Designer Photo Contest-RFL Clothing Fair
RFL Clothing Fair 2009 is less than 24 hours away. Starting tomorrow 16th March SLT the fair will run for one week, where 170 designers will be selling their products and also having up for sale an item where ALL money will go to RFL.
Many other events are happening during Clothing Fair one of which is the Photo Competition.
Details from Notecard.
The RFL Fundraising season is now on its way. This gives us an opportunity to have an amazing fundraiser as part of the fair .
So…Its time for the first annual Clothing Fair RFL Photo contest!
Category name: RFL exclusive style (both categories: Male and Female)
Goal: Mix and Match the exclusive items available from the RFL-kiosks during RFL Clothing Fair to create a composite style.
Each Item must be purchased from the fair.
The look must include items from at least 3 different designers.
The person must add on the description of the photo the reference of store name and item name for each RFL-item that comprise the final look, so other people can buy them if they wish have the same look.
Mix and Match
Prizes will be given to the Best Male and Best Female COMPOSITE. This event is sponsored by the designers of the fair and photoLIfe. Each winner will recieve a brand new photoLIfe Studio plus a wonderful gift bag from the designers.
Just some basic rules to remember…1. all photos must be PG rated…absolutely NO nudity…2. May be post processed. We want your best work … .3. Focus of the photo must be a of RFL outfits purchased at the fair…4. No more then three entries per person…5.Have fun!
Upload your entry to
Contest Runs from 10am slt March 16, 2009 till 6pm slt March 22, 2009 . Winners will be announced at Party at 6pm-8pm slt on March 23 on the Entertainment sim at the Fair.