• Stylish

    Pididdle diddle the cat has your fiddle






    Ok so now that I got my rant on earlier, now is the time for some pretty pretties. First off some beautiful new skin from Tuli, the Emma skin is a lovely fresh faced beauty, and now with the new tones and omg lush eyebrows you can play all day with the variet of make up choices. Now the eye shadows come on the base skins themselves and the lipsticks are separate, so with the ability to wear that many lippies with one shadow is awesome. I really like the new tones, but I am so loving the copper eyebrows as shown in the main skins pics.

    All the better to show off the new hair from Exile, va va voooooom they get sexier each and every release. The second blonde style Stephy is actually a donation style for the fundraiser that Voshie Paine is running, so be sure to go and grab it to help out the little girl Kajsa and her family.

    The other day Mel and I were out and about and he saw some leggings on a girl, and said wow that took some work from the designer, and I told him that I had them, and yes, lots of work to create such a complex design so well. Osakki since they reopened has had not only these leggings but many more, and some fantastic outfits that are very out there fashion wise, in the good look at me way.

    In the top pic I am wearing some fun Pididdle items, with the fab patent belt from Maiiki, the yellow in the high waist skirt is just wonderful and the sweater is a cropped length so it is great having both items on all layers, giving the ability to make sure it all works. The Pea Coat trench I am wearing is system skirt love from Eclectic Apparel.

    Eclectic has used the template superbly to create this lovely design piece. that can be worn as a dress on its own, or over pants or another skirt due to the use of the system skirt. This is the type of outfit that just screams late night rendesvous with dark and handsome men or women, whatever way you roll.

    The boots I am wearing are the most recent release from SLInk, they are a great hiker style boot, and I just love their ruggedness that makes them totally wearable in the opposite more clean and sleek fashion conscious way. Or you can just go hiking, but I like my way better lol. There is an option to wear with or without the sock at the top, which is nice and easy to do with the hud, the leather is soft and comfy, and I am so looking forwards to more in the SLink line I hear rumors of other accessories :P.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair:  Anja – Exile

    Skin: Emma – Tuli

    Clothes: Taboo Safari Nets – Osakki

    High Waisted Tube Skirt , De L’hiver Sweater – Pididdle

    Shoes/Boots: Blair Boots – SLink


    High Waisted Patent Belt – Maiiki (Maitreya Upstairs)

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Long Awkward Poses – 365 days collection

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Steph – Exile

    Skin: Emma – Tuli

    Clothes:  Pea Trench Coat – Eclectic Apparel

    Pinacle Leggings – Osakki

    Shoes/Boots: BLair Boots – SLink 


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Long Awkward Pose

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    It is not a race









    Now repeat after me “I am not in a race” exhale and do it again ” I am not in a race”. Now close your eyes and say it slowly out loud “I am not in a race”. I would honestly love to know you are saying it another twenty times if I had my way, but hopefully those first few are enough to have gotten your attention.

    Every few months or so I have my little rants, they aren’t scheduled and rarely are they about anything too crazy…more often than not it is because I have been a witness to events that drive me to want to scream out at you all, this is one of those times.

    It is the new year, and if you look back at 2010 what do you actually remember of it? to me it was a whirlwind, a blur of events and schedules that no one could rationally keep to. I am not actually even talking as a blogger, I am actually trying to communicate these feelings to you the designers out there.

    Never in all of the years I have been in Second Life have I ever seen so many stores closing down. Yes there have been the fun closing down sales with the same people opening back up a week or so later. But that is not what I mean, I mean actual closing down of stores, one after the other.

    When I started Second Life there was so much press about the fact that people were able to give up their RL jobs to create here and keep themselves afloat financially, and it was wonderful, a new frontier so to speak. Then over the years it got a little harder to actually maintain that kind of income from a business here, and many have hobby stores etc, those that they do because they love to create, but it isn’t their only form of income etc.

