Hair Fair 2013 – INK
I had some fantastic customers service today. While I cannot honestly say that this should be something customers should expect all the time, it was nice to have it happen. I bought the top I am wearing and because of the sleeve length it bit into the join of my Slink Hands, now this is of course in no way the designers fault, as it is clothing layers, and that is going to happen. But I took a gamble after the purchase, as I had put it on straight away, and I messaged the creator and asked if it was possible to get a modify version so that I could shorten the arms a smidge, as I could always edit them in PS for my pics, but I really wanted to be able to wear it off the pose stand too. I said all this in my IM, and again this was in no way a fault of the item, as mesh hands are still quite a unique thing. The creator of the CandyDoll store sent me back the item with modify options within the hour, which was just wonderful and so appreciated. Again, not something to expect to happen, but in this case it was really awesome.
Before I left though I did also purchase the great new SLink feet Add On shoes from CandyDoll called Admiral. These shoes are great, they are a high wedge thong style, and come with three colours wedge option with a hud. I really like these a lot and plan to get more of them in the future, as they have some really beautiful prints on some of the options as well.
All of the hair I am wearing in this post is by INK. Now it is pictured as being for men, but honestly who could not love it, for one thing, two styles of great hat hair, that also comes with a hud for changing the hats texture. Then also this wonderful messy hair, that has that ‘what on earth has she been up to’ look about it. His booth at Hair Fair is just great too, I love the decor inside his, and pretty much everyone’s booths this year, everyone got so creative.
The skin I am wearing is the new skin by Unbra called Anita, it comes with many lipstick and eyeshadow options, lipsticks are also on a tattoo layer. There are many different cleavage options too, and believe it or not this one is a low end of the cleavage spectrum. There are also ones with no shading so that if you wear lolas or other mesh breasts, you don’t have a cleavage conflict. DEMO DEMO DEMO because it really is beautiful.
I am wearing the Chelle item for Love Donna Flora event that starts tomorrow. The tattoo across my chest is one of three inspirational messages at different strengths. I don’t wear tattoos usually, because Mel is not a fan, and I am not a serious tattoo wearer, but I do like what these ones represent, so I totally can see me pulling them out once in a while.
Hair Fair Info
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Anita – Unbra
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Unbra
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair
Chignon, Benzie, Newold – INK @ Hair Fair
Nylan Top – CandyDoll
Dench Pants – Michami
Admiral Shoes (Add ons for SLink Medium Feet) – CandyDoll
(tattoo) Lets Go Back to the Start – Chelle @ Love Donna Flora Event 25th July