• Hair Fair

    Hair Fair 2024 – PADO Tardfish

    Hair Fair 2024 - Pado Tardfish

    A few styles have made me feel all mighty this year, and this PADO style with the addition of the adorable Birdy Tug Hair accessories by Tardfish is doing that again. I feel like I am a character in one of those ‘Kids of Superheroes/Mythology Gods Movies’ I of course am too old now to be the kid, but I am definitely one of the teachers or counselors that make appearances every 48 minutes. This hairstyle is lovely and sleek sided, but with the addition of these cute wing pins, I am Super Duper. The pins are separate and not rigged, so you can put them anywhere really, which is very cool.

    The Tardfish accessories are very cute, the tendrils just fit against any hair you have, and the little birdies just flitter/animate about doing their thing. Because it can go with any style of hair, that is why you can feel Super Duper, or like a Disney Princess, your choice.

    This look also gave me the chance to wear this outfit from Fashionably Dead, because it too made me feel Super :D.

    You can see more pictures from participants as well as other fantastic Bloggers and Residents sharing their Hair Fair looks HERE on Flickr in our Hair Fair 2024 Group.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Poses & Props by :

    Bang Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Wo1X Head – Snow Rabbit

    Nail Polish:

    appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Lily Skin – Nuve

    Sienna Tone – Velour

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    60’s eyeliner, 60’s Eyeshadow – Izzie’s

    Harlow Brows – Nuve @ Hair Fair 2024 (Streaks Region)

    Peaceful Eyes (Gift) – Insol

    Mesh Worn

    Retro Sporty set – Fashionably Dead

    Hair Worn:

    Vicky – PADO @ Hair Fair 2024 (Blonde Region)


    Birdy Tug Hair – Tardfish @ Hair Fair 2024 (Redhead Region)

    Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse