
Wheelies Items and More info

I have put together a kit and sent to as many as I could, the kit has the two images shown -thanks to Luicee Babii – as well as a script and donation kiosk -thanks to Mel Vanbeeck.

A notecard explains all as well as my plea.

The script in the kit is for you to put in the vendor/box of the items you are willing to donate ALL or Part of the money from. Any part of the sales is a very welcome contribution and so appreciated.

The script is Description Based , when you put items in your vendor/box you put in the script then go to the General tab of the edit menu and where it says Description under Name you type in the price/then what you want to give to Wheelies.

Example: selling an item and you want ALL money to go to wheelies and the price is 200L , you will put in

If you want to donate a part of that 200 only then it will be
200/50 or 200/100 etc so its price/cut :o) but any help anyone needs with that let me know.

Then once you have done that click on the vendor/box and it will set it to sell for the amount total . All this info is in the notecard provided too. YOU DO NOT SET FOR SALE , the script takes from the description so there is no need to set the item for sale as it will make buy and pay buttons and the buy wont go to wheelies.

ok please please if I confused you all IM me and I’ll try not to confuse you further lol.

There are already items being set up YAY , and I am extending the time frame to the 30th of April so that we get more days to raise funds and people to join in.

Ok I have set up 2 Skins that are of course modded from the Eloh Eliot skins, the tone is different and the mouth there is a demo of both for free and the skins are 100L each- and yes i havent added a notecard saying modded but will try to in the next few hours lol so dont yell at me.

ALL money from these will go to Wheelies , I have set the scripts to pay anotherfundraiser account as its a clean account and then the total at the end can all be given to Wheelies in one big hopefully huge chunk :o) .

Whimsy Winx has also set out her Cloister Fire for sale which is menu driven for 18 couples poses and so pretty to relax by ,l and that and the skins are all HERE . Other items info will be added here as I get told and there are also Donation Kiosks in the Kit -if you want a kit IM me . Those are already set all you do is put down and grant permission.

Hugs to all hope you all can stop by and buy everything you see for Wheelies.

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