    Regardless of how your business provides for you financially, it is from the sidelines looking in – I say sidelines because I have a lot of day to day dealings with designers from all over – that it’s becoming an amazing challenge to stay afloat and again I am not talking money.

    All I hear these days is ” I have to get four items ready for this, this and these two events ” or ” I don’t have time to do that, because I have to do this this and this” or worse ” OMG I can’t participate in those because I put mysellf down for these and I don’t have time”.

    How many of you say those same things, week in and week out, or feel completely overwhelmed by the so called expectations of your customers?

    Now you see that is the interesting thing there, it isn’t the customers that are doing this to you, it is some sense of having to feel involved or you will be left behind that is overwhelming you, dictating your business strategy and the way you provide for your stores. With the constant having to come up with items for events, hunts, and the whatever, you are sucking up all the real design juice you have flowing within you.

    I have seen stores be in every event, participate in every single hunt and whatever, and yet not release an item in their store for months, MONTHS! and you can pretend that isn’t happening, but look at how fast the weeks are piling up, to make items for two events, can take many upwards of two weeks, then the events happen and by the time you are ready to sit down and create again, the release doesn’t happen for another 3 or so, and then worse case scenario someone asks you to be in something else, or you remember it’s your week in something your on a rotation for. For about 2 months straight last year it felt like every second day was Friday – no offence to any events on that day, but for me friday is about the only day of the week that actually registers.

    I sit there and I look at people that don’t participate, and I see them release ‘Collections” and people come from all over to see them, to see what amazing work these designers have spent their time on creating for a release. But it isn’t just that they don’t participate, because sometimes even those stores are involved in things, I just mean, it used to be that we would wait anxiously for our favourite hair stores to release an item and click TP and cry as it declined and try and try again.

    I once had a conversation with a designer who told me that if they didn’t participate that they wouldn’t have any sales at all, because when they release new items no one buys them. Well see that to me is because their fans already had their hit. A lot of Second Life shopping is based on the catch. If you look at a normal shopping day, we buy more than we can wear, every single time. In the old days I would be known to buy so many hairstyles in one day, that I would have to swap them every two hours. I used to ache for new hair, omg it was physical pain in my chest, needing it, you know how I talk about my hat cravings, well hair was insanely worse, and we had so few hair creators back then.

    But the hair creators, the clothing creators, the ones we did buy from, they had time, they dictated their schedule, they spent the hours upon hours designing a collection or even just a few pieces to release into the wild, and people still came, if they did their marketing and so forth well.

    People also often argue that the hunts, events and so on bring them customers, that is true, to a degree, but if I see a girl in denim jeans down under her bum cheeks and a strip of dental floss for a bra – again don’t take offence I have a hundred pairs of those jeans, and I am looking for that bra 😛 – if that girl is in a store with a completely different style of clothing etc, they are not your target, sure they may come back one day, but when it comes to Second Life fashion, they are not your customer YET.

    Again I am not bashing events, it would be stupid to do so, and the people that run them do an incredible job. But I am looking at the designers, who are ignoring their own customers, their own groups, and focusing on ones that come from elsewhere, they don’t communicate with their own fans anymore..and those are the ones that want to know your doing more, releasing lots and can bring a gaggle of friends to your store to shop, but often is the case they want you to just create for them to buy, they don’t need to search for it, or have it marked down, they just want to honestly see it released and buy it then or come back another day they can afford to, but could possibly tell a few friends about it at the time too.

    I am also not saying shower them with gifts , ok maybe a few lol we all love presents, but let those people know it is because you appreciate their business. I remember people used to do things with their subscribos that if they reached however many, they would give a gift, that was fun, that meant they had definite new people that had interest in them, because regardless of free, if you aren’t into what they sell, free isn’t such a big deal.

    I just want you all to slow down, not push yourselves so hard that when it isn’t working you blame yourself…that is not even acceptable. I want you to sit back and look at other ways to promote your business, smaller things, things that will showcase you and your talents. Hold events at your store, make sure you open a blog for your own store, surprises me still how many don’t do that, and don’t even dare say you don’t have time to do that, because it is only one more tab open on your computer and when you send your notices in world, you can copy and paste onto your blog.

    work out your finances and look at your XML’s and see and compare, see what it is that is actually doing it for you. I used to run an event every sunday at my old work, many actually still remember that, as it comes up in convo often. One item was 1L the other was 100L, but never were these items new enough to run at a loss, and the event was only a few hours, and was also just a change of price on the vendors themselves with clues in the notecards they had to work it out. Something simple like “Billy —— is not my lover ” and of course they would all rush to the jeans section.

    But the best part about those days was that everyone was there same time, and so was I, yelling and helping and laughing with the customers. Of course some would find out they already had the items, but no one was ever rude about it, because they had fun for however long they were there. Now I was able to see the info of those sales, and I was able to see that many that bought the 1L and 100L items also bought many other things, and many new names would come up, because when the notice would go out, the members of the group would be with friends and drag them along etc.

    This went on for a few months but then I noticed that sales of the older items were declining through the week, because they were waiting until sunday, so the event stopped. It was never meant to damage business, and didn’t for a very long time, so after that I found a new way. But it was always the stores own people, who brought more people, and would wear their items, and be seen by other people.

    That is where your time needs to go, I know many designers are shy as hell, but usually have friends that aren’t, do an event and ask your friends to be your vocals in chat, make some quirky party gifts and have a blast dancing to cheesey 80’s music, and do it during the time you just released something new.

    So many residents are just as shy as you, that is why they shop, they do so to mingle without commiting, they get involved in hunts and stalk lucky chairs and so on, because it gives them a chance to be around other people, and maybe stumble into a conversation. There are hundreds if not thousands of SL residents who met that way, and became great friends.

    I know I am rambling all over the place as usual, but it scares me to see people pushed so much to get to the finishing line of a race that doesn’t exist. I think that it spreads them so thin that they can’t find what it is they loved about SL and creating in the first place. Step back and look at the stats and if running the marathon works for you, then so be it, but if you find yourself just a frazzled mess who is overwhelmed by it all, STOP and find why you started in the first place.

  • Stylish

    Rack em and Stack em

    The Rack

    Lately there has been a slew of new Groups, with anticipation so many are looking for the announced 40 Groups coming soon. I myself will wait and see.

    Glitterati a store always so generous to its patrons, has opened a VIP Group. The start up price to join is 500L but you get the fabulous 10 poses ‘The Rack” the latest release, as a group gift on joining. The thing is that The Rack is actually set for sale at 500L anyway, so by going the round about way of joining the group instead, you will get more for your dollars over the coming months…as the group promises monthly gifts, limited items, and also which I have actually seen Katey do, on occasion she will do a call out in the group asking for models for upcoming pose sets.

    So if you are a fan anyway, and you also would have bought the latest release just like you do the others, this group is definitely win win.

    I have doubled the rack so I could show you more of the poses at once, the other thing is that because it is prims, like anything I keep telling you, you can unpack it, and put the poses in your posestands as well, so you do get definitely lots of options. Just so it is clear I am wayyy  taller than Katey, so you can modify with resetting position etc, really easy, or stretch and resize the prims.

    I used my trusty VR Studio HUD to lock my camera and give me the safety to stack my pics so I could show you all at once, I love that function as well as all the others it has.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: N/A

    Skin: < Yabusaka > Female_MetalSkin

    Clothes: N/A

    Shoes/Boots: N/A


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Glitterati The Rack

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Bam Bam Bambi

    Pink Bij

    When you share space with Whimsy it is all about complete looks, where as I usually am running around in all sorts of half put together looks, generally left over from my blog posts that end up only half on, or mixed with other things. I admit to it, the majority of my clothing is all for the posestand, but that comes from having had many years of only wearing who I worked for…and being so used to the quick change into work stuff, that it has still taken me so long to feel ok withwearing stuff, mind you though again, as much as we shop and change, half the time it is never actually seen.
    Last night I was talking to Newdoll about Maiiki and it’s long run, a collab that has completely lived up to it’s beauty all these years. I had a set on to show her, and tonight went to Bijoux, apparently they are closing down soon, so all items are 50% off. I grabbed a few things that I thought would be fun to pull apart, and one of them was the Bambi set, that has this great top, scarf and belt  (on clothing layer) it looked so great with the left over Maiiki that before I knew it I was adding shoes and socks and some incredible New Exile hair and Voila, a beautiful smart dressy look that could go anywhere day or night.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Nikki – Exile

    Skin: Vilda – LAQ

    Clothes: Shorts and Gloves ( from  Belted Poof & Puff Set ) – MAiiKI (above Maitreya)

    Top and Belt ( From Bambi set ) Bijou

    Thigh High Socks – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: POW – LeLutka 


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Ballgowns and Ballgags

    Ballgags and Ballgowns 1

    Ballgags and Ballgowns 2

    Before my gorgeous man Mel went away for Christmas, Newdoll, he and I were talking in skype as we do, being silly. I was yacking about what kind of posts I need to do next, and I was rambling on and every time I blurted out something, he would add something, so we ended up with Ball Gowns and Ball Gags, I wont tell you the others because you will want to do them :P.

    So as I wont be with Mel for New Years I thought I could at least dress for it, and it is 19.5hours to go for me down here. The two gowns I am wearing are both from LeLutka, a last release for the year, and one that Thora had been working on for months, the gowns are exquisite and there are enough styles in the collection for you to find one you Must Have for new years. The top one has an over head cape like cover, but I wanted to expose my hair that I love which I don’t think you can get anymore but is too beautiful to hide, just as the Zoe from Maitreya is, both such elegant updo’s but in a non traditional way.

    My favourite leather – even though to me they look like satin or whatever i say at the time – gloves are from 5th and oxford as usual, and I am so sad to see that they have reduced everything in the store to 50L and arepacking up for a while, some items i hope will be on marketplace because I love these gloves so much, they come in three lengths per colour, so don’t delay go run get them for 50L each.

    The oh so yummy Harness Ballgag is by VR Foundry who makes my  VR Studio which is the only equipment I use, the ball gag fits the face superbly and back when it was made it won lots of awards, and is still awesome. It has all the bells and whistles a ball gag should, but my favourite part is that I can edit the ball to match my ballgown lol.

    Todays wonderful stock image is from Amisha March from the Second Life Stock Images Group.

    Picture :

    Hair: O’Hara – LeLutka

    Zoey – Maitreya

    Skin: Natasha – Lelutka

    Clothes: Ave Gown, Reina Gown  – LeLutka

    Shoes/Boots: Shanti – Maitreya Gold


    VR Harness Gag – VR Foundry

    Hair Rose  – Essentia

    leather gloves – 5th & Oxford

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Twee Twee Rockin Robin



    Twee is such a cool word, it can be used for homewares or of course clothing. Usually it is more of an overall look, but in the Berries Inc case it is the name of one of their latest shirts, and so cute which of course makes it twee lol. I wanted to show how you could dressy it up for a day out and about, or wear it super casual for some soulful excercise.

    I was out doing some  What’s New SL stuff – gosh I say that lots – and on entering Cheeky Pea saw their Gatcha, I am a Gatcha Addict it is true but I stood there and looked at the prizes and went ‘ please can I have a Yoga Matt ” and tadaaaa first try, then I tried again and said ‘ and one for Whimsy please ” this Gatcha machine likes manners and tada again…I was stoked. It has so many amazing yoga poses in it, and  with a click it rolls up and out of the way.

    Today I  decided to feature it with the latest Mon Tissu Balcon Lounge pants, these are sculpted pants from top to bottom, and they are superb, I forgot to even check if there were visible issues with all the bending and as you can see, none. The pants also come in a Male version, so be sure to check out their gifting options in the store. Over on the left another new Mon Tissu item, the Loire Knit shrug is all prims and fit me easily with just a stretch, as it is a loosefit look it didn’t really need glitch as much as I first thought, and is great fun if you run out of layers because you wont use v2 you big babies.

    A bit more Sn@tch when these The Office pants came out, I just had to get them, they also came with the belt, which is very handy and well made, I love a nice plaid cargo pant, and these are just that, and even though I am not a no copy kind of girl, I do think it works well in some cases because you can always share colours with alts or friends as sn@tch doesn’t sell seperate colours usually.

    On my feet are the two latest flats styles from Elikatira, every time I think of Elika and footwear I remember the craziest blog post ever. It was actually her own ETD blog, where she released some beautiful flats, and the fans went mental, and not in the good way, seriously it was insane, they were practically standing vigile outside of her store lighting candles and rocking side to side chanting Hair hair Hair. Not just in comments in the blog post but chat groups too were all abuzz about how she wasn’t making hair anymore lol…which was NOT true, Elika like any designer in SL just wanted to take a break from hair, and manipulate some prims into anothe shape, and  had decided to create some shoes that she had in RL. The bit I found the most hilarious is that they weren’t even her first shoes, the so called number one fans had no clue she used to actually have a whole shoe department in her older store, and I still have my kitten heels bought in dec 2006 lol.

    Anywho, these two styles are so cute, one is similar to the ones she had previously in ETD, and the others are flair, a style that resembles for me a bowling shoe look which is just adorable.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Joy II , Joy – Maitreya

    Skin: Natasha  – Lelutka

    Clothes: Twee Shirt – Berries Inc

    The Office Capris & Belt – Sn@tch

    Loire Knit Shrug – Mon Tissu


    Balcon Lounge Pants – Mon Tissu

    Twee Shirt – Berries Inc

    Shoes/Boots:Millside flats, Flair Flats  – Elikatira


    Cala Saona Bag – YS & YS

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORkable

    Yogoa Matt – Cheekypea

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    So ho Ho


    No one made me wear purple, I did it all on my own. I am thinking that might be my new years resolution actually, embrace the purple…ok no not exactly, but I am finding I enjoy it with it’s mixy matchyness, and it actually looks hot with some of my fav ‘out there’ colours. If my typing is eratic today, it is because I decided to clean the space bar, and we all know that means break it, so now it’s clean and sticking? i know right, makes absolutely no sense to me either.

    As far as the toothache is going, I know you are all sitting there with bated breath just anxious to know…well it is gone o/ so now I have to just wait to be able to eat something other than cold mash and I will be right. Speaking of MASH, OMG I discovered yesterday that there is a series called After MASH which starred Colonel Potter, Klinger and Father Mulkay I don’t know how to spell it. I was in shock, watched the first few online and LOVE IT. Why I am upset though is we never had it here, and yet for the last 20+ years every single year they do the MASH reruns during off season, so I don’t understand, and as a MASH lover, am really upset with whoever does the TV crap over here.

    Rambling, I know. A few weeks ago YS & YS had a big release, and I showed you the Yeti Boots, but did not get a chance to show you the fabulous Soho boots and bags. The weave look of these are great, and I love the little touch of the scarf on the bag, you can use it to coordinate with, which I did in this post.

    Up top we have some hair from Kyoot, this is not new hair, it is actually really old, and has been set up at such a low price before it is taken away apparently, so you best go grab it, the Wynter one is my fav, I already had that in the black, but grabbed the brown and red today.

    Royal Blue did a new release yesterday, the skirts (not shown) are to die for, and you should go and grab The Dressing Room one as it’s a great price, and will have you wanting all the others too.At the same time Marni released the Yo Bra, a nice little basic bustierre that is just perfect for over or under or on it’s own. I want to see more colours in this, so buy them all, and then IM her and ask for more :P.

