Warning May contain Mesh
At the moment, with the new and oh so delightful Mesh hitting the grid, there really needs to be more customer awareness happening. Read up on it, there is much on the wiki, check out blogs by people that provide info on the subject…and read information provided by the creators when supplied. Have an up to date viewer for one thing, and especially do not try and express your distaste for it, by using other viewers as the reason. Did you know that legally not one store has to provide customer service to you at all if you use a Third Party Viewer? Linden Labs themselves wont, so it is pretty much the kindness of creators that they have been so willing to do so in the past.
The worst part is that there are thousands out there that WANT to use the latest Mesh viewers and just can’t, so being rude and making big dramatic stances based on your inability to accept change is kind of sucky. My reason for this mini rant, is that I have seen some insane customer comments come up in the past week that have been a bit crazy. They are pure and simply people thinking they know better, and demanding more. I am so grateful I can use a Mesh Viewer, I am also grateful that stores do provide customer service for TPV’s because the LL viewer doesn’t stabilise for me right now. Yes it is going to be awful if not using one to see people running around with big blocks on instead of perfectly shaped creations. But I also remember when Sculpts came it was big spheres unrezzing for thousands too. I remember not being able to look at girls wearing sculpted hair because it looked like their brains were seeping out their eye sockets.
I still for the life of me cannot understand peoples dislike for V2 which is now V3. Yes it is different, a few buttons look different, but it is mostly the same, and nearly all the viewer creators have made such headway in trying to make it as similar to the old as they can. About the only thing that is still for many a major hassle is how notices come, and how items and IMs are shown. But that is more to do with retraining yourself to look down to the right not up to the right than anything else. You also need to train yourself to look down there more often…it is not so obvious when you get an IM, but it does still make a noise and there is an icon there with a balloon on it if there is an unread IM. Anyway, try it for more than five minutes…nearly everyone I ever hear that says they wont, has never used it since it was released, and/or wont give it more than five minutes. The benefits to your SL far outweigh the negatives, and if you CAN use it,  then you kind of owe it to those that can’t to stop being sucky lol.
Now about these boots. Yes they are the NEW MESH boots from LeLutka, and they are magnificent. For one thing, the detailing is fantastic, and all the added features make them such an incredible bargain. Not only do you get the boot in whichever colour or colours you choose, but also the HUD that allows for changes to the laces, rivets and soles. With some of the colours the change in accents is incredible. The boots are three prims, they are not rigged to the skeleton so they can be resized using the HUD also. It is only rigged items in Mesh that are unable to be resized, because they are technically locked to the joints. So the work that is able to be achieved on them is awesome, and in many cases you are going to see work you wouldn’t have ever seen if we only had sculpts, because the creator either wouldn’t do that kind of intense detailing, or it just was not within the realms of prim limits etc. Also texturing on Mesh is so much easier than Sculpts so the newness is going to keep on getting even better.
The Ren boots have a mix of looks. First off I looked at them as Victorian riding boots, then they had a real combat kind of thing going on – I LOVE THE OLIVE – all in all they are so versatile to wear. First off I had to go with that first thought, the Victorian look, so I pulled apart a gown from LeLutka – I rezzed the skirt then in edit mode I checked Edit Linked Parts and clicked all the pieces at the front. Once they were all selected I went to build menu and unlinked. Then once unlinked I selected them again and deleted. Taking the skirt back I wear it and voila a short fronted gown. The bolero is from Verve which is previously Swansong, so any type of shrug/bolero could look very cool. Then to finish it all off I wore the collar that you didn’t get a proper look at the other day from Royal Blue.
The second look combines one of the very cool Zaara denim skirts, with the linen shirt from COCO, this shirt comes in other colours, but I loved the white and very crinkly look of it. The combat look didn’t get as military as I would have liked, but combining the RB Tank from Maitreya and the delish leather cap with the SoHo shorts and Ren boots was enough for me to want to stay that way for the day.
I am wearing the NEW Curio skin Jewel. Looks like Curio has added new tones to her selection. I am wearing the honey tone, which comes in the gold tones collection. The other tones are rose tones, so make sure you try all the new tones available. The make ups as usual are just beautiful and as usual come in the two of each make up choice we are used to.
All poses used in this post are from Geez, you can buy Geez poses singularly, so check them out today. All created by Grazia Horwitz.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Jewel in Honey – Gala @ Curio
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
1st Me:
Brigitte – LeLutka
Oman Gown ( Modified to remove front panels) – LeLutka
Vamp Doll ( Bolero only from part of set ) – Swansong now called Verve
Stockings – Izzies
Ren Boots ( MESH ) Â – LeLutka
Bow Faced Collar – Royal Blue
Medium Nails – Mandala
2nd Me:
Lara II – Maitreya
Linen Shirt – CoCo
Denim Skirt – Zaara
Nylon Socks ( comes with the allure shoes )Â – Maitreya Gold
Ren Boots ( MESH ) – LeLutka
Medium Nails – Mandala
Cafetero Bag – LeLutka
3rd Me:
RiverII – Maitreya
RB Tank – Maitreya
SoHo Shorts – LeLutka
Ren Boots ( MESH) – LeLutka
Nails Medium – Mandala
Leather Cap – Maitreya
Love Junky Bag – LeLutka