
Your Mumma wears army boots





I watched an incredible movie the other day, the idea was that you got to know exactly when you would fall in love with your soul mate. The movie is called timer, and you would think it would be straight forward and all that, but it was amazing the different things that could go wrong, or right as the case may be. What would it change in you ? the idea of knowing that something had a timer on it, wealth, happiness, love…would you be reckless until then? would you be a lazy moo and do nothing lol. All interesting thoughts really, fun film, you should watch it if you see it around.

Speaking of movies, Whimsy and I went to the unveiling of Harbinger last night, it is the latest movie by Phaylen Fairchild, and it is a totally different direction than Divas. This movie was scary, unfortunatly since last night it has gone private on YouTube, but probably just for some last minute editing. So you should look it up when you have a moment and want to be scared out of your wits.

Anyway, on to not scary things. The new boots by Gos are GTFO. These boots are great hiking style boots, with wonderful texturing features, as all Gos items have. This time though it will only be the fat packs that allow for combination changes, otherwise it’s a set look per colour combo. They were a perfect accompaniement to the latest items from Royal Blue, have you seen the new Royal Blue store? it is fabulous, a floating flagship in the sky, you really need to check it out, especially if you have been wanting some of her older items from her leLutka range, as they are all now in her outlet section.

I am wearing her What’s Up Spock leggings ( Marni has the best names for things) with some upper items from Aoharu, the off the shoulder top is just divine, and the simple leather jacket is going to get lots of wear in the future, it is stunning work texture and sculpty wise. The beautiful bag I am wearing on the left is a latest release from Ondyra Originals, the Marina Shoulder tote, such lush colours these come in, and the weave is great, they come with three options for wear, and the colours go with the shoes and clothing also recently released.

In the second pic I am wearing the latest Lounger sets from, so fun and comfy, so much so that I went shopping in the sage and even then onto the movie premier in it last night lol. They all come in matchy matchy colours and prints, but you can of course mix and match like I did. The colours are also lovely for extenders under even shorter tops, as they come on all layers. After the movie I had a great time on the “Reap the Wild Wind bookpile’ created by W.Winx (which is of course Whimsy ) this build is amazing fun, and brings you back to those days home sick from school, when you could turn your imagination into the most wonderful of adventures.

You will of course have noticed all the beautiful hair I am wearing in this post, it is all by Elikatira (previously ETD) the styles are just beautiful, and luxurious in texture, I would be so hard pressed to find a favourite, I know that one in particular has been seen sported by many, but I would have to say Vivid the bottom right in the grey is just divine, It has everything and more you can want in a hairstyle….so beautiful.

Which brings me to the last pic, all of this of course wrapping itself around the divine pale version of Mima by LAQ. This skin was released just moments before Halloween, and I didn’t have a chance to show it then, but I don’t think it should only be considered as such, as it has such wonderful make ups, and only two of the skins comes with blood, which can be used for art, machinema, halloween, costumes, or RP, whatever works for you. The tone is beautiful and I decided to bring out the adorable dress by Rotten Toe to do it justice, as well as The Corrector neck corset, that seemed to fit right in.

To even out the visual I went with the latest wings by Material Squirrel, these are so amazing, that Kala has gone on to create in sculpted form, what she has always done with prims, is a testament to the passion and education that Second Life inspires amongst its residents.

Enjoy your day, and if you haven’t already read the High Res Myth post that Mel did earlier today, you need to. HERE

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Picture :

Hair: Lasting 1 & 2 – Elikatira

Skin: Mima Pale – LAQ

Clothes: Off Shoulder Gauze Tunic, Basic Blouse Black, Simple Jacket – Aoharu

What’s Up Spock Leggings – Royal Blue

Helena Sash – Persona

Desi Sweater Dress – Eclectic Apparel

Shoes/Boots: GTFO Boots – Gos


Marina Shoulder Tote: Chinese Laquer – Indyra Originals

Lashes – LeLutka

Eyes by : Fusemelon

Poses by : Glitterati

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Picture :

Hair: Melody, Fresh, Mood, Rush – Elikatira

Skin: Mima Pale – LAQ

Clothes: Lounge Set –



Lashes – LeLutka

Eyes by : Fusemelon

Poses by : Glitterati

Reap The Wild Wind Bookpile – W.Winx

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Picture :

Hair: Rush, Rumor, Vivid – Elikatira

Skin: Mima Pale – LAQ

Clothes: Dark Blossom Black – Rotten Toe

Paint Filled Dreams – Royal Blue

Shoes/Boots: Goth Ribbon Lace up boots – J’s


Diabolical Demon Wings – Material Squirrel

The Corrector – Maison Broceliande

Lashes – LeLutka

Eyes by : Fusemelon

Poses by : Glitterati

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

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