Freebies,  Fundraiser

Another Reason to go to Fashion Expo

Yesterday Efe and I did a run through of the Fashion Expo thats running at the moment.

So many incredible stores there, with RFL vendors and such huge shops its a breeze to see everything all at once.

We wandered into Eros, and the designer Keth Mommsen was in attendance. Such beautiful gowns, dresses and Menswear are featured at the location, as well as this incredible FREE Gown – and guys there is also a FREE Tuxedo.

Keth was lovely enough to model some of her creations for Efe and myself and it was INSTANT system skirt love for me. I have no need for a gown at the moment, but Eros is definitely a store that will be on my Must Go To list from now on, when the need arises.

The helena gown and the one thats right in front of you when you enter – yes cant remember its name lol – are both stunners. Make sure you check their space out in depth, and don’t forget to grab this stunning Gold Urbanity Gown for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Another item that was a MUST HAVE at the Fashion Expo for me, were actually a few items at Zaara’s store, I got a lot of other things too, but this Kaya Onyx set is Divine, not only was it incredibly priced but when I got it open, I found not only did it have this wonderful gold combination but also my first love SILVER.

Zaara Kohime the designer behind Zaara Indian Couture is a lovely lady, and her beautiful creations will help you feel like the Princess you all are.

Another MUST HAVE are the Limited Edition Fashion Expo ONLY Long Akward Pose poses. Yes Dove Swanson has made one set of poses that you can only get at the Expo, I am using one of the poses in the shot but the others are by her too, and also available at the Expo.

My favourite Gold shoes are by Digit Darkes and don’t hurt me, but the only LM I have for the Expo is the one landing at her door lol – I promise it isnt a plot. But all the stores mentioned in this post as being there, are only a few stores along either side of Digit Darkes.

The shoes are the fantabulastic Sandstorm Snakeheels, and if you don’t already own these shoes, then you are missing out on something incredible.

The hair that ALWAYS reminds me of Priscilla Presley is by Bishwear, and is a FREEBIE at Savoir Hair in world location, which if you didn’t already know is run by Teagan Blackthorne and Laynie Link. Teagan is in this months Dark Eden Girl of the Month Competition , and the last night to vote is saturday night with an incredible party held in the Dark Eden Club, so make sure you get your vote in for Teagan at Dark Eden store.

Yummy Yummy skin is a collaboration between Popfuzz Bamboo and Mimi Coral and is the Golden in Tan, I adore this line of Collaborations they have done , I hope to see more in the future. The beautiful Gold Hair Rose is by Essentia and I would cry if I didn’t have the Gold and the Silver, they go with everything when the other 50+ colours don’t match something lol.

So make sure you get over to Fashion Expo time is running out.

Eros, Digit Darkes, Zaara Indian Couture and Long Akward Pose can be all found HERE
Savoir Hair

Always thankful for:

Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and also available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose
Ana Lu Fresh Poses
Naughty Neko Designs

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