I Like It A Lotte
Coming on 30th of April, are three stunning new heads by LeLutka. I have done a preview of Stella HERE, and today I am showing Lotte. Also included is the new HUD style for the coming Lotte skin appliers by Glam Affair, that will also be released. You get 8 eyebrow options, and then 8 eyeshadow/liner and 8 lipstick options. As the make up is on the make up layer, you can use the blend and shimmer/gloss options on the LeLutka head hud.
Lotte is a gorgeous face, and you will have to modify your shape a touch for a better fit to the eye area. The reason that occurs is that the heads shape will differ style to style, and because they are not rigged to the eyes, the eyes stay where they were. So with eye spacing and a more forward shape, you can adjust as needed.
I was at Shiny Shabby the other day with the girls, and came across the LODE Gacha. I really love LODE’s work, and to be able to get such incredible work at Gacha prices, I am all for buying as many as I can carry home. There is nothing in the machine that is not stunning, so get to playing.
The other day as mentioned previously we also hit Black Fashion Fair – we shop a lot – and Dead Dollz was like buy, buy, buy for us. Every dress is superb, and all named after ABBA songs, so what is not to love. This gown is stunning, and putting it all together as a look, was seamless.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Lotte Head – LeLutka @ Undivided COMING 30th April
Lotte Head Appliers – Glam Affair @ Undivided COMING 30th April
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 97 – Flair
Guns & Pearls – Vanity Hair @ Black Fashion Fair
Voulez Vous? – Dead Dollz @ Black Fashion Fair
Shoes :
Florence – Essenz
Accessories :
Head Accessory – Snapdragon BIG [dark violet] RARE – LODE @ Shiny Shabby
Princess-dogtag(white) Ring – Mandala