
Ruling my Roost



I put on this wonderful hair, with its great hairbase, and it inspired my day, and my looks.

The hair is from Milana, the wonderful duo of Asuka Martin and Sharifa Morenz. Once Sharifa got here from the teen grid, Asuka was ready to join forces. Those that remember when Asuka got here herself will also remember she left many talented friends behind, so now all is well again with the world. I really love how the hair base is really soft and fluffy looking, especially in the platinum tone, and this shaved on one side style is all sorts of fun.

All the Milana styles are just excellent, and while I am writing this Whimsy and I are on our way over again, because she wants the hair I have on in the second pic lol. The first pic though, aside from the hair, look at that coat, OMG it is so incredible, I love bustles, especially on skirts, but on a coat like this it is extra win. Not only win, because even though I bought mine on marketplace for more, the store has this coat at only 50L which is kind of criminal I think, it is just too divine, but as well all have gotten used to over the years Pixel Dolls and its prices never make much sense. Not saying I want everything to be a lot more, but I do wish that things would stay priced accordingly for longer than they do.

I grabbed the more fitted jacket as well while I went over for a second coat, one off marketplace one in world, that is how I found out the price difference…and loved the idea of it with these fabulous booty shorts from League. Both looks work extremely well with the Whitney boots from SLink.


Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by :


Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Penelope – YS & YS


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

1st Me:


Willow , Milana Hair Base – Milana


Bourbon Bustle Coat – Pixel Dolls

Leather Pants – Deviance


Whitney Boots – SLink


Byzantine Cross set – Essentia


2nd Me:


Arielle – Milana


Bourbon Top – Pixel Dolls

Booty Shorts – League

Knee High Socks – The Strand


Whitney Boots – SLink


Byzantine Cross Set – Essentia


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