
Ghoul School

Schools Out//

The furniture is amazing, and this lamp totally creeped me out, in the ‘I am just reading over your shoulder’ kind of way. I kept expecting him to tut at me for turning the pages too fast. The texturing is amazing and talk about lip smackingly good looking, those candy apples are enticing to say the very least…I actually had a ‘seriously how is this virtual’ for a moment, reminding myself not to headbutt my screen wanting to take a bite.

Everything about this scene is very kind of Monster High, and I dig that a lot. This Hair I have on is from two of the new about to be released hair base sets from LeLutka Undivided. I loved mixing the parted base with the pristine bun, and kind of ending up with some kind of strict upbringing look. You are going to want both sets, as you get the hairbases, then you get all these awesome attachments. The parted hair bases come with some great ponytails, and the hairbase that is the full release of the hairbase that comes with the heads, have two buns a tail and tresses, they are all amazing. If you are into roots they have those options as well for the hair bases, you can get the normal or roots in a combo pack as well, so you will have to decide what works best for your needs.

I am wearing this great dress that has a lot of colour change feature options in the hud, that is a release at Collabor88, as it is that time of the month again. I went with the black and white, because I had been dying to show off my two tone oxfords with socks by Slink that came out recently. They come with a physique fit version, and a standard sizing options. Also the sock hud has six colours, so you get to mix things up. The shoes also come in a solids option, but could not resist this black and white combination as being my first.

Adding a little colour to the dress, so that I could make this incredible skin applier by Glam Affair just POP! The detailing is divine, and there are 10 different options to choose from. This is number 8, and you are going to have a fine time choosing yourself. It is made with the Polar base skin, so if you do not have appliers for your other parts, you can run over to Glam Affair and pick those up.

Whimsy and I made some rugs the other day. We find that we never have enough, especially when we want to just add a little something something to a room. They are 1 land impact and scripted that you can choose top or bottom, three options for each in each set. We hope you will like them.


Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Maple Rug set – W.Winx & Flair

melting table,  eerie lamp . shorter – dust bunny @ Collabor88

Witching Hour Wall Art, Witching Hour Candy Apples – {what next} @ Collabor88

Location –

Poses by –

LAP – no longer sold


Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided

( Lelutka Heads ) Dia De Los Muertos 8 – Glam Affair @ Collabor88

Avatar enhanced appliers Polar – Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set – Flair


Rosamund Hair Base (LeLutka Heads Applier), Pristine Bun ( part of Key Hairbase pack) – LeLutka @ Undivided


Alisa Dress – Mutresse @ Collabor88

Shoes :

Oxford Heels with Socks (Two Tone) – Slink

Accessories :

Recently Deceased Handbook 2015 Edition- (Yummy) @ Collabor88

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