Bax,  Discord Designs,  Stellar,  VR Foundry,  WWI

Hump de Hump


Olive 2

I am having 80’s hair day today, all by myself maybe, or not…because some of you I know will love these styles as much as I do. The first one I think is just gorgeous , and if I had truly curly hair, I would be so happy if it styled as perfectly as this. My mums friend had a daughter that suffered from dry scalp as a baby, her mum used to massage it with baby oil every night, and her hair turned out just like this first style…I don’t know if one had anything to do with the other, but start rubbing, because it cannot hurt.

The month of March is definitely a green month, as St Paddy’s day is just around the corner, and for some odd reason I always think of Stellar when I think of that day, probably because they usually do such fun group gifts for the day. This year I decided to get in first and enjoy the beautiful green knit dress , with some gorgeous green suede boots and fun garter socks.

The second look was a bargain as the skirt is one of four that are available today with the humpday bargains to be found around the grid. I happened to stumble into that one, so while shopping there anyway grabbed it too, I was kind of naughty as I didn’t even wait for the rez but at 69L who cares. Four colours in the skirts and one of them was also green, so tempted but didn’t want to give up the chance of using the pink option on my white boots – yes confusing, but it feels like getting a free pair.

The hair I am wearing in the second pic is not for the faint of heart, this weighs in at 418 prims on two attachment points. That is some piece of work, and so cool to finally have a longer version of the much loved braids styles from Discord Designs. I have always loved these styles of hair, and I have to admit that with the ever growing number of skins with hair bases, this sort of look just got even better with that option.

Today I am wearing the Sheva skins again from unBra , I couldn’t resist wearing more of those beautiful make ups. The eyes are just so mesmerising, and the lips lush and full. Doesn’t hurt at all that the body is sexy as hell also. I do think personally that I could do with the breast area toned down a touch, as the crease in the cleavage for my shape sits a bit too high, but when wearing revealing and tight clothing, it all works, and works well.

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Picture 1:

Hair: AGATA Model  05 – W & Y

Skin: Sheva- redux A / M5 – unBra

Clothes: Timeless Knit Dress – Stellar

Army Girl Garter Socks – World Wide Industries

Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots Green Suede – BAX


Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

Poses/Animations: Persona

Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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Picture 2:

Hair: Monique – Discord Designs

Skin: Sheva- redux A / M11– unBra

Clothes: Plaid Micro skirt flexi, Gidget Shirt– Stellar

Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots patent white – pink option – BAX


Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

Poses/Animations: Persona

Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0 VR Foundry

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