
A little Raggedy


I am supposed to be sorting inventory, so when I came across the items I have on, I couldn’t resist another speedy post.

The Ragtime Dollie is a skin that Rose Farina created for Another Fundraiser II, this is such a genius use of a base skin…the imagination that went into it is just typical of Rose. She put a lot of thought into this, thinking back to the Another Fundraiser of 2008 and remembering that it was a lot of the more outrageous skins that were popular, and she was correct.

This skin even comes with it’s own hair, not shown, but also fabulous, and until sunday it is only 50L so do not miss out. While I had the skin on and I was flitting about the sim, I thought about what a rag doll such as this is like, very limber, I remember tying my dolls legs in knots and doing all sorts of crazy things with her. That made me remember a recentish purchase of some Yoga poses, Mats and Yogo pants and top I bought.

It was actually a really interesting collaberation project between some of the stores on the same sim, and I really liked what they came up with. I grabbed a VR Studio Mobile Library out of my inventory, threw in the Yoga poses from Estetica, wore the HUD and then voila in seconds I was posing on the beautiful mats that were also dollarbies from the same store.

The hair I am wearing is from Fashionably Dead, and is tinted by me to be this colour. The hair is part of the fantastic Spring Festival taking place at Tableau at the moment. It is a beautiful back combed style, and it was because of the demo colour and a little hint from Toast herself, that I found out that a little tint can go a long way with this style… plus I am also a big fan of red heads and pink, because I have never heard anything sillier than once being told at RL work that it was a no no, what a stupid load of crap.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by :


Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Ragtime Dollie – RPC for Another Fundraiser II


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

1st Me:


Butterfly Queen (tinted) – Fashionably Dead ( spring festival )


Yoga Pants, Yoga Top – Rezlpsa Loc




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