• Stylish

    Natasha – LeLutka


    Natasha p2

    Natasha p1

    Those of you that believe that names have meanings, will know that this skins release could not come at a better time of the year.

    Natasha means Festive Season,or Christmas child. It is russian in origan and if you call a Natasha Nat not Tash, you might end up with a black eye – that is my experience anyway. This is the new face of LeLutka skins, and will be released this weekend…I for one am so excited about this skin because it seems so much softer and I just love the lips and nose and softness about the whole skin. The body is also fantastic, and Whimsy even exclaimed that I have anklebones, which I don’t know that I didn’t in past skins, I looked at the last and they are there also, but apart from looking at all the skins I own, I am not sure that that isn’t common or not lol.

    Natasha comes with only blonde hair base and brows, going towards a more nordic look as Minnu puts it, but the beautful red and brown brows and hair base from Milla release fit perfectly as they are the same tones base. But with Natasha there are only four tones. There are 8 skins in the fatpack, one of which is a base skin no make up, but there are such wonderful choices to wear.

    At the moment there are still no hair attachments to go with the new bases, but I found that the Amacci Ponytail attachments in Vanilla Blonde get very close to matching as you can see in the pics. I am also wearing the new Luck Inc corsets with the luck inc undies set I wore the other day, I will do more pics of those in posts to come. The corsets are stunners, and so definitely outerwear options.

    The gorgeous pose I am using in this post is from Long Awkward Pose, and is a hunt item from the With Love Hunt that started tonight, so make sure you get all the info on that and don’t miss out. The starting point is at Swansong

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Tasha – Amacci

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Cutieh Undies, Corset – Luck Inc



    Jaydie Set – Texture change – Essentia

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : LAP

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck