skins I am wearing in the pics are Synergy make ups and they are sooooooo gorgeous, wearing the make up skins over the NEW Synergy default…now the Fourth skin/make up is my mod. This is why it was a perfect release.
I made simple lashes very dark using brushes in PS, and also a rough eyeshadow in black also , to give a kind of dramatic eyes look, there is absolutely nothing else on the layer, just the lashes and black, no face no lips nothing.
But then I got more daring, because you see as minimal down there is on the Synergy Skin base, it had a tiny line just above the pants. So being very daring I grabbed the lower layer texture in ps and cloned it away, then because it was a demonstration of versatility, I grabbed the upper layer, and threw on a heart brush and then removed the upper body part, brining it in as an alpha just like you would clothing or tattoos, threw them all on a skin base made by me in world and voila, I am tattooed, Dramaticly eyed, and discreetly not showing with my extra low pants.
Like I said this is a release you are going to want to keep tabs on, the options are going to be amazing.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Truth
Skin by: Synergy Opium
Clothing by: Concord Clothing , Paradisis
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, Gothic Dreams
Shoes by: Lya
Poses by: Digital Dragon Designs
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
Bootfixer by Tatiana Niven that I wear 24/7 but often toggle on or off depending on the pose used, but for AO’s it is a MUST HAVE.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
The Sexy Velvet dress is from a store called Sassy Kitty, so how could I resist.I actually came across it on xstreet and decided I was in the mood for taking a gamble, I can’t help it but xstreet still feels that way for me, onrez was so safe *sighs*.
Anyway I purchased this dress and it was exactly as I hoped it would be, actually a bit sexier on I have to admit. The fabric is lovely, and the ring cut outs are very shagadelic. I tp’d over to the actual store last night at Sassy City – have to admit feeling a touch corny being there – and grabbed these fabulous Skull gloves, for 20L they were a bargain and a half and come in other colours and other prints, but skully ones are a Must Have.
Wanting to wear something that was going to show off the New Grace Skin by PXL this dress was it. The new skin has a very charismatic face, beautifully shaded with full lips and a great nose, if you haven’t already worked it out I have a thing about my nose.
The body detailing is as usual very meticulously carried out, Hart Larsson of PXL takes a lot of pride in his attention to detail, there are alot of options in the Grace Skins, there are 7 lip colours and 4 eyeshadow/make up options as well as dfferent brows and freckles versions also.
There are also different ways of fat packing the skins, by either purchasing based on eye make up or lipstick. THe liquid liner effect especially in this one shown is just lovely.
The boots I am wearing in both pics are from Lya, they are the Valentina slouch boots, they are beautiful leather ankle boots, with gorgeous colours and the ability to have them lace topped or not, not everyone likes lace. What I really like is that without the slouch portion these boot bases will look fantastic with dress pants or jeans, they have that biker boot feel to them.
The stunning hair I am wearing is from Magika and is the Raid hair, I really like long tails that have bands wrapped around them at various lengths.
I really don’t grasp the quickie idea very well do I lol. This next set is from UnZipped, it is called Vintage Steam Punk and is a great set with different options of wear. One option not shown is a full length ball gown skirt that is just gorgeous and I still have on, but that you will have to see when you visit the store.
The other fab options are the short style skirt and the fabulous bloomers, the back and front straps on this set are just lovely. I have added the Gloves from the MAiiKI striped strapless set, I love these gloves and have begged forever for them to be sold as seperates in lots of colours.
Again the Grace skin looks so beautiful especially when wearing the gold/tan colours of the set, they really highlight the beauty of the tone of Grace by PXL . The hair again by Magika is the Lulu hair and you cannot really see it well enough on these pics, but it is braided around the back which is just gorgeous.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Magika
Skin by: PXL
Clothing by: Sassy Kitty, UnZipped, MAiiKI
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: Lya
Poses by: DeLa, SM, LAP
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Spring into step
As with many there is much love for Maitreya, everything Beau and Onyx do is always so well planned and executed. There is something really inspiring about this latest release, and didn’t everyone just fall in love with the picks Miabella Foxley took for the adverts, those are amazing.
