SOME Shoe Fair Yummies
One of the funny things about fairs etc for me , is that generally with work I have access to the locations, to help set up for work.
The funny part is that nearly every single time I completely forget I do have such access and never really think to take advantage of it, so just like clothing fair it was only really the last minute I went OOOOooooooo runs around lol.
So here are some goodies I was able to grab and also were given to show you all that are available at the fabulous Shoe Fair that opened earlier today.
First off Enkythings Ekota Heels , beautiful rich textures in 24 stunning colours, the style is a classic cross strapped court shoe, Perfect for suits and business attire and beautiful with the gorgeous summer frocks around at the moment. I especially like this style with pants as you can see a hint of the beauty and then just want to see more, my favourite feature is that adorable V just at the start of the toe cleavage – a customer gave me that expression once and I kept it lol.
So many more beautiful shoes in Enkythings booth at the fair so make sure you grab all the demos and see for yourself.Next are the Divine Virtue Heels from Maitreya if you love these you will have to go to the fair to get them , as they will not be available at the store EVER . They are also the Maitreya ASPCA 100% donations shoes , that means like all vendors at the shoe fair that either 100% of one style or a percentage of all styles will go to the ASPCA a wonderful cause, so make sure you get these and know your money is going to a worthy cause.
The texture on these are just stunning and the style is gorgeous , there are two versions in the pack one is a resizable one if you need that for your shoes.
The HUB has released for the fair the beautiful Athena Shoes, wonderful cut out wedge heels which is their signature style, a beautiful almost metalic texture in a delightful array of colours.
They also have a wider ankle version which is handy, and these will also look adorable with beachwear and summer frocks, but with those metalic looks can easily move into nighttime frivolity.
Lastly and this is thanks to Alexa Lioncourt for wearing the cloven hoof version for two days and intriguing me with them. Proof I was oblivious as the booth for these at Lazy Places was right near works booth lol.
Also a fantastic build there are so many that have put a unique touch to their spaces with their spare prims. The Ungulate boots I chose are the Equine ones as in horsey hoofs, and they are so cute , not only is the design of them wonderful but they also leave prim hoof prints as I walk.
Not the particle kind as those will move with your view , but prim ones will lead a trail after you, so cute and so much fun , you can turn that function on and off though , and be aware that they wont work in no build areas so don’t panic is you don’t see them, they also are scripted to change size on click so thats also a great feature.
Ok so thats my quick grabs at Shoe Fair I hope you all get on over there and grab your own shoe love, also as it is a Charity thing if you have been ooooing and aaaaing over a particular shoe for a while , go see if its at the fair and maybe you will be helping some wonderful animals at the same time ♥ also be sure to check out the poses in Juicy booth , I used one in the pics the one on the right is one of them , and great for taking pics of your new yummies, also they have one set out as a freebie.
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and also available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose
Ana Lu Fresh Poses
Naughty Neko Designs
Imperial Elegance
Lost Angels
Studio Sidhe