It’s a healthy self interest
I have it on good authority, that to self love is to share the best of oneself with oneself, how much better than that can it get? When spending the evening swanning around in lingerie, you really get to enjoy the freedom that is Second Life. Both Newdolly and I went to visit Mel as he was rebuilding his store, and to his surprise we were both in lingerie…we decided to let him think that yes as all men predict, women do spend theiir time frolicing around in the knickers and gently nudging each other with pillows of the soft and fluffy variety – and no Mel is not that silly, but it was a good giggle for 2.3 seconds.
Today is Sunday, and on Sunday we will be having the opening as far as I know, of the Luxuria department of 5th & Oxford. What is Luxuria you ask? if you do not know then you best get on over there and see for yourself, or you can keep reading. Luxuria is the Lingerie department, that Roslin Petion has been working her delectable buns off on. Lingerie is something that she creates for not only the beautiful woman within, but for the manly man to admire and delight in. This lingerie is not just sexy layers to wear under clothes, but the true starting point of all that is woman.
It caresses, it entices and it truly intrigues, it is soft and beautiful and enough to make you fall in love with yourself first, and let the man come in second…and if your man knows whats good for him, he will always come second.
Gigglefits, I so want to leave it on that note, but lots more to talk about. The skins I am wearing are just gorgeous. The London skins come in lovely tones and divine make ups, the mouth is just hot hot hot. Glossy lips that have a definite petulant pout that we all find sexy as hell. I really love the shading on the skins the bum is great, especially for lingerie, and it is all about the DEMO DEMO DEMOs so be sure to grab lots. With Cupcakes though there are so many superb skins there, that if this one doesn’t grab you maybe others will, so plan to spend some time there.
New hair New Hair NEW HAIIIIIRRRRRR. Wow wasn’t today crazy with releases. Maitreya released some beautiful updo styles, and I am wearing one of them on the left, with a texture change headband, it is a lovely ballerina looking style, that will get so much wear this season.
Buy it all and have a marvelous weekend, I am off to get Newdolly some lashes like I wear, full prim no alpha, all win.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: New Haven – Surf Co.
Saar – Maitreya
Skin: London – Cupcakes
Clothes: Alicia, Belinda – Luxuria ( 5th & Oxford )
Shoes/Boots: Allure – Maitreya Gold
Nana Heels – Enkythings
Lashes – LeLutka
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : Doll, Fri.day
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck