
Enough is Enough


Leatheretta Untouched


When is enough enough ? when it comes to crediting items in Second Life blogging, many have differing opinions. The one that actually gets on my wick is the poses portion of crediting.  I always credit the pose store I use. I have done that since the beginning and I have been SL Blogging for 7 years now. But every once in a while something comes up about the wrong way and the right way to do it. This is not something that has actually come up to my knowledge recently, it has just festered in my head for a year now.

Those that credit the pose by name as well as the store, great, good on you, I think that is wonderful that you do. I can do it too, as my VR Studio HUD lists everything I use by name on my screen etc. It is not that I am lazy or that I don’t want to give them the attention. As many of you will also know, I often even put the name of the pose store ON my pictures – not always, but many times I do.  It is because to me crediting a pose by name is the equivalent of sending someone to find a needle in a haystack.

If a pose is a couples pose, sold separately in a stand, then sure, name it, that will make more sense. But when the pose is a single pose from some random pack, then again good luck finding it by name. For one thing you cannot area search a pose, sure if you have the name of the pack too that will help, but if it is just the pose name, then having to look through possibly a hundred stands one at a time until you find that exact pose is lunacy.

I send people to the store, because the store may also inspire them to spend the time on those stands looking at the poses, not the hovertext to see if the name matches. Also how one shoots a picture using a pose, is going to depend on the eye of the photographer, and how they feel about the pose. I have used a figure skating pose to reach for a can of soup off a shelf, that is not going to trigger that for other people. Also which angle it is shot from, can get multiple images out of the one pose, but none of them will look how the pose is presented in the store.

The other reason, is editing. I included two pictures today. I actually may include three, but it depends on if I can find it as it is really old now, but it will also explain. Ok I went to look and found it. Lucky I remembered who I blogged that day. The two pictures from todays post are my final finish, the pictures that I would take without help, and also the third image from 3 years ago.

The first image is edited in Photoshop, but also in world by using the Animare Hud. The Animare hud is on Marketplace and a really useful tool I have been using for a few years now. I don’t always use it, but it comes in handy to have. It allows you to tweak poses, by being able to move the parts of your body you need to move, such as in this case my hand out of my dress. Or in the long shot, my hands out of my hips. So crediting the poses by name would be a waste of time, as they would not be the same pose. I also cleaned up the poses in PS because even though I did move my hands, I still had arm inside my dress, and I have a need to fix my shoulders all the time.

The second picture is how the poses were shot without any use of huds. So that is how I would be showing the items, and it would not be very flattering, so who would really want the pose anyway if they thought it was going to clip into the body.

I think of poses as INSPIRATION, I have purchased some of the worst poses over the years from all over SL, with clipping issues, broken wrists or hips, terrible things going on with them, but I see something, the way a shoulder dips, or the way the neck and head tilt…the fact that the rest of the pose may not be perfect doesn’t matter to me, that is the whole point. But something the pose creator was doing, was right, and there are limits to what can be achieved with the tools we have for creating poses.

The third picture is an oldie as I said and so old that I even have a RL background – which was free to use – but anyway. I am not sitting on anything that is all done afterwards. The attention though is the billboard, and that pose is not real either. The pose was a lot more curved at the back as though pushed up from the floor and arched. I cut the image in half, and rejoined it then editing the join and so on so as not to be visible. I do a lot of things like that, as I am sure many photographers and bloggers do. I also until wearing the Slink hands full time, used to recreate limbs and fingers in PS to take them out of my clothing before Animare was developed.

So while it is always great to credit everything, lighten up on telling people that they are doing it wrong if they don’t credit a pose by name…they aren’t they are doing a great thing by crediting the pose store by name, and that is always enough. It is then up to the customer to be as inspired by the works in that store, as we were when buying the poses in the first place.

Now that I have said all that, I hope you like my leathery look today. The dress from Nyu is just great with any and all sorts of additional accessories and footwear. Today I went with the new thigh high boots from Bax, she has been quiet on the shoe making front of late, so this could mean the start of more coming. The sunglasses also by Nyu are fabulous to wear and great detailing. Allowing me to show off my shaved hawke like ponytail look from Adoness, love this hair. The jewellery is from Zaara’s and you need to go and buy up everything as she is having her annual SALE right now, so don’t miss out, because it is all divine work.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

Animare HUD 

Props, Furniture, Build :

Poses by:



Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

Skin Worn:

Sigrid – Glance 

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glance 

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair (COMING SOON)


Valasca Hair & Hair Base – Adoness 


SIN Minidress – NYU


Regency Boots – BAX Coen


Studded Sunglasses – NYU

Atiriya Stone set – Zaara 


  • Linda Reddevil

    I have different reasons for mentioning or not mentioning a posemaker. If I don’t mention it, it’s because I just plain forgot or I’ve altered the pose to the point that it’s not what was originally created by the posemaker However, if I’m blogging for the posemaker I never alter the pose. I really do my best to give credit where it’s due though! No one’s ever complained to me about it either way. Then again maybe it’s because no one reads my blog anyway. lol

  • Rwah

    I agree and disagree. Long story short when I use a pose made by others, I always credit the maker and name the pose usually unless, indeed I forget. I do not edit those poses. But its easy for me to talk as all poses I not make myself, I buy and try out in the store before doing so.
    Sometimes I’m thrown off anyway because every now and then a pose doesn’t work with a skirt or whatever. Still I won’t tweak it nor edit it as I am a lazy slob.

    But I do agree if you are fashion/product blogger you are in a different world. I do realize that. And looking from a fashion/product bloggers point of view I can fully understand you wish to have everything as perfect as possible. A hand in a skirt is a no no. So there you go, my 2,5 cents and thank you for bringing this up. To often things on blogs are portrait as being perfect while they are in fact heavily edited and that is something that annoys me to no end, so thank you.

    • Sasy Scarborough

      thank you so much for your insight, I try really hard to not edit what is fundamentally the items showing, as I have always tried to be very true to what a customer gets. But I will never fib about the use of making my elbows not be all wrecked because the avatar is insanely bumpy or in the old days rounding out my ankles etc. What you see is usually what you get, but I did add a little highlight to the glasses today, just because I was playing and was indeed showing two pics, so it was very obvious I did. xoxSasyxox

  • Keshi

    I’m really glad you brought this up. I always mean to keep track of the poses I use and sadly I forget once I get it all published and by then I’m exhausted! I’m going to try this VR Hud though. Thanks for the tip!

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