FLEUR UPDATE Group Reopens and GiftCards BACK!
Fleur has re-opened their update group FLEUR UPDATES, and they have been so generous as to again put out the vendor that will give all members who wear the group tag ONE giftvoucher that is valued at 500L .
Now for those of you that already know and love Fleur skins, you know that 500L is the value of one skin in their Vivant Range for men and women…….so get your bottoms over there asap and grab those vouchers..with some decorum no stampedes and knocking people down.
This is a wonderful gift to all from the great creators of Fleur Skins Roslin Petion and C.J Carnot, be sure to thank them both and say hi to Samara Barzane their new assistant if you get the chance.
This is not only a wonderful way for you to try out Fleur if you are not hooked already, but also a great chance for new residents to get not only the free to all new residents under 30 days skin at the door but also one of their choice YAY!
xoxox Sasy xoxo