    A Sn@Tch notice came through today, one of the most entertaining notice senders is always Sn@tch, even if I don’t have time to shop, or look at the pics, I always try and read them lol, silly I know, but if you don’t get them, you are missing out. I went over for todays special 69L pair of skirts and tank top set, and ended up buying the other two packs that the skirts come in, so I am skirted up in the sexy Confetti mini.

    Not so mini is the Denim Skirt from The Strand, the mid length skirt is sculpted and has that perfect college campus look of days past. I don’t know I just really like skirts that length in SL especially when not all flex so they tend to seem more realisitc.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Wynter, Self Absorbed  – Kyoot

    Skin: Natasha   – LeLutka

    Clothes:   Yo Bra -  Royal Blue

    Thermal Henley – Fri.day

    Confetti Mini – Sn@tch


    Denim Skirt – The Strand

    Yo Bra -  Royal Blue

    RB Tank Shirt – Maitreya

    Ruffle Bolero – G’Field

    Shoes/Boots: Soho Boots – YS & YS


    Pearls in a rush – Deco

    Bratty Pearls    (Tinted) – Woo’s

    Soho Bag – YS & YS

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Coin Belt – Maitreya

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Elikatira releases Footwear to bump and grind to





    Right now I have one of those toothaches that could cause you to take a hammer and chisel to your mouth. Having a toothache sucks, but having on for Christmas is just not fair at all.
    Way behind in showing off the Nero items from Glam Affair, but with the upcoming release tonight of Elikatira’s NEW footwear, I was way excited. One of the stand out things about the Nero collection, is that it has pieces that you can mix and match, or completely change…just as I did in pic one, taking the sides of pants and making them into spiked wings. A little quirky I know, but it means that even if everyone was wearing Nero at an event, your Nero will look different and funna.

    Downwards to the Secret boots, can I hear a resounding YUM…I think so. These boots are boots that don’t look just like boots, but more of an overboot boot look. The style of these is gorgeous, and the colours available are going to have boot lovers happy as clams. Lots of shades of browns and midtones, and the snow colour is amazing.

    The Mistress dress from Glam Affair, is designed to expose the upper portion of the chest, adding the beautiful calypso bra from Eclectic apparel I soon took care of that, and added some dynamic print while doing so.You can do a lot with this dress, a shrug, a tshirt, whatever rocks your world. The ankle boots from Elikatira are also divine, they are called live and really should be more like shin boots than ankle as they go up just enough to be a tad more creative in style.

    The black ruffled dress is a little bit more sedate, but adding one of the many collars from the Nero collection you have a bit more spice going on, The new Move pumps from Elikatira are going to be a go to shoe for many, the style is simple and can easily work with more conservative looks, but the platform and hell give it that ‘look at me’ factor…there are also some flats being released but right now I want to smash my face into a wall, so that will have to do.

    Not my SL face though, because the new Vilda skin is lovely, comes with both dark and blonde brow options, and enough of a mix of make ups to make all happy, from your classic basics to some fun and frivolous shadows in time for all of the new year fun and festivities.DEMO DEMO DEMO I am wearing nougat tone, but there are as usual many to choose from.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Fresh – Elikatira

    Skin: Vilda – LAQ

    Clothes: Marshall, WIllow, Black IBIS – Nero Collection Glam Affair

    Shoes/Boots: Secret Boots – Elikatira


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Vivid – Elikatira

    Skin: Vilda – LAQ

    Clothes: Mistress Dress – Nero Glam Affair

    Calypso Zebra Bra – Eclectic Apparel

    Shoes/Boots: Live Boots – Elikatira


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Melody – Elikatira

    Skin: Vilda – LAQ

    Clothes: Black Ruffled Dress, collar from Willow set – Nero Glam Affair

    Shoes/Boots: Move Pumps – Elikatira


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Fly nowhere this Christmas






    So spoiled for choice in Second Life, whether it be an item for yourself, or a gift for a friend or loved one, we are an incredibly lucky group of Second Life residents. Because we are residents, and such an incredible community, those that want to, can always know what the public overall want, what drives their customers and what comes next.

    Handy tools to have at your disposal me thinks. Mon Tissu nailed that with the release of their new lounger range of clothing. It is the holidays, and after all the fancy party frocks and what not, the snuggliest and most comfortable clothing is going to be the go…whether its sitting in front of the telly watching reruns, or watching the little ones as they wear themselves out with their new toys, the clothes you can love in are the most wonderful. It could be your first Christmas with a partner, and the new lingerie pieces from Mon Tissu are gorgeous, in such stunning colours and print…the long pants, not shown are unisex and well it all comes down to the idea of cosying up at home for the next few days.

    I mixed the clothing with some pieces from LeLutka, their military range is so fantastic, the hat I have on doesn’t even need hair, and the pants can be worn with or without the puffed out sides, which I think are just awesome for old movie lovers. In all the pics I am wearing Isabeli, a skin by Glance, the body is stunning and the face is rich in wonderful make up options with some very strong features. Glance is great at the range of ethnicity in her skins, and so you should definitely demo Isabeli, it also comes in pale.

    Now for the love of BOOTS. I have been waiting for Maitreya boots forever…every few months I will just IM Beau and declare BOOTS! and move on again lol. I finally got mine and everyone elses wish, as it was in fact in my mind boots that put Maitreya on the map in the first place. The shearling boots are incredible, not only the amazing soles, and straps and leather work to yet again die for…but the ability to change textures on the features, gives you so much bang for your buck. it also gives you something RL shoes don’t, that little extra ability to coordinate with our own looks.

    So many colours to love, one of my favs would be the army, you can of course just go with the solid colour throughout, but I did some picks of mixing it up. They are on Marketplace for gifting, make someone stoked this Christmas.

    All the hair is Exile, and there is an awesome style out for xmas gift if you hit up the subscribomatic in the store, but by now youshould already be in it 😛

    P.S I almost forgot it is my Christmas already down here, so I hope you have an awesome time with those you care about, and if you can’t then I hope that you know you are blessed and loved.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Bethany – Exile

    Skin: Isabeli– Glance

    Clothes:Floral Lingerie – Mon Tissu

    Shoes/Boots: Saffron Pumps – LeLutka 


    Take Flight Necklace ~ Tarnished – Mon Tissu

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Skin: Isabeli – Glance

    Clothes:Stitched Thermal – Mon Tissu

    Minnutary pants – LeLutka

    Shoes/Boots: Shearling Boots – Maitreya Gold


    Delta Hat , Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Risky Business


    Those that want to keep up to date with what desginers are up to, can generally get sneak peaks in their flickr accounts. Making a designer a contact means that if lucky enough to spot it, you can see items about to be released before they hit the blogs, and sometimes, if really lucky, days before they are even released.
    Such was the case this past few days with Onyx LeShelles flickr, one of the designer duo behind Maitreya, has been sneaking some teaser pics in the last few releases, just to whet the appetites of loyal customers. So the past few days, many of us have been all a dither about the upcoming release of the Shearling Boots – more of those to come soon – and the prim feet socks.

    As soon as I saw these I knew how much fun I would have with them, I wont crack a crystal egg, but if I could find the right slide animation for my run or something I’d be set. Thankfully aDORKable poses had a perfect static pose for my recreation of this famous Tom Cruise socks move. I should be facing the other way, but I wanted to show off the new dress by Adam n Eve at the same time, perfectly created to be the ultimate shirt dress.

    The socks are of course the new Maitreya ones, they come in packs of ten with not only flat feet, or pointed toes, but also the ability to make the feet vanish leaving the socks upper and can be worn with other shoes, for a most realistic look, because when the shoes come off,  one click and your feet will reappear, how cool is that. I see these being an awesome gift for men this year too.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Nick – Uncle Web Studios

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: NYC Shirt Dress – Adam n Eve

    Shoes/Boots: scrunched prim socks – Maitreya 


    Gudshu Glasses – Blues

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck