
Hair Fair 2011 – Brownzilla


I am all brownzilla again today, which is always fun. I have been playing with shadows the last two days, the one thing that makes me nuts is hair alpha though with them, that and of course things with invis prims and full bright. These are all things you have to work around with shadows on, but I do like these pics, so excuse the blown out blonde – that would make a really cool colour name.

Elikatira’s Hair Fair release is as usual really sweet. I especially like the medium length true bob, it is such a nice everyday wear style, you can see some taking on as a permanent feature of their av. The headband style is really delicately pretty, with a dancers kind of look to it, or a trip to yoga perhaps. If you already have it all, then you also need to run over to her main for the flf release today.

I am wearing some gorgeous dresses from MichaMi, I adore this brand, she has grown into such an incredible designer. The styles she is producing lately are such beautifully finished products, that it is things like stitching and seam work that really helps you appreciate the brand. Also MichaMi clothing is hell sexy, so be sure to go by and pick up everything.


Hair Fair Banner 2011

Hair Fair Slurls

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by :

Long Awkward Pose

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Airhead – Curio


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


Pretend, Story, With – Elikatira @ Hair Fair


Leather Dress, Vee, It’s a Wrap  – MichaMi


Secret Boots, Move Pumps – Elikatira


Pashmina, Ramya Wood Bangles – Zaara


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