

Flora 1

Flora 2

When you go shopping, one of the things you need to really look at is Fatpack pricing. Often people are a bit hesistant to even go there, based on previous prices of items they have seen. But sometimes, such as the case with this dress, you find that the fatpack is only the price of just over 2 of the colours, so it is a big old waste of stress standing there deciding what colour you want the most. On the other hand though, even if a fatpack price is a steal, you really need to consider the item as a whole, there is not really a whole lot of need for a very stylised dress in every neon colour it comes in, because some items are such ‘statement’ pieces that it will just end up looking like you are wearing the same thing over and over again, regardless of the colour. So save those lindens for some classic items in more variations, that can really boost your wardrobe.

I decided to make the most of the beautiful gardens at the new LeLutka build, and explore a little. With my Marukin poses from C88 packed into my VR Studio library, so that I can pose anywhere I want to…off I went. The dress is perfect, I felt all at one with nature. Even though the necklace is a punk themed item from C88, it white and silver look works beautifully with the blue and white of the dress. Finishing it all off with the perfect hair from Exile.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

Props, Furniture, Build :

Location – LeLutka Mainstore

Poses by: Marukin @ Collabor88


Ellis – LeLutka

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Ever Head – LeLutka @ Undivided

Skin Appliers for Ever – Glam Affair @ LeLutka Undivided

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Mid Feet, Physique Body – SLink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 237 – Flair

Make Up Appliers – ItGirls


Flying Over the Dateline – Exile @ Collabor88


Boho Dress – Tentacio @ kustom9

Accessories :

Charlotte necklace & earrings – La Gyo @ Collabor88

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