
LeLutka Oral Fixation – Gum Gum Boom! & Delights Cream

LeLutka - Oral Fixation

LeLutka - Gum Gum Boom & Delights Cream HUDS

Months of catching Mel and Thora just as they log off, it was like the sheepdog and the coyotes clocking in and out in a cartoon. So worth it though as I am now able to chew in public and make a mess of myself, these are SLife Goals! What am I talking about, well the LeLutka Oral Fixation release is only days away, and the first two items are the Delights Cream and the Gum Gum Boom.

These are interactive treats that work with your LeLutka Bento heads and are so much messy fun. The Delights Cream has a huge assortment of flavour choices, I changed my mind four different times during my pictures then asked Mel to change his gum flavour so we could be matchy.

Once you get all your flavours and toppings sorted you then have to make the executive decision to be a clean eater or a messy eater. You wear the napkin that is included if you go with messy and once you choose messy you select which face layer on your LeLutka head that you want to mess.  Then the fun begins, as you click on to enjoy the Delights Cream is randomly brought to your mouth, you like, you devour and then also randomly you may end up with either a small bit of Delights Cream on your upper lip or look out full on messification.

The animations will lick off the mess or the handy napkin will wipe you clean and take all the mess to its soft folds. You can have a break by selecting hold, or stop altogether, then if you want to take some still shots, you can use the lick or lick more buttons on the HUD.

Then with the Gum Gum Boom that Mel is wearing, you have all different flavours of that also, then you can adjust as needed – remember to wear the gum size that is the same as the teeth size you wear with your head – and you can chew only, stretch which I love love, and blow which is all three with bubbles. Stretch is my favourite because its just pushing your tongue through the gum which a lot of people do with chewing and bubble gums.  The variables are random and entertaining, I love the animations when the gum pops and how it maneuvers back into your mouth with the chews having the gum also move around in there, it is great to have that much realism.

I look forward to more Oral Fixation items from LeLutka,  these will be released at the start of the new week, so be ready.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build

Food Truck (Vintage Navy) GACHA – Theosophy (No longer open)

Coffee Machine – Dust Bunny

Coffee Bean Jute Bags – Plaaka

Country Kitchen Apple Pie, Paper Cup Stack – What Next 

Coffee Arch – Balaclava

Vintage IceCream Trike – bauwerk at 22769

Sauces & Pink Lemonade – Tentacio

WYWH – Beach Set – W.Winx & Flair


Poses by

Part of truck

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Greer Mesh Head LeLutka

Amara Skin Applier – Glam Affair

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhancement Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhancement Nail Appliers : set 124 Flair

Thick & Heavy Lashes (LeLutka Applier) – GIFT –  Flair

Mel Vanbeeck

Andrea Mesh Head LeLutka

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Flat Feet, Male Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhancement Skin Appliers: Tableau Vivant


Pesha – Besom


Mel Vanbeeck

Brandom Shorts – Yack & Beyond

Sasy Scarborough

Conie shorts – Blueberry

Endoas Bikini top Spring Flore – Plastik

Accessories :

Mel Vanbeeck

Gum Gum Boom – INFOLeLutka COMING SOON

Sasy Scarborough

Delights Cream – INFOLeLutka COMING SOON

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