Even Betty wants Veronica
On the 23rd of April, the skinners that were hand picked to create skin appliers for the LeLutka heads will release their items. Today was the day that they have started giving us teasers and looks into what they have created. Today I am showing you Veronica, the skin appliers by Adam n Eve.
Veronica is stand our GORGEOUS! especially on the Ever head, which I am wearing in this post. I love the uplift in the chin, the incredible brows, the strong nose, it all comes together so beautifully. There are brow options, moles and freckles options, glow for a bit of extra highlight, and then the bare face. You also get liner options and lips in gloss and matte. Then she will also have new lipstick and eyeshadow appliers available. I have used the fantastic blend mode in the LeLutka head hud, to lighten the lipstick and then upped the gloss.
I wanted you to see the beauty of an all over Adam n Eve skin, because her bum shading, backs of knees, knees, feet and hands, and of course breasts are always just fabulous. So if you have not already ventured into Adam & Eve territory in the past, or you have and it has been a long time, you need to visit. There are Maitreya and Slink appliers for the bodies, hands and feet, and other appliers for bits and pieces.
I am wearing the Luxuria lingerie, that is a bit naughty in that you can see through it, but with the great alpha mask options on the Slink body hud, I am able to make it not sheer, so I can stay modest. Also wearing the new Midi rings designed by Izzie’s these are awesome, as not only do they come set to the different hand types, but are also mod and you can move each ring on its own, so you can fit to anything. Lastly some hair by Entwined from a visit I took recently after Ashia and Justice tpd me over there.
Mark your calendars for 23rd of April, so that you can get your hands on Veronica too….
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Location –
Poses by:
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Mesh Head Ever – LeLutka undivided
Veronica Head Applier – Adam n Eve COMING SOON!
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair
Lipstick V set 2 Appilers – Adam n Eve COMING SOON!
Electra – Entwined
Naughty Rose Lingerie (appliers option) – Luxuria
Accessories :
Midi Rings Gold – Izzies @ Black Fashion Fair
Jenie G
Damn hot!
Sasy Scarborough
Thank you Jenie 🙂