• Fashion

    The Vault – Winter Rebel

    The Vault - Winter Rebel

    When you live on the other side of the equator, you really are living a Second Double Life. It is funny how many of us there are that are not in the start of Summer right now, but all fashion and releases at this time of the year definitely lean in that direction. This is not a new rant, I think I mumble something about this every year. I am not really upset about it, it is just funny. Today I decided to mix it up a bit, with a lightweight look, but with a nod to the cold that is the other half of the world, with this great headband from Pare, the beautiful cami top is also from Pare, and check out how fantastic the fit is on those straps.

    Now the hairstyle I am wearing is a Truth Collective style by Faga. However, underneath the headband is an actual braid going across the top ear to ear. This is a lovely style, but because it was all so securely pulled back to fit under the braiding, it was also the perfect style for this headband, as it gives the real impression that the headband is what pulled back the hair…I love that.

    I also wanted to create a vibe, that said even girls into the darker edgier side of things, can have a girly day. These armlets, the lovely earrings and the bhindi are all from stores featured at The Vault. Each item has HUD options and they all worked out well together for my needs. Maybe I am out shopping for some eye of newt, or just milling through a crowd to accidentally on purpose get a few strands of someones hair, for purely innocent reasons of course.

    You can see more great Blogger looks for The Vault HERE and visit the event HERE.


    Equipment Used

    EEP setting – PolyPlace

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Poses & Props by :

    OMY Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    DollNose, BabyLips, RoundEyes, TriangleHead, Genus Morph – Genus

    Nail Polish:

    appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma – Nuve

    Sienna Tone – Velour

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Noah Brows, Cherry Underwear – Nuve

    Blossom Makeup – AlaskaMetro

    Summer Blush – Izzie’s @ Summerfest 2024

    Mesh Worn:

    Cece denim long skirt, Valentina Bow Blouse – PARE

    Hair Worn:

    Reverie – TRUTH Collective (Faga)


    Claire Headband – PARE

    Ambrosia Bindi – Enfant Terrible @ The Vault 2024

    Barbastelle Armlets – Static @ The Vault 2024

    Valeria Earrings – Sacrilege @ The Vault 2024

  • Fashion

    The Vault – Having a Pearla

    The Vault - Having a Pearla

    Trust me the title is a good thing in Australia. It just means having a good time, but in this case, it also means I am adorned with jewels of the sea. I lucked out with Sparkle Skye releasing her Emily headband this just gone weekend, the full version comes with the double, the single and bows on the sides versions in both single and double, with texture change pearls and bows options, depending on what packs you buy. Against this silvery grey hair by Lamb it was just perfect, and I love the witchy style, with its shorter than usual bangs, that just make it pop. Then Yummy released a bumper set of incredible beachy themed boho earrings, which as a Pisces I had to log in just to get them. I am wearing the Bubbles version, so they are just cascading pearls, and they are lovely, so are all the others in the set, you need these for Summer and all the other fishy seasons.

    Bliensen + Maitai created this necklace called Milkyway for The Vault and with a bit of editing, I was able to get all the pearls very close in colours. The Sparkle and Yummy versions had huds, and were all mod, actually all three items are mod, so I was able to tweak everything as needed, isn’t that just the best news.

    The Umbrella and Horns are also The Vault items, and I really liked the idea of a darker look with these very girly items. The umbrella is very cool and has different settings of holds, so that it can be more covering or tilted back enough to still see how fabulous you look. It has a colourful animated gem at the bottom of the handle, but I tinted that black, modify permissions are AWESOME! The horns are also amazing, and they have a real bone feel to them visually…again I know what that means in my head, you will just have to take my word for it until you get yours.

    You can see more great Blogger looks for The Vault HERE and visit the event HERE.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Poses & Props by :

    !Bang Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    DollNose, BabyLips, RoundEyes, TriangleHead, Genus Morph – Genus

    Nail Polish:

    appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma – Nuve

    Sienna Tone – Velour

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Emma Brows, Cotton Underwear – Nuve

    Cairo Eyeshadow – AlaskaMetro

    Mesh Worn:

    Fantasie Dress – Blume

    Hair Worn:

    Witchy – Lamb


    Emily Pearl Headband Double – Sparkle Skye

    Beachy Boho Earrings set – Bubbles – Yummy @ The Warehouse sale event

    Milky Way Pearl Necklace – Bliensen + Maitai @ The Vault 2024

    Demon Horns – Danger @ The Vault 2024

    Cute Lace Umbrella – Web Dew @ The Vault 2024

  • Fashion

    Baby Gothy Mothy

    The Vault - Gothy Mothy

    I do so love fun names for things, and the Gothy Mothy had me captured, the fact that the set is just so fun is besides the point, the name grabbed me first. I am just wearing the wings part of the set, there are antenna and eye coverings that are all texture change and animesh and just all sorts of fun to be had. Gave me a reason to put on my Baby Goth makeup by AlaskaMetro, as you know I do not need an excuse really for that, but how cute does it all look together, and can we applaud these horns by Celesticat, more HUDs of awesome, and the texture work is just fantastic. Inspired me to colour my hair, with this lovely TRUTH style called Angel, and well they wear wings right. I especially like this half updo style, because instead of a band around the pulled back hair, it is hair wrapped around hair, and I often use my hair to tie back my hair, I did it today actually, you have to do what you have to do when all your hair elastics turn into wire coat hangers.

    You can see more great Blogger looks for The Vault HERE and visit the event HERE.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Poses & Props by :

    !Bang Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    DollNose, BabyLips, RoundEyes, TriangleHead, Genus Morph – Genus

    Nail Polish:

    appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma – Nuve

    Sienna Tone – Velour

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Emma Brows, Cotton Underwear – Nuve

    BabyGoth Makeup – AlaskaMetro

    Peaceful Eyes (Gift) – Insol

    Latex Suit – Sn@tch no longer available 🙁

    Mesh Worn:

    Yang Latex dress – LeCastle

    Hair Worn:

    Angel – TRUTH Hair


    Gothy Mothy – Blue Valentine @ The Vault 2024

    Solstice Horns – Celesticat @ The Vault 2024

    Daisy Choker & earrings– Glamish @ The Vault 2024