Ok so my first LOVE LOVE LOVE, is the HighSkirts …anyone that knows me, or reads my blog knows I am all about the System Skirt love, these are beautiful. Not only do you get the wonderful high waisted skirt with the belted top in all layers and all variations- such as resizable and not, but without the belt the skirt is also for me pure heaven.
The last time Maitreya gave me this much system skirt excitement was with the release of the MAiiKI label collaberation with Iki Ikarus of Dutch Touch, so with that in mind I merged some items from the NEW Maitreya with the older MAiiKI, and that is how I ended up dressed for the rest of the day, because YUM.
First off on the outter pics I am wearing the High Skirts with the fabulous Savoir Turtleneck, now these turtlenecks come with options also, you get long and mid length sleeves as well as sheer and solid , the sheer isnt overly but you will need a bra under neath. They are wonderful for mixing and matching, and the colours they come in will have you wanting to create fab looks and colour blends.
Now as much as I love the belts and tops of the HighSkirts by Maitreya , I really love them without the prims too, sleek and smooth these are just fabulous, and when worn with something like the MAiiKI Belted top and the Strapless top – both are from sets, but definitely give you an idea on how much you can do with these skirts.
The hair I am wearing had half the grid trying to tp into Maitreya on release, it is the Piper Hair a lovely loose pony tail.. I really like how its done in a way to show that the hair is loose but structured so well.
All of the skins I am showing today are of course the Gala skins , this time the Breeze as shown in these pics, and the Lovely that will be shown as well. Both skins are part of the latest release from Gala@ Curio and as the last ones, the bodies and faces on these are very beautiful indeed.
The Breeze is a very youthful and innocent looking face, gorgeous full lips and an adorable nose. The lovely has a more serious face, which can take some getting used to, but I think it has such a charming character to it because of that. All three including the Vixen come with the light and dark tones options, which is a great deal having a slight variation in your tone of choice. Two make ups in each, and the freckles as well. The bodies of these skins as I have said and shown in the past is just stunning, so make sure you DEMO DEMO DEMO.
The Shoes I have on in this pic are the Verve heels by Maitreya, these are wonderful for that more sedate but still sexy look.
Adding the Long Scarfs, another New item from Maitreya I was able to really flex my new powers today. The other night Siddean Munro of SLink was telling me about one of our tools we have in advanced that helps when wanting to colour match, I had previously given her the link to colourpicker so it was all relevant lol.
If you go to advanced Menu at the top of your screen – if you don’t see it press ctrl, alt, D all at the same time.Then Click on UI and scroll down to Show Color Under Cursor…Click on that and the fun can begin.
In the bottom right of your screen you will now see three numbers, in white and tiny so you have to really look for them. They are the RGB numbers for all colours in second life items.
Anything you move your mouse over when this is activated will show you a RGB number.. so then when you open edit on an item and then the tint box you can input those numbers into it as shown.
I had to then use the slider on the side, and add full bright to get the same purple but it was fun and it has so many uses. You do the same moves to turn it back off.
The Crushed Sweater Dresses by Maitreya are snuggly and again beautifully structured, you get options for the skirts of these dresses, one is a fuller sculpted skirt, the other is just the regular micro mini option, both look stunning. These will look great with leggings, or bare legged as shown.The boots I am wearing are the Billow boots from Maitreya, that coincidentaly match perfectly in colour lol. The Apple hair is a MUST MUST MUST Have for all, whether you are feeling the peace love and mungbeans baby, or you just want to be up with the current trend of everything hippie chic , then whatever reason Apple is for you.
Feeling a tad bookwormis, possibly I am up to no good, with the fabulous Thighstrap Mother Book of Shadows by Dark Eden, these are so much fun and come in a variety of books and colours, with potions and earrings and all sorts of wonderful magical stuffs.The skirt is another New release from Maitreya in the form of the Jules Skirt , a denim skirt that again is sculpted with either a more overall fitted prim, or micro, with seperate belt option. I am wearing the seperate belt and micro option, I really like this upper part to the skirt giving it a really well finished look.
The Mirli sweaters from Maitreya have always been a must have, so soft and delightful, you cannot go past the backs of these sweaters for added rawr. The shoes are the Sassy Wedges in Cherry, so cute and perfect for the Witch in training look I was going for lol. The lovely pinned back at the side hair is Faye from Maitreya and for those that love long and straight this is an incredibly realistic version of that look.
The studious looking Glasses are SMP by booN, really nice frames and very reasonably priced.
Points to my lips on the left and goes OMG OMG OMG it’s blue opal lipstick, every single girl I know in the mid 80’s had that exact lipstick, LOVE LOVE LOVE, it’s part of the Breeze skins line from Gala @ Curio .
Cleo Skirts by Maitreya are the tighter fit lowrise style we all love, these are an older look denim and the addition of the fabulous Coin belts also from Maitreya makes them very fun to wear.
Do you own the Jam Hoodies, these are again an older item from Maitreya and if you weren’t around when they were released, and somehow managed to not have them yet… do not let yourself down. These are superb , they were on release and they are definitely still now. You get the beautuiful soft sweater with the up or down hoodie option.
Due to the Fashionable Relay Challenge I have been feeling the love for the Slouch Socks these are older than old lol, I even remember the release of these and exactly where Onyx put them at hinode. I am wearing them with the Desert boots by Maitreya, you get the options of laced or unlaced, which is fun to wear both one way or the other, or alternating them.
The Jam Hoodies have seperate hoods sold with hair attached, that was just genius at the time, I felt like a little change and the Mayte hair fit underneath, the shoes are the Frenzy shoes again but this time with the banana heels which are so much fun.
The Strapless Tops by Maitreya are just fantastic, the sculptie work and shape on these is superb…the draped textures are so pretty and the style just gives such a great look to your wardrobe. The batik print is wonderful for casual days, the colours are lovely and they look great with things such as jeans or with the Cleo skirts.
The fab thing about these tops, isn’t just all the layers option, or the fact that each sculpted top comes in three sizes and is resizable, but there is also an AO version WOOHOO, poses by Maitreya in any form are super fabulous, but an item of clothing with a built in AO is again really thinking about what your customers will need to wear your clothing effectively, YAY Onyx and Beau.
The Satin version are lovely with dress pants, or a long skirt. I am wearing the Wednesday pants from Lelutka with these, the fabric on the tops is so soft looking you just know how it feels against the skin.
The Piper 2 hair is the same loose and pretty style, with no tail and more of a loose bun effect, great as an updo or semi dressy. The Jewerly is the Medallion set by Essentia, and the skin is the Lovely by Gala @ Curio, this is a skin that definitely as I said has character, and you will really want to wear it for a few hours to see it on your shape in all atmospheres.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Maitreya
Skin by: Gala
Clothing by: Maitreya, MAiiKI, LeLutka
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: Maitreya
Poses by: Maitreya
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Lavish me with Kisses
In my time in SL I have experienced Gala moments a few times. Little moments were it was all about Gala . I don’t mean big releases and such, but snippets of conversation, being tp’d to her older sim to give opinions on a make up, and of course many a time fashion emergency went to mentioning Gala toes as being perfection.
I even remember consoling an old customer when she was so distraught that Gala hadn’t released new skins in a while, it’s funny the older you get in SL the more those memories mean, for me a New skin by Gala Phoenix @ Curio is like a pleasant time line that turns into a much louder affair.
This affair will definitely be remembered. The NEW Skin line by Gala @ Curio consists of three beautiful skins, and I am only showing one of them today, the other two I will show soon after.
This is the Vixen skin by Gala Phoenix of Gala@Curio , a few things about how this skin has been released.
You have 4 Beautiful skin tones, Acorn , Petal, Moonbeam and Sundust. Each tone comes with 6 make ups in a light/dark option, now at first I thought that was brows, and was really surprised to find out that light and dark was in fact a variation of the
The other option you have is
freckled which is just beautifully done on these skins, being someone with freckles RL I am not a fan of freckle skins with an abundance of make up, makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
With these skins the freckles are more across the bridge of the nose and lightly across the body depending on tone of course, but as these come as part of the range, they will come in handy for different looks I am sure.
The other new feature is the light glossy lipstick and then a dramatic coloured gloss option, which makes it easier for those that don’t like to
change skins too much. By having so many options in the one make up pack this is definitely a more bang for your buck kind of dealio, but let me say it again PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a shaved option.
I know I say this a lot, I know I sound like some kind of maniac about
such a whacko thing, but I want to be able to not stress all the time about what skin I have on , whether or not I can just wear a folder and not end up walking around and finding out that I have been showing parts of what no one should see in public ever.
If all clothing makers suddenly stated that they would all end their clothing at the exact same part of the template as everyone else, then I wouldn’t care, but they don’t so I do :P. I also tend to think that we all – females that is – have different views on that area, and shaved/waxed it all ends the same, but all the other variations are just bizarro world…ok ranting again I know, back to the beautiful Vixen Skins.
I have mentioned the lipstick but not as yet the mouth, it is a beautiful full lipped shape, worthy of the best pouters in sl, and not just any kind of pout but that well practiced one with the upper lip curl. The overall lines to the face, and I don’t mean on the skin as such, but the details that make up the character of Vixen have a beautiful maturity that as a 36 year old I am very glad of.
The Vixen skin by Gala Phoenix of Gala @ Curio ( it’s confusing to me when I hear people call Gala Curio ) has such a wonderful
nose, and the eye make up is captivating. The tones and shading on the body of the skins is just gorgeous and I totally recommend either getting completely nakey or putting on your skimpiest beachwear – at home of course – and really checking out the bodies of these skins.
As you can see in the pics, the overall sheen to the skin is just delightful and sexy as all get out. The shading to the ribcage is really well done, and moves incredibley well with poses, the stomach is very trim and taught but not overly so, and the bum and collarbone is a dream.
One thing I seem to pay more attention to these days is the nails, the french polish on these skins is just gorgeous, and with so many beautiful rich colours in make up and clothing in SL the nails can stay bare and still draw attention when they are as lovely as these.
Vixen is possibly intended to be the sexiest of the new line, but I think all three are, but again as I am only showing Vixen today lets focus on that. Each pic has the two lips stick options, all four tones are shown, some with freckles, most without…and two of the pics are the light variation of the Sundust Frex and Petal.
The make up colours in this first range are an autumn lovers dream, the soft browns, lilacs and rich natural colours are bursting with flavour and richness, the glossy lips are fantastic and over all they are just beautiful, so make sure you DEMO DEMO DEMO them all.
If the store demos aren’t enough to entice you, then join the Gala & Rita Design Announcements Group, right now there is a heavenly pack of skins awaiting your love and affection, as a gift from Gala, so make sure you say thank you ♥.
Moving on to hair, Here Comes Trouble has done another big release today. One of the styles I am so in love with I had to wear it more than once lol. Dejay is the first soft wavey pony tail, a few loose tendrils and its so sweet.
Fritz is AWESOMETASTICAL!, as a person with wavey hair that can tend to get ultra curly underneath if left to dry naturally this is the hair scrunchers perfect do. This hair is all hair, it’s shortish, medium, going into long, its bed hair, its sexed up hair, its styled and not styled all at once, I LOVE ITTTTTTT.
The next style is the Mally hair, a lovely asymetrical style with very forward bangs, the Sasy hair (loves Babyboo) is a great uppy do, for your formal pleasures, but I am all about the Fritz.
The beautiful lingerie I am wearing in all of the pics is from Popfuzz, the Lace Lingerie set which is the first three pics is the latest release in the Popfuzz Lingerie line and it is gorgeous, we showed some of it last week on Whimsy. Garters, Panties, Bra and stockings…it is all there and on all layers in beautiful lingerie colours.
The Bra and Panties sets in the next two pics, are the perfect basics. You get straps and strapless versions of the bra and in my opinion this set could double as a bikini if needed. Lastly and because of the fantastic red lips in the :GP: Petal [Light] Vixen-Roxy 1 skin I went with the Lace Corset in Red from Popfuzz, I have said it many times, this corset set is brilliant, get one, get them all, you will love them.
All of the shoes in this post are the Nana heels from Enkythings, my favourite Lingerie Shoes in such beautiful fabrics…yummy.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Here Comes Trouble
Skin by: Gala Phoenix (Gala @ Curio)
Clothing by: Popfuzz
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: Enkythings
Poses by: Persona